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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Not good money at all, there are jobs that pay way more. Private hospitals pay more.
  2. If you work in your company, you need a work permit and a different visa. You won't get the work permit when you don't have the 4 Thai employees.
  3. If you work while in Thailand you need a visa to match and a work permit. Get e reentry permit with this visa and you will be fine.
  4. That dude was working in what position, was he a lawyer?
  5. You can always negotiate but you need to have something in hand why they should pay him more than required by law. Threatening to spill secrets will backfire. With a position that high, he should be able to negotiate by himself instead of paying a lawyer to do so.
  6. You can't get a loan on the land when it is already collateral for the government loan and you weren't able to pay back on time.
  7. It would be a waste of money as he is getting what is expected by law.
  8. Why the " what she says goes"? If it is her house yes, otherwise tell her to get out of the house.
  9. Call an ambulance or GRAB and let them bring you to a hospital.
  10. No, Mike Lister said the same as me, it works like that in Western countries too. That you don't agree has no value for the law.
  11. There is a formal announcement system, the Royal Gazette. Not many people read this, but lawyers and news agencies do. Like said before, it is everybody's responsibility to get informed. "nobody told me" or "i am old" is not a very good excuse. You have been alerted by reading this forum.
  12. You might think it is ridiculous but it won't help you in court. If you don't know things it is your responsibility to get somebody to help you.
  13. In any country you are expected to know the law, claiming ignorance doesn't clear you from that fact.
  14. No, that isn't the target. The target is people who drink wine which can be seen as a luxury drink. A lot of the people in this forum only mix with poor Thais and don't know there are there are loads of Thai people making more money than them and do also drink wine (mostly of better quality too).
  15. Yu want to take advantage from an agent to bribe a government official so you can skip the legal financial requirement?
  16. Not really, just a rent boy who wants to clean out foreigner who he doesn't like.
  17. Too many uncertainties, as you hope to have many guests and most likely for short stays, the chance that somebody wrecks the place will get higher. How will you recoup these costs as they could be far away already.
  18. A radiologist takes the picture, then a specialized doctor will have a look at that picture.
  19. From our HR department yesterday, max of 750 thb per month will get higher: "Phase 1, from 1 Jan. 2024 - 31 Dec. 2026, adjusted to be calculated from a wage ceiling of 17,500 THB, contributions not exceeding 875 THB. Phase 2, from 1 Jan. 2027 - 31 Dec. 2029, adjusted to be calculated from a wage ceiling of 20,000 THB, contributions not exceeding 1,000 THB. Phase 3, from 1 Jan. 2030 onwards, adjusted to be calculated from the wage ceiling of 23,000 THB, contribution not exceeding 1,150 THB."
  20. Let's think a bit bigger, Car manufacturer wants to build factory in Thailand but first needs to pay tax on an investment of billions THB. The whole idea is insane.
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