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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. If you are married, they are your kids too. What have you done parenting wise?
  2. Not for a person who holds authority over the child. You are defending the teacher.
  3. It is when you blame the Thai parents for the evil actions of an American teacher.
  4. Unless you run into her older brother or father who removes a certain part of your body.
  5. Maybe look at the parenting in your own country, is that much better or did you find a way to start Thai bashing?
  6. He doesn't meet the financial requirements and needs to pay an agent to get permission to stay without a legal basis. If you pay somebody to commit a crime to acquire something, you can't get by legal means, you are committing a crime yourself too. This post will for sure get replies from people who deny this is the case, but they are wrong.
  7. When will these topics on how to bribe an immigration officer cease to exit?
  8. Of course they have access it is their property. They have to ask your permission to enter while you are renting though. Ever thought what would needs to be done when a renter does a runner and the landlord doesn't have access.?
  9. I speak 5 languages, fairly international. How many languages do you speak? Underpaid schoolteacher by any chance?
  10. " I can't see foreign investors considering Bangkok as an international city yet" Stay with the Grammar Police but don't get involved in discussions about international business because that is way above your pay grade.
  11. And you never seen office buildings with international companies? I do as I work for and with them, so they are there. Interesting that you never seen them. Must have a very isolated life.
  12. Same as Taiwan: Thailand isn't a third world country, keep up: Thailand Overview: Development news, research, data | World Bank
  13. I am not talking about a BOI investment visa thing. My company is a BOI registered company. To get such a company there is a long list of requirements but it comes with a lot of perks. If you really want to learn, then have a look here, there is very detailed information what is needed to setup an office: ○ BOI : The Board of Investment of Thailand
  14. Sprouting nonsense again, you really shouldn't comment and insult people as you have no clue about the subject at all:
  15. It also could be that Charlie Co is at the same level as Beta Co. In both cases she could ask if she could be on the payroll of Charlie Co who would charge Beta Co for her work she is doing for Beta Co.
  16. Google your embassy contact details and ask what they need for a new (emergency passport) OR find your passport. Buy a ticket to leave the country and have 20000 thb ready to pay for your overstay. You will be banned from Thailand for a while.
  17. Nice story but you are not a big international company who invests 10s of millions THB to setup a BOI company. You tried and failed with the BOI software company because there is a lot of Thai competition with low costs and you weren't able to match the quality / marketing power of the international players.
  18. Maybe you should get out of the bars and / or Nakon Nowhere and visit the Bangkok business areas for a change.
  19. Think my kids have a different opinion as they each have already a mortgage free house with land.
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