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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. You can't reverse a case which has been decided by the supreme court.
  2. 3 million baht per rai is nothing when compared to prices in Bangkok or Patong, Phuket. When many people want to buy something and there isn't that much of it, prices go up.
  3. "the other day I went to grab a beer with a coworker at a staple western looking Bar on Ekkamai, and I saw one or two attractive (but nothing over the top) girls alone sitting and sipping a beer. Would they also be considered as "bar-girl"? Or just having a beer after work of sorts." How can we know, you should have talked to them to find out.
  4. Maybe the US should start minding their own business and not police the whole world.
  5. He is talking nonsense: "Heinecke also highlighted that the vaccine rollout in Thailand has been slow, with only a small percentage of the population having received the vaccine so far." More than 79.5% has at least 1 vaccination as of Sep-30 2022: Thailand: Coronavirus Pandemic Country Profile - Our World in Data
  6. "Thailand could face imprisonment" How would that be done, an invasion?
  7. You were extorted for what? How do you know what they spend it on?
  8. Who cares until they start learning from this, thoughts and prayers means nothing.
  9. " My ex wife had nothing to do with it either so unless the solicitor did something with it" Only being a 51 % owner most likely. Taxes are always getting finalized the next year. What you believe doesn't bear any legal significance.
  10. "I was aware of signing off what I believe were the last accounts and daftly thought were the docs that got my name off of the business. " That doesn't answer the question. "Not sure why but I searched that company name recently" This sounds you are forgetting a bit of information
  11. A good guy or a cheap guy?
  12. You forgot you owned a company; can you now remember if there were any debts or other liabilities, tax or otherwise?
  13. How did you find the apartment, on what platform? Do you have any communication and on what medium? Did you get any details about the person's name when you wired the money?
  14. They fight in Arab countries to secure oil and minerals, is that ok?
  15. What about these? List of private military contractors - Wikipedia
  16. There are quite a few very bad tattoo artists working from home, so you are just guessing.
  17. Tell the teacher that if he / she does it one more time, they end up in hospital.
  18. I have had delays with all airlines in some point of time.
  19. You don't need a visa for online lessons, you can do them in your home country.
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