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Everything posted by retarius

  1. I've been 18 times to Pattaya
  2. And my question is why haven't the US done anything at all about the 2014 coup and the affront to democracy that the junta appointed senate has dealt to MF?
  3. Can tell you would never be fooled and parted from your money. Must be great.
  4. I drive a diesel pick up and a petrol van. I think EV is a pile of nonsense. I will get one when the technology is there to replace my vehicles.....it isn't there yet. Plus the planet sparing aspect is way over stated......the CO2 cost to build an EV with a ton weight of battery far outweighs what it saves in the first few years of motoring....and you make the vehicle less efficient by dragging a ton weight around with you everywhere you go. Also I have been fooled before by "up to"....yes speeds up to 100 MB per second and when you buy it you find it is slower than dial up....same will be here....range up to 500 km (if it is 30 degrees and you don't use the a/c)....if you turn the a/c on it is 250 km. Then you have the extreme toxicity of the batteries and the vast pollution it will cause to get rid of them every "up to 8 years" (or 5 years or 3 years if you recharge it too much etc etc) Plus resale value of a 3 to 5 year vehicle will be near zero....who want to pay the price of a new car to replace the batteries.....not me that's for sure. No, I'll stick with ICE thanks very much...and in 20 years when I can get 1000km from a single charge on a battery that lasts 25 years guaranteed, and fully recharges in 3 minutes.....then I might think about one. But hopefully I'll be dead by then.
  5. I'm not the marrying type.....but if I were, marrying a bar girl wouldn't bother me, but I'd look out for real signs of honesty and affection.
  6. This is a good point. When I got my police check in the UK, the local police station said it would take up to 6 weeks....lucky I applied early......but surely ion you are residing in Thailand they would know if you had a criminal record in the prior year. Anyway I waited the 6 weeks....the I/O didn't even look at it.
  7. How bad is their driving compared to Thais? It is a bit difficult to understand? I always thought driving licenses were optional as 10 million adult Thais have no licence (I read that a few years back, so they probably all have licenses now? No/Yes?).
  8. What's all this with naked and half-naked foreigners in the news? Is stripping all it takes to get on the front pages?
  9. Lunacy. Does anyone know what the CC or EC actually do that is positive for Thailand? Is their function to eliminate any elected politician who might actually help the poor?
  10. Why are there so many suicides in the ex-pat community, especially this leaping off tall buildings in Pattaya? Is it such an awful place that you have to get away immediately....or does Pattaya cause depression among impressionable young men?
  11. Pretty much everywhere I have lived, Nigerians are involved in drugs, prostitution and general law-breaking. I wonder why they are not vetted more carefully. As the IO goes through my bank statements slowly line by line, highlighting this and that, but never asking any questions, I wonder do they do this to everybody? My visa extensions should be simple....I've never changed address since 2010....never changed bank account....it always has plenty of money....the passport of course, is changed as it expires, but has always been valid....but apart from that everything is the same. After more than 70 years of clean living, am I about to embark on a life of crime? No, I'm already old, never had a criminal conviction, never been arrested, a parking ticket or two is about it....why do I get such a hard time, when there are guys like this chap, no valid passport, no visa, dealing coke etc? Rant over, good for the RTP to catch this fellow....the only question is: was the special BMW involved in this? Askin' for a friend.
  12. No, I'm not a child any more, or that childish.
  13. I'm in the process of closing my all overseas accounts. I have one with Nat West that I've had for over 50 years.....Nat West went from being a great service oriented bank, to a total piece of rubbish. My local branch has been replaced by a cubby hole with 2 people who can't even given you a statement more that 6 months old. I have banks in the US too and sending money to Thailand is always a hassle. One has my major pension and they won't pay overseas, so I'm stuck with them....the other is my Investments with Vanguard, great service for the US but poor for overseas. Plus a few other old accounts, that I'll collect together and bring the money back.
  14. Jim, I didn't know that....but it makes perfect sense to me.
  15. To be fair, I've been here for 15 years now and it's always been 800,000 despite rampant inflation....so an increase to 1 million would not be unfair to anyone. Over the years I've known a few guys here that ran out of money, used agents etc and thinking they were the smartest thing since sliced bread....beating the system. 3 have died in desperate circumstances, leaving their women in dire straits. I don't know why any westerner would want to be poor in Thailand?
  16. Move Forward should be apologising to Pheu Thai. Pita led them on a wild goose chase. If he knew he was ineligible why did he persist in his lust for power?
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