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Everything posted by FritsSikkink

  1. Before getting custody done, visit your child more often.
  2. Your aircon can use a lot more or less energy depending on the degree setting. Mine is on 28, friend used to have it on 16.
  3. He didn't fall of the bike, he dropped his bags while getting off the bike.
  4. Somewhat to blame? He is 100% to blame as he caused the other biker to crash and end up in an ambulance. So medical bills, and damage to the bike are for the OP to worry about. Very strange that the OP calls it a small accident.
  5. - Moto-Taxi crashes No - Op and Moto-taxi rider fall off ? No OP gets off the taxi and drops his bags on the road and other motorcycle crashes. 100% OP's fault.
  6. Bankbook, passport, debit card. Anyone coming back 4 times is an idiot.
  7. It is dumb (security) and not allowed by the rules you agreed upon when you got a banking account.
  8. It is illegal in Thailand, end of: Thailand Bans Crypto as Means of Payment (coindesk.com) Don't talk nonsense.
  9. Rich Thai people don't have any problem getting a visa to the US or EU.
  10. Only possible if the App can alter the bio date, which it can't and if it could, would be highly illegal.
  11. It is illegal to use crypto to pay bills, you are only allowed to trade with it.
  12. "as even they could not open my account on my lap top" It would be ridiculous if they could.
  13. Nonsense, can be found online and in English, but you can't be bothered to look or read.
  14. "All banks will now be required to strictly adhere to a Customer Due Diligence (CDD) approach."
  15. Non-governmental people aren't allowed to negotiate these things. I am curious and it is none of your business.
  16. USA politicians and presidents have been for sale for a very longtime through lobbyists, system is rotten to the core.
  17. Do you have a motorcycle driving's license?
  18. He got a bill from the hospital, should be enough (has been for me for years). My son, my son, my son....... where was you all the time?
  19. The PM or the Minister of Foreign Affairs weren't with him.
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