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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. Open Outlook.com and in the left hand menu right click the Deleted folder and click "Recover deleted items". You'll get a popup which looks like the one you see in the screenshot of items which can be recovered even though they aren't showing in the Deleted menu. Click the "Recover" link to restore them.


    Microsoft doesn't delete mails permanently for 30 days.



  2. 10 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

    Don't even need to have something resembling a gun to be shot by LE, as Mr. Dylan Noble confirmed. Simply pretend to have a weapon. Being black is not a requirement either.:





    He got shot twice and then when he fell to the ground he was told to get his hands up while lying on the ground. When he didn't do that immediately he got shot again.


    Don't the cops take into account that after he'd be shot twice he'd likely be in a lot of pain and might not be able to comply with the cop's instructions?


    After he'd been shot twice and had fallen to the ground it should have been pretty obvious he didn't have a weapon. Also when he was lying down on his back there's no way he could turn around easily and see the cops standing behind him. There was no excuse to shoot him anymore afterwards. Continuing to do so  until he died was just plain cold-blooded murder.

  3. On 9/7/2016 at 4:59 AM, AlexRich said:


    I don't agree that it's a cowardly act, it takes a lot of guts to do that ... not that I would recommend it ... I guess most are mentally ill. So I'm a bit more sympathetic.



    I don't think they're mentally ill. Most of them are farmers and invested heavily under the Yingluck government. But when the current military junta declared a coup those generous agricultural subsidies were withdrawn leaving farmers with no financial means of repaying the banks.


    Faced with bankruptcy, some choose suicide rather than 'lose face' and be regarded as failures in their communities. 

  4. 5 hours ago, HooHaa said:


    so you are saying its you.


    I find it is amusing that you are differentiating between the men, yet using "thai women" as an all encompassing term. 


    perhaps that is a part of your problem.


    I don't think drronie is saying that at all actually.


    Some men regardless of their outward appearance are naturally shy. I agree with him wholeheartedly in that respect.

  5. 8 hours ago, Gary A said:

    I noticed that the Microsoft Lumina 640 LTE is now priced at 3,450 baht. I bought one some months back just to see what a Windows 10 phone was all about. Android is without a doubt a better system but the Lumina hardware is VERY good. 8 GB memory and is compatible with a memory card. The signal strength and call quality is excellent. The camera is also excellent as well as battery life. The battery is removable. I had a Samsung Galaxy S3 that I replaced to screen and was using it. Right now I'm using a phone as a hotspot modem for the Internet. I was disappointed with the S3 speed and tried the Lumina. It is much faster.  The S3 is now in a drawer and the Lumina is back as my daily driver.


    I posted this to say that the Lumina is a lot of phone for a small price. If you can get used to Windows 10, it may be the best choice you could make for an inexpensive phone. Windows 10 is not as intuitive as Android but everything is there if you look for it. There are a lot fewer apps but I have found what apps I use.


    Don't buy a Windows phone: https://gizmodo.com/microsoft-is-demolishing-its-smartphone-business-1778594627


    Also, you won't qualify for the free Windows 10 upgrade on the Lumina 640 which Gary A suggested. That's why it's cheap: http://betanews.com/2016/03/21/windows-10-mobile-does-not-support-older-lumias/



  6. 8 hours ago, Gary A said:

    I noticed that the Microsoft Lumina 640 LTE is now priced at 3,450 baht. I bought one some months back just to see what a Windows 10 phone was all about. Android is without a doubt a better system but the Lumina hardware is VERY good. 8 GB memory and is compatible with a memory card. The signal strength and call quality is excellent. The camera is also excellent as well as battery life. The battery is removable. I had a Samsung Galaxy S3 that I replaced to screen and was using it. Right now I'm using a phone as a hotspot modem for the Internet. I was disappointed with the S3 speed and tried the Lumina. It is much faster.  The S3 is now in a drawer and the Lumina is back as my daily driver.


    I posted this to say that the Lumina is a lot of phone for a small price. If you can get used to Windows 10, it may be the best choice you could make for an inexpensive phone. Windows 10 is not as intuitive as Android but everything is there if you look for it. There are a lot fewer apps but I have found what apps I use.


    Don't buy a Windows phone: https://gizmodo.com/microsoft-is-demolishing-its-smartphone-business-1778594627


    Also, you won't qualify for the free Windows 10 upgrade on the Lumina 640 which Gary A suggested. That's why it's cheap: http://betanews.com/2016/03/21/windows-10-mobile-does-not-support-older-lumias/



  7. When I stayed in a Thai village a few years ago the toilet looked like the one in the pix. Maybe that's why Thais 'flush it' before taking a dump.


    That room was also the shower by the way. By 'shower' I mean you filled that black bowl with cold water from the trough and then emptied it over yourself. Quite an enlightening experience I might add. toilet.jpg

  8. 10 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    "Brexit fallout dominates debate"

    Of course; they've lost a major backer, Europe's biggest military and the most logical, corporate-savvy voice of the EU. Well, that's what they get when they stick their nose into everything, stifle sovereignty and force millions of immigrants on them!


    One of the fundamental principles of EU is free movement of people. Many Brits retired abroad to places like Spain and Portugal. Others went to work in Germany and still more came to live in the Netherlands.


    Nobody forced anyone to go and live in the UK. Those that did who were members of other EU countries were just exercising their legal rights to live anywhere within the EU if they wished.


    The same rule will apply when Brexit actually takes place and the UK leaves the EU, but still wants to retain access to the single market of 500 million people in order to continue passporting financial services as well as other goods and services.


    Talk of limiting numbers wanting to live in the UK as part of the deal is just a pipe dream. There are a set of rules which the UK will have to abide by or risk losing access to the single market. It might adopt a calvalier attitude and try to go it alone, but in the end it will be investors who will force a rethink and finally a U-turn.


    It wouldn't surprise me even if in 10 years time Britain re-applies to join the EU. But don't expect the same conditions to apply a second time around. One of the prerequisites which will apply will be the requirement to drop the £ and join the €. Good luck with that.


  9. On 9/13/2016 at 6:46 AM, TEFLKrabi said:


    For all the smart people out there. If you receive the daily email from TV and click on the links, you're not immediately aware of the forum, you just read the news. OK, if you wish to scroll to the top and check the forum, then you can. 


    Or you can just look at the URL.

  10. 17 hours ago, n210mp said:


    Thanks for that Xircal  but I failed to mention that both  my HDD and the SSD have Win 10 OS with their own programs  on them and can be booted separately, I'm still figuring out how to use the HDD for pure storage and let the SSD just be the start up boot device


    I have an idea that maybe I have to save my files on the HDD, take off the primary boot partition on the disc then  and then  just use a path to the HDD for storage from my SSD?


    Usually when you want to save files to a particular location you would use the "Save As" option rather than just "Save" and then choose where to put it.


    Same goes for downloads. On Firefox which is what I use, there's an option in the General menu which you can enable called "Always ask me where to save files" instead of the default which sends everything to the "Downloads" folder on your SSD.


    If you want to cut down on the number of writes to the SSD which increases wear and tear you could move the Page File to the HDD. You'll find instructions in this Lifehacker article if you're not sure what to do: https://lifehacker.com/5802838/how-to-maximize-the-life-of-your-ssd


    Here's a screenshot of the Firefox General menu where I have the "Ask me where to save files" enabled.



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