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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. 7 hours ago, silent said:

    I'm having a vision of a new policy for transparency that any MV collision resulting in a death and no witness requires it because of recently learning even some Thai people aren't honest either. But I'm more inclined to think the rate of the car's speed might be in question depending on evidence that might contradict the ghostly explanation given by the one and only survivor?  Little things like If they look and find filaments for the M/C lights, examination with a microscope can sometimes tell if it was on or not at the time of impact, or what direction it appears was travelling. 


    It's amazing how many people almost get away with causing death from careless driving, when Adrenalin pumps and enough time to think of a plausible story that appears to have a few holes in it.


    I'm not so sure actually. The damage is on the left hand side of the vehicle so if he was driving on the correct side of the road (the left) then the bike has to have been in the wrong side of the road to have hit the car on that side.


    Even if the driver was speeding, the biker would still be at fault by colliding with the vehicle on its left hand side.


    The only alternative explanation is that the car was on the wrong carriageway when the collision occurred. Most accidents involving ghost riders usually apply to a dual carriageway with a central reservation. The 'ghost' is the driver or biker who is driving towards the oncoming traffic on the same side of the road. 


    I'm not familiar with the road where the collision occurred though. Is it a dual carriageway?

  2. 1 hour ago, thedemon said:


    I probably would have made the same assumption but I have installed on 2 Samsung notebooks within the last couple of weeks. Same result though on those I used the genuineticket method for clean install.


    Perhaps they too extracted the product key from the UEFI firmware (as I assume the SP's did) but I wasn't expecting that to work so didn't try activation before inserting genuineticket and going online.


    I still have a couple of virgin OEM Win 8.1 machines so will try again sometime soon.


    You can extract the product key with this free tool: https://neosmart.net/OemKey/


    Maybe your success is due to the disappointment Microsoft has been experiencing concerning their 'free upgrade' not being taken up by as many as they assumed would.

  3. 48 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:

    I always though the ghost riding referred to late night driving of a motor bike or even a car going the wrong way on the inside of the road to save doubling back and making a u-turn.


    See it all the time with m/bikes flying at high speed the wrong way into oncoming traffic.




    Yes, that was my thinking too.


    I don't understand though why the car driver was charged with reckless driving.

  4. 12 hours ago, thedemon said:


    Not necessary. I just installed Win 10 Pro on 4 Surface Pro's yesterday. They still had the original Win8.1 they were shipped with.


    Clean install. No product key entered. Immediately after installation, put them online and they were activated.


    According to Microsoft's public stance the free upgrade is over. But in reality it isn't.


    Sounds strange I know.........


    It's probably because the Surface is Microsoft hardware: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/surface/2015/07/30/install-windows-10-on-surface-devices-today/


    The article you'll notice was written after the free upgrade had already expired.

  5. 14 hours ago, Scotwight said:

    When you shut down a computer with Fast Startup enabled, Windows locks down the Windows hard disk. You won’t be able to access it from other operating systems if you have your computer configured to dual-boot. Even worse, if you boot into another OS and then access or change anything on the hard disk (or partition) that the hibernating Windows installation uses, it can cause corruption. If you’re dual booting, it’s best not to use Fast Startup or Hibernation at all.

    Depending on your system, you may not be able to access BIOS/UEFI settings when you shut down a computer with Fast Startup enabled. When a computer hibernates, it does not enter a fully powered down mode. Some versions of BIOS/UEFI work with a system in hibernation and some do not. If yours doesn’t, you can always restart the computer to access BIOS, since the restart cycle will still perform a full shutdown.




    What makes you think the OP has a dual boot?  I don't see any mention of that anywhere.


    As regards the UEFI partition, Fast Startup doesn't prevent the user from accessing it. Generally speaking hitting F2 when the manufacturer's logo appears on screen will take you there. If that doesn't work try F12.  In any event it'll tell you in the user manual which key to press.


    What the user won't be able to do is to access Safe Mode during boot up with Fast Startup enabled. For that he'll either have to use MSCONFIG or the Change PC Settings menu accessible from the desktop using Windows key + i.


  6. 11 hours ago, n210mp said:

    Thanks Xircal and Scot  I thought I would check my PC  (It has the ASUS MB which enables dual booting or  at least one or the other )

    observed that I can facilitate the fast boot on my SSD but on the other drive I do not have this option but both Win 10 64 bit OS?


    1 X SSD  120GB  This SSD has the fast boot option


    1 X HDD 1000GB    This HDD does not


    The SSD is the boot drive where the OS and program files are installed. The other HD is just for storage where you can download videos and mp3 files to along with whatever data you create yourself. You can also download the latest graphics drivers to the slower mechanical drive since they're in compressed format. When you run the installation though, the installer will integrate the files on your SSD automatically.

  7. 7 hours ago, ncc1701d said:

    Unfortunately some of them do provide a small amount of business to their shop, but it's not enough to put up with the carry on and trying to keep the peace with the the neighbours. So they do know who they are and have asked them many times to go home. The video etc would be great, but they fear reprisals and it's hard to know if the hoons would do something very stupid to "save face". It could get ugly real quick. It's like that Seth Rogan movie "neighbors" - and just as unfunny.


    It's a difficult situation and I've read stories like it before. If they don't want to take any action for fear of repercussions, they either have to ignore it and hope the vandals get tired of what they're doing and head off somewhere else, or try remonstrating with them. Maybe take a large dog along for good measure.


