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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. I think it refers to private healthcare provided by employers to staff and family.
  2. What would be a historic name, an indigenous one?
  3. For now it is in Thai only, maybe they will change that if they want to help the foreigners a bit. There is also no part to deduct tax credits for tax paid in other countries.
  4. Read everything in the links and you would know it WAS deliberate.
  5. Guess who gave them those diseases: Did Colonists Give Infected Blankets to Native Americans as Biological Warfare? | HISTORY Smallpox Blankets: Did Settlers Use Them to Commit Genocide? (historynet.com) Investigating the Smallpox Blanket Controversy (asm.org) Still getting all sort of problems: A Legacy of Negligence: The Historical Mistreatment of Indigenous Peoples in the United States - Berkeley Public Policy Journal
  6. They were killed off and it was genocidal intention, shame your schools don't teach you that.
  7. Production machines would be useless for the new products = new machines Staff would be useless for the new products => new staff (redundancy money for old staff), retraining maybe possible but how long would it take? Medical equipment has to comply with GxP compliancy rules, need people who know about this. No way they would have the money and time to invest in this. Nothing more than wishful thinking.
  8. I think it is sad that a country can't find 2 younger, capable people to represent them.
  9. Voting for this man would? Donald Trump said Joan Rivers voted for him in 2016. She died in 2014 (msn.com)
  10. So, it wasn't on his working shift, which wasn't clear to a couple of people including you.
  11. Amazing how many ill-informed stupid comments this thread has, well above average.
  12. They don't leave the workplace during those 24 hours as they need to be ready in minutes to go to a fire with their equipment.
  13. Do you have any idea how stressful firefighting can be? You ever run into a couple of children burned to death. Did you learn how to cope with that as a young child? Stupid comment.
  14. The idiot shouldn't do a brake test with a truck on the road, people could have died.
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