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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. If the gang has been seen before on minibuses they might be targetting one particular individual by following her around first of all to see what she spends, what type of phone she uses, how much money she seems to have and where she lives. How far is it from the bus stop to her home and are the streets well lit or not etc.


    That means girls in particular need to be more aware of their surroundings and keep an eye out for unknown persons who often appear close by.

  2. 15 hours ago, madmitch said:

    Most Thais seem to be more interested in the last two digits, which on the official Government lottery pays 2000 baht on an 80 baht pair of tickets: that's an 11.5-1 payout on a 99-1 chance. Or the three digits which pays 4000 baht on a 999-1 shot. Not great odds. The underground lotteries don't usually bother with the six digits, just the two and three and offer much greater odds, though still stacked heavily towards the organisers, and that's why they are much more popular.




    80 Baht for Thais: 300 Baht if you're a farang.

  3. 14 hours ago, Jack Mountain said:


    It's a noble gesture on Merkel's part that she takes the view that migrants can be trained for jobs in industry. But before they can take up that role, they'll have to learn German. That will take at least two years of intensive study assuming none of them tried to learn the language prior to making their way there.


    In the meantime they have to be fed, clothed and given free accommodation and pocket money. The more industrious ones might make it through, but the majority will likely make excuses and end up doing menial jobs or living on welfare all at the cost of the German taxpayer.


    Her problem now is to try and turn the fiasco into something positive which will see her being re-elected for a 4th term next year. But time is short and with no end in sight to the thousands still landing on Greek shores in the hope of making their way to Germany and beyond, her choices are very limited.

  4. 25 minutes ago, DiscoDan said:


    Well thats what has just happened to a poultry company that lost its contract to Betagro and had to lay off 100 workers after  claims made by 6 or 7 workers I wonder if the other 93 workers are happy being made redundant ?  they might not of been paid the minimum wage but it was still more than they would earn in Burma.


    Don't you think its better for all concerned (workers+companies) to resolve these issues behind closed doors with relevant agencies rather than trying to smear companies using  social media ? 


    One of the workers who complained said he was getting 7 USD a day roughly 240 thb 


    ( sorry I stand corrected Burma now has a minimum wage introduced in Aug 2015)



    On Saturday the Burmese government set a minimum wage of 3,600 kyat (£1.82) 


    GBP 1.82 =  THB 81


    So do you really think those 90 workers will be happy and feel that MWRN has saved them from being exploited when they are back in Burma earning 80 odd Baht a day instead of THB 240 ?






    Plenty of companies around that exploit workers, so those who you described as losing their jobs won't be out of work for long.


    Thailand unfortunately doesn't fit the bill as a country which respects and protects workers rights. But that doesn't mean we should tolerate companies that exploit workers for their own ends.



  5. 16 minutes ago, DiscoDan said:

    legal team was supplied by the Lawyers council of thailand free of charge the Burmese government offered financial assistance and the thais declined saying they would cover costs, Andy hall sending a legal team is a myth you can ask him yourself if you don't believe me.


    Where is your evidence that Andy Hall sending a team of lawyers is a myth?


    You seem to be fond of making accusations, but a dismal failure when it comes to backing them up.

  6. 2 minutes ago, DiscoDan said:

    Yeah close the factories and send the workers  back to Burma where they have not even got a minimum wage  that will really help migrant workers out. 




    Typical Strawman mentality. "Let's exploit them for all they're worth because back home they have even less".


    Companies which exploit children for profit should be put out of business and quick.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Why would to want to put a thai company out of buisness!!! Because the tree huggers and green peace donkey's say so no I will continue to buy as I please thank you.


    So you support child labor and companies that pay less than the minimum wage (which is a pittance) to their workers do you?

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