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Posts posted by TechnikaIII

  1. 2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    If you could put about 300K baht in the bank you could apply for the extension of stay using you income for part of the 800k baht.


    Typical false and or outdated info from that website. You have to be married to apply for the non-o visa.

    You might be able to get non-b and a work permit it they offered you a job.

    Ok .. Thanks for all that, Khun Ubonjoe. It looks like I'm up in the air for the moment. 

  2. 23 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    That is commercial website not a official Thai government website so the info can be misleading or wrong.

    It is 800k baht in the bank or 65k baht income or a combination of the 2 totaling 800k baht.

    The consulate in Penang wants proof you are retired along with 800k baht in the bank. The info on that website is referring to using proof of pension income for that requirement.

    2. You can apply for a multiple entry non-o visa in Penang if you can meet the financial requirements. A multiple entry non-o visa only allows 90 day entries meaning you have to leave the country ever 90 days for a new 90 day entry.

    3. Most people have only applied for a single entry non-o visa that allows one 90 entry so they could apply for a 1 year extension based upon retirement at a immigration office by meeting the financial requirements.

    4. The Melbourne consulate can no longer issue a non-o visa for retirement. You can only apply for a OA long stay visa at the embassy in Canberra or the official consulate in Sydney.

    Ok .. Thanks. 

    Assuming that 65K is a monthly amount, my pension of a measly 43.5K a month won't qualify, without a substantial bank balance. 

    Other options are:

    1. A Non-O based on "intended marriage"? .. family involvement/support etc.  My girlfriend is posting letter with copy of ID card to me now. (I'm in Melbourne) .. so I would have it in hand when I apply, wherever.  (I really need multiple entry because of things to do in Europe.)


    2. Maybe a long shot, but a University in Thailand is considering in a project of mine as a Masters Degree Thesis, in which case, I imagine they would need to send an invitation in writing. (We need more consultation prior to enrolment, which is difficult via web-cam only.) Such an invitation could be obtained in time for my preferred travel date. 

    The project, because of it's nature, could well attract endorsement from the Culture Ministry, but this stage is a way off yet.

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  3. Question 1.


    On the site http://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand/visa-run-penang.php It says:

    "In the case of a Non-Immigrant ‘O” visa for retirement, you will need 800,000 baht tin a Thai bank, a copy of your Thai bank book, pension details or proof of a sustainable income, 2 passport-sized photos, and you must be over 55 years of age."


    Is that 800,000 Baht in the Thai bank actually an either/or? Is the proof of Pension income sufficient?


    Question 2.

    Is there a "Multiple entry" option with the Retirement Visa?


    Question 3. 

    I guess several of us have applied for Retirement visas at Penang. Feedback from recent experiences would be appreciated.


    Question 4. 

    Have any of you applied for this at the Thai Embassy in Melbourne Australia?


    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    Cheers, K.

  4. 2 hours ago, ezzra said:

    I'm being sold fake stuff by Thai people on a daily bases and no one

    put it on any social media sites..... 

    Yes but you know it's fake and you don't seem to care too much. In addition, you are living off a much higher income source than most in Thailand, certainly Thai traders who work for a pittance. Smart arse comments don't help anyone.

  5. This sentence leaves out an important word. It is printed as this:

    "They cited largely unspecified information that bribes of 30,000 baht were being demanded from illegal people to trade in the area. Some were involved in human trafficking and trades like selling meat, they said."

    Whereas it should read:

    "They cited largely unspecified information that bribes of 30,000 baht were being demanded from illegal people to trade in the area. Some were involved in human trafficking and trades like selling street meat, they said."

  6. 13 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    The lady in the blue clothes seemed most concerned. The 15 y.o. driver took his time getting out of the cab. Ran right over them and dragged them a few yards and drove over an arm. I wonder what the charges and punishment will be.

    Quite possibly none. Seriously, it depends on who the parents of the 15 yo are. I have had first hand dealings with local police, namely over theft from my premises. I caught the two culprits. The local police chief only want to accept that the obvious low-lifer of the two could be guilty. The other has parents in the local government. Friends in the crowd gathering around were warning me not to pursue charges, although with photographic evidence it was a clear cut case. I was advised by them to accept a return of the money stolen (from my wallet) and let it go. The inference being that it is a small town, and .... 

  7. The word "incompetence" comes to mind.

    The risk of being named and shamed is a very good stimulant, promoting, among other positive attributes, efficiency,  

    But as we all know, around the world, the incompetent are protected in all sectors of public service.

    We have no say in the matter.

    However, this was the case at Don Mueang,  an accidental stuff up due to multiple, unexpected circumstances, one might say. But it does highlight a total lack or preparedness. Not good.

    But try this one: Last year I was flying out of Munich, bound for Bangkok. The day happened to be a public holiday in Germany. So the check-in counters were understaffed, ... only about 25% open. I asked if there more coming to clear the enormous backlog, the crowds .. hopelessly growing numbers. One airport staff person said they couldn't get anyone extra to come in, because it was a holiday. This was no accidental stuff up as at Don Mueang. It was blatant negligence. The chaos was unforgettable. Groups of crowds were being redirected to alternative sectors, just to check in, then, once 'airside', find their way back to the sector with the correct departure gate. This resulted in several delays. I can't even begin to imagine what stress this placed on Air Traffic Control, where the margin for error is zero.

    So go easy on the "Thai-bashing". 

  8. I had never had an overstay in 7 years, until the most recent departure.

    I had misread the scribble and smudged stamp, and was at the border on 29, in stead of the required 28th. My lousy eyesight hadn't helped, nor did being a reasonably respectable 68 year old, smartly dressed. etc etc

    They were all running around as though they had caught the only fish of the day.

    It cost me 500 Baht, and an hour, whilst all and sundry had to sign, counter sign, get their relatives to come in and sign, and countersign the counter signatures., ... then have a party and go for a ride on an elephant.

    All this while I was getting more and more desperate for a pee. You know how it is.


    However, where can I download a TM7 ? .. Thanks.

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  9. On 4/12/2017 at 11:56 PM, DowntownAl said:

    Sometimes I wonder how I get around with a brain like this... I recall several people here saying passport