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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Thai immigration police has nothing to do with tax law. Lawyers specialize in separate parts of the law, this could be criminal, estate, tax, divorce, ...... So it completely depends on what sort of lawyer you ask the question. I do actually know something about Thai law because of my work. You are the idiot here.
  2. There is a difference between being the only parent taking care and having sole custody. But he, don't care. You haven't got a clue about Thai law though.
  3. Mother always sole responsible is not true. ID card age is 7.
  4. Bit racist
  5. The law is there but it will affect your income in 2024 which you have to declare in 2025. They will need to adjust the tax declaration forms and communication within government departments doesn't go very quick all the time.
  6. Which they did. Being prosecuted doesn't automatically mean that you will be convicted.
  7. Don't read them or quit.
  8. Let's see how quick he will end the Ukrainian war; he said in a day.
  9. It has been going on from Amsterdam for over 40 years.
  10. Wondering what the future will be for all the non-whites who have voted for him. Wondering what will happen with all the people who cash government handouts who have voted for him.
  11. My wife bought several houses / land and never needed a lawyer.
  12. He certainly knows how to ignore workers rights. Will be a laugh when all the hard workers on low wages get what they voted for.
  13. Think Putin's friend Trump will change that soon.
  14. Send your children to school yourself.
  15. Can you stop that crap about no wars please. Trump bombed about 6 countries during his period of being in charge.
  16. Lets see when the USA changes into a dictatorship.
  17. " Officers took photographs, documented the identities of those involved, and released them without further action." What about checking for work permits, visas and then kick them out of the country?
  18. It is an invasion. Why do you have an army, to stop invasions.
  19. A little more than that: US Capitol riots: What happened and who has been punished?
  20. You clearly haven't got a clue what fascism is. Glad that this circus is coming to an end.
  21. Yet you are happy to frame the woman for theft by paying the police to choose to work against the woman. Nasty habit.
  22. "I tossed her 50,000 baht wrapped in a rubber band. We continued to party until closing time" You have poor reading skills.
  23. He gave it to her and now wants it back. Go learn about the law or drink coffee with butter.
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