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Posts posted by Xircal

  1. As all the above posters point out poor service,high prices and two many freebies for well connected families.

    On their domestic routes they need to ditch those boxed meals on the one hour trips.

    The problem is how do you tell a Thai they are doing it wrong?

    Yes, very much to the point especially with the well connected families issue.

    I'm reminded of an article I read a while back, in 2009 in fact about the directors and their families being given 15 first class tickets every year for both international as well as domestic routes.

    It's hardly surprising that they're still in the financial trouble with those kind of policies.

  2. With QE its only going to get weaker. A lot weaker. The Thai baht is no going down any time soon, They just maintained 2% interest rate that created more strength in the Thai baht.

    Not looking good for EURO.

    The Euro seems to be heading north again: http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/exchange/eurofxref/html/eurofxref-graph-thb.en.html

    I think it largely depends on what kind of deal is struck with Syriza. I can't see the troika backing down on the debt repayment issue, but they could give the Greeks more time to pay.

    In any event, if Tsipras wants the country to remain in the Eurozone, his only choice will be to stay on the beaten path. Either that or get the printing press's rolling to churn out large quantities of drachmas fast.

  3. Firefox forever! You don't have to open loads of tabs and can arrange them as tiles on one tab: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/new-tab-page-show-hide-and-customize-top-sites

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    What more could you ask for?

  4. I'm simply amazed that when they constructed the Suvarnabhumi high speed rail link, but didn't bother extending it to Don Muaeng Airport.

    I used to fly to Swampy all the time and then take a cheap flight from there to Phuket, but not anymore. It's too much of a hassle getting to DMX and after a 12 hour flight from AMS, I'm in no mood to have to argue with taxi drivers who don't want to use the meter.

  5. Sometimes, what I read in the Press doesn't seem to be in keeping with the situation on the ground. For example, some thinktanks are worried that if Greece exits the Eurozone and then prospers, this will lead to other countries to vote for populist parties. But they don't seem to take into account the facts on the ground. Corruption is endemic in Greece. Tax evasion is a national pastime and nepotism is a way of life. Greece prosper? Certainly not on its own. The country has become a nation of parasites who love the high life as long as someone else is paying for it.

    So they'll go looking for another big lender and maybe turn to Russia. But Putin has enough on his plate already with his little adventure in Ukraine. Their own financial market has already been given junk status so they're hardly in a position to finance a whole new country especially since they're unlikely to be repaid when the debt matures.

    Also, Greece joined NATO in 1952 and any turn towards the Russians will get them booted out of that too. That would mean the US being given their cards to quit Souda Bay, Crete naval base which is a nice little earner for them. That certainly won't win them any friends on the other side of the Atlantic.

    Maybe the Russians will step in. But Greece should bear in mind that once in, they won't take kindly to being told to quit if future relations go pear-shaped as they surely will.

    Edit: corrected spelling mistake.

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