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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. 18 hours ago, ALFREDO said:


    Tastes and interests are very different.

    But, thank you, was very helpful for us all, to know now your subjective lack of interest in that matter.

    Are you the measurement of things?:rolleyes:



    this video has 250,000 clicks and 1,700 Likes and  70 No Like  on You Tube

    So, rated good on YouTube.


    Would be interesting if you have time, please make your OWN Video, no copy from others,  

    about what you're interested in and let it run on  You Tube.
    Then we can check your scoreboard on clicks and Likes, from your (mainstream) topic?



    This is a public forum and I'm expressing my point of view.


  2. On 9/8/2016 at 2:42 PM, lemonjelly said:

    These Bluetooth EarPods, are they going to fall out of ones ears as easily as the regular earpods which are at least attached to the phone via the cable..... 


    Yes especially if they're worn while riding a motorbike.

  3. Looking at the Master Plan 2034 it looks like they intend to add another taxiway to the north of the existing one but on the other side of the runway.


    It also looks like they might construct an additional building at right angles to the new terminal to add more gates.


    However, without a second runway in place the existing one is going to take a pounding from the increased takeoffs and landings which is likely to lead to the airport being closed at times in order to resurface it.

  4. 18 minutes ago, stander said:

    Yes, Iran is predominantly Shia and Saudi Arabia with their theology of Wahhabi/Deobandi is predominantly Sunni. They despised each other, but the one thing they have in common is that they both promote an ideology of hatred and oppression, which is nothing more than medieval clerical opinion with its 7th Century barbarism.


    Iran and most other Middle East nations (with the exception of Israel) view Western interference as meddling in Arab affairs.


    Iran continues to support the Palestinians which has led to frequent clashes with Israel but overal, I don't agree that they maintain an ideology of hatred towards Western nations. Oppression is a different matter, but it tends to be directed at their own citizens rather than towards any Western countries.


    Saudi Arabia on the other hand can indeed be considered an oppressive regime and doesn't fare very well in the 2014 Human Rights Watch report.


    But I think we're straying too far off topic now so expect the mod squad to come do some cleaning soon.

  5. 11 hours ago, swanny321 said:


          I'd have to disagree with you there.Although I'm sure there have been Caliphates and Sultanates which treated

    other religions well; albeit as second class citizens.There are 3 elements that didn't exist in the past; these being:




    Israel - Zionism




      Truth of the matter is we are experiencing a process of displacement via geo-political social engineering; in

    short - the so-called migrant crisis.The key reason for this is amalgamating the 'livestock' (interbreeding)

    in order to ensure a healthy workforce in the future.Nothing to do with mind control - religions; everything

    to do with the Elite/CoI/0.01%  tending the flock!






    Israel has nothing to do with the current migrant crisis. That's down primarily to the Syrian conflict which has also spilled over into Iraq with ISIS declaring a Caliphate in Raqqa.


    In second place comes Afghanistan where the Taliban still maintain a significant threat in spite of massive Western intervention in both material and manpower. Actually, I don't know why the West thought it could succeed where Russia had failed even with all the firepower they had at their disposal.


    Add to that Merkel's open door policy in which she offered to take any Syrian refugees who wanted to settle there only served to accelerate the migrant flow with other countries such as Kosovo, Albania and Pakistan jumping on the bandwagon even though there isn't a state of war in any of them.


    Their numbers are now beginning to overwhelm countries like Sweden, Norway and Denmark which prior to the current crisis were usually welcoming to refugees but have now closed their borders in an effort to stem the tide. That in turn has left thousands stranded in Greece which in itself is in dire financial straits and unable to cope with the influx.

    And then you have the camps in Calais with Eritreans and Arab minorities stowing away in the backs of trucks trying to enter the UK illegally.


    Yours on the other hand is a very simplistic view with little or no evidence to back up your claims.

  6. 6 hours ago, stander said:

    Prior to the early eighties Muslims lived peacefully in the UK and Europe. Then following the Iranian Revolution and the spread of Wahhabism sponsored by millions of dollars of Saudi oil money and with the cooperation of the political elite the demand for power from Islamists has grown.


    Iran is predominently Shia while Wahhabism is a branch of Sunni Islam. The two are vehemently opposed to each other. You can link Saudi Arabia with Wahhabism but not Iran.

    What has led to the expansionism of fundamentalist Islam is the breakdown in law and order in Iraq. After Bush authorized the invasion of Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein on the pretext that he was developing WMD - in reality to divert attention from himself and his failed domestic policies - the US disbanded the Iraqi army. Several of Saddam's military commanders formed their own allegiances which led ultimately to the formation of the group we know today as ISIS. One of them, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri was killed in Iraq last year: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-32347036


    With military commanders such as al-Douri in the driving seat it's hardly surprising that ISIS has become the force it is today.

  7. 12 hours ago, stander said:

    The distance between Muslims and Europeans is getting larger and larger and the pretension of integrating dissipates, as the number grows larger. Islam does not compromise and it will destroy Europe.


    Islam has been around for generations and we've all lived happily together before. The problem this time around is the fundamentalist extremist view which seeks to exploit the difference between religious beliefs for their own warped ends.


    Most Muslims are peaceful people. Imams came out in force to show their support for the French community who's local priest was beheaded by extremists just recently. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/07/muslims-pray-catholics-french-priest-murder-160731131924563.html


    The Mayor of Rotterdam is a Moroccan and a Muslim and has even been tipped to become a Prime Minister of the country. He's often been interviewed for his views and has spoken out against Muslims who want to promote extremism telling them during a televised interview last year to accept Dutch values or to <deleted> off.



    There's no gap between Muslims and Europeans; there's only the extremist view which tries to exploit those gullible enough to believe it.

  8. 14 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    He broke laws, plain and simple.  And now is using this "they're coming after me!" defense.  Be a man, go to Sweden, and sort things out.  Easy.  But sadly, makes for great conspiracy theories.



    Chelsea Manning who supplied the documents Wikileaks published was sentenced to 35 years in the slammer.  I think Assange doesn't want to risk the same fate. Can't blame him for that.

  9. I can't understand how the new terminal is going to double pax numbers from 6.5 million to 12.5 million. After all, the airport still only has one runway and only so many flights can land and take off at any given time.


    The only way around that problem at the moment would be to extend night time arrivals and departures but those would be limited to domestic flights I would have thought.


  10. 4 hours ago, DennisF said:

    I find it sad that many posters seem not to have heard of Post Natal Depression, or the effect it

    can have on a lady.


    Too judgmental without knowing the facts.




    Still no excuse to abandon a helpless child. And in a rubbish bin too. I don't think Phuket garbage collection has any compressor trucks, but I dread to think what would have happened to the poor child if they had.

  11. 6 hours ago, Bantex said:

    I disagree. How can anyone judge the mother without knowing the full and true facts. It takes more heart to give up a child if you know you can't cope. The baby was wrapped in a white towel (not a ditty rag), was left close to business area, no doubt to be found which was what happened.


    And supposing a dog had tipped the bin over and tried to eat the child. Would you still have the same opinion?

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