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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. No, it isn't, you cancelled my votes.
  2. If you are allowed to do it, they have a corkage fee of a couple of hundred baht.
  3. Get a second opinion and decide if you want to take care of the cat or not.
  4. Trump is an absolute disgrace to the country: Trump Admits Staff Has Seen Documents (msn.com) What muppet is still believing that this clown is fit for presidency? "before admitting that Mar-a-Lago employees "of course" have seen some of the classified documents he stored at the Florida resort."
  5. People should just avoid overstaying, no problems then.
  6. "For a man his age and in excellent health, Covid-19 posed little threat." Absolute BS
  7. Lets see about that 1 Liverpool Lou 2 Liverpool Lou 3 Liverpool Lou
  8. "We want this POTY to be" Who is we? Strange you can vote 3 times on the same person. Why not use the voting option of this forum which is much more transparent.
  9. Especially if you build bases in a country without consent of the local government.
  10. You get what you pay for. If you want good quality, you pay. Don't moan about an 11 usd room.
  11. "U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria" They have invaded Syria, so no self-defense.
  12. You have invaded Syria against the will of the government, so can't call it self-defense. You need to stop invading countries.
  13. Depends if he rents it out personally or his company does.
  14. Old folks home? Where I come from till 6-12 is morning, 12-6 is afternoon, 6-12 evening, after 12 night.
  15. So how are you going to do: evening cocktails at a rooftop bar. im feeling generous today so i may ring the bell. You might want to bring a lot more than 15K.
  16. Tru money isn't a bank. I opened a bank account on a tourist visa many years ago, still active.
  17. They can't kick you out on a valid lease when you pay on time and aren't disturbing the peace (they need proof for that). They can "not renew" your lease depending on what your current contract says. Normally when your lease runs out and you don't sign a new contract, it will be a month's notice from either party. The police have no say in this unless illegal things are happening.
  18. Don't overstay, simple as that. 80 days is taking the pjss, now they are having a laugh.
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