    Other than that the only other option is to move elsewhere.

  8. What strikes me as odd is that the handwash gel stain doesn't appear on the opposite page. Admittedly, you can't see much of that, but I would have thought some of it would have leaked on to it.


    So presumably it happened in the restroom of whichever Vietnamese airport he flew into. Since that page has a plastic cover he could have wiped it off quite easily enough I would have thought.


    If it happened in a Thai airport, I would have thought immigration would have had something to say about it or even the airline staff when he had to present it prior to boarding.


    And how do you get handwash gel on that particular page in the first place? Did he take it out of his pocket, opened it to that particular page while he washed his hands? If so, why? Is he narcissistic or something and wanted to admire his own photo?

  9. 10 hours ago, madmitch said:

    Something's not right about this story, and being The Sun, who are in the habit of sensationalising, it doesn't surprise me.


    Has anyone else experienced having to pay for the privilege of being accommodated in a Thai detention centre? Normally it's used for those that can't pay the overstay fine. And, as was pointed out earlier, it looks quite luxurious compared to the detention centre at Phuket Immigration office and any Thai jail




    I wouldn't describe the state of that pillow in the Sun's article as "luxurious".

  10. It's called Fast Startup. I have Win 8.1 but the menus in Windows 10 are very much the same so right click the Start button and click Power Options.


    Then click the link to "Choose what the power buttons do". Scroll down to the bottom of the menu and you'll find Fast Startup there. You can disable it if you wish in which case boot time will take approximately 20-30 seconds.


    More info on the subject here: http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/what-is-fast-startup-windows-8-disable-it/


  11. Well the police should be the first port of call, but your friends should present some video evidence to illustrate the problem. A decent mobile phone should be enough to make several clips and he can replay them at the police station when he files a complaint. 


    Details of the time the videos took place can be found by hitting the three dots top right of a video and going to "Details". So if they took place at 3.00 AM say, then that will count in your favour since even the cops appreciate people need their sleep.

  12. On 9/11/2016 at 8:39 PM, balo said:

    A typical educated Thai family without a farang connection are not really lazy . They will find jobs , and get the income needed for the family .  But if a farang is in the house or nearby I believe it is easy to get lazy if the cash keeps coming..... 


    But there are a few exceptions , my friend's daughter work in 7 eleven , I think the salary is 12000.  At least she can take care of herself and are willing to work and that's important . 




    If they continued to work with a farang in the house funding their lifestyle, they'd probably be accused of being greedy. So they can't win either way.


    As for your friend's daughter most of that 12k she earns will be sent back to her family to repay the debt she owes them. If she lives in Patong she probably shares the room with three other girls and has very little in the way of privacy. But at least she only has to pay a quarter of the normal rent and electricity.


    Average monthly wages in Thailand for the working class: http://www.tradingeconomics.com/thailand/wages


  13. On 9/11/2016 at 10:47 AM, Snackbar said:

    Thanks for stating the obvious.


    Poverty and hardship? There is only one sustainable way out, Education. It's easy if you apply yourself as many Thais'do with a little bit of guidance and encouragement.


    Ask any if they would like a nice big house and they will answer - no. When what they really mean is, of course I would.


    Education? It's an easy word to say, but who's going to pay for it? The elitist class has plenty of cash to chuck around, but not the families in Isaan who have to send their kids to school. Most of them are farmers and spend their whole lives in poverty. Sending their teenage sons and daughters to University is a dream many of them can't afford.


    Not only are the fees considerable the Universities aren't located near rural villages. So the parents have to pay for food and lodging in addition to those fees so that their children can study without having to think about who's going to pay the rent next month.


    Westerners have an easy time of it. If we fall out of work we have welfare systems to fall back on. We have health care provision and when we retire we get a pension. Thailand has none of these things. If you don't work, you go hungry. Thaksin introduced the 30 Baht health care scheme, but there's no doctor you can call to come visit you if you fall ill. You have to go to the local hospital and take your place in the queue. But before you can do that you have to pay one of your neighbors 500 baht to transport you there in the back of their pickup truck.


    Villagers do get a pension when they retire, but it's only 500 Baht a month. It'll buy you a bowl of rice a day but not much else. But hey, there are plenty of mango and banana trees growing wild so there's always something to eat. And if the worse comes to the worst, there are always plenty of insects flying around. I have a few pictures of some being prepared for lunch and will upload them later if you like.


    Even if adolescents graduate with a BA degree, they're looking at between 15,000 and 30k Baht a month if they're lucky. The rest have to contend with abysmal wages in factories, hotels and the like: http://www.tradingeconomics.com/thailand/wages


    Probably most of what they make will be sent back to the family to repay the debt they owe them so they're almost always flat broke.


    And then they see their peers working in the bars of Pattaya and Patong who can afford to go out and blow 25k baht on an iPhone and they want it too. All they have to do to get it is to open their legs to some fat 50 year fart with smelly armpits for 15 mins and they've made 3,000 baht already!


    So much for education.

  14. It was just 'ships in the night' if you'll forgive the pun. She works on a cruise ship which means she spends a lot of time away from home. Even if you developed some kind of relationship with her, there would be months at a time when you wouldn't see her because the ship would be in another country. In my experience long distance relationships don't work.


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