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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. No, i have a couple of friends who are lawyers. Just a small fine in Thailand. Rather spend some time in jail than let people accost my daughters.
  2. A peck on the cheek is something different than a kiss on the mouth.
  3. I have enough of your BS, as you ignore again that i said i have 2 daughters. Go troll someone else as you are going on ignore.
  4. What is the problem with being at 20% if you are recharging it anyway? I understand that you want to be sure that you can use it all the time. Buying a power bank would give you the opportunity to recharge it anytime, also available at Fortune Town.
  5. If she never asked for money, it will be very hard to get a scam case in court. If you succeed it will cost you way more on lawyers and it can take years to get someone convicted. When convicted, you still need to find a way to actually get your money. It doesn't matter if the person is a medium level celebrity in Denmark for the Thai police.
  6. "He" as in the kisser. "My kid" the one being kissed forcefully. I don't have dementia. You are lacking basic reading skills as others did understand and already made you aware AND i said I had 2 daughters but you choose to ignore it and keep sprouting nonsense.
  7. It starts with the person who thinks he / she got scammed delivering a probable story to the police why they think they are scammed. If the police thinks it is a case there will be a police report filed. As you might know the police have a lot of cases and a 500 USD scam case won't be on top of their files for a long time.
  8. 1) you are lying i never talked about a male child. 2) The topic is about a forced kiss to a woman You are the guy who is deflecting (2) and spreading lies (1).
  9. I have 2 daughters, who will never abuse somebody. They do know that I will do anything to protect them from perverts. Want to keep your teeth and other body parts, don't accost my children. Simple as that. So your "logic" has nothing to do with my kids.
  10. You shouldn't pay these bills. If you did and have a receipt, deduct them from the next rent and give the landlord a copy of the receipt/bill. If he threatens to evict, tell him he can start a legal procedure and you will inform the tax office of his earnings OR he will behave normally and you won't make a problem too.
  11. When you are poor you are worrying about paying rent and other bills. I am not a slave to new things or people wanting money from me.
  12. We will do that when the US stops trying to be the world's policeman and invading countries to enrich themselves.
  13. Then you should buy a new car and not a 10 year old one.
  14. They need to help you for free until the year has passed by, then you need to pay for repairs.
  15. Make your mind up, what is it: "Sexual harassment is important" OR "a minor infraction" I don't care what you think about my parenting as the text above shows there is no logic in your thinking.
  16. He and a couple of his supporters can't help themselves: 'Like 2020 all over': Trump again accused of wrongfully pressuring Georgia lawmakers (msn.com)
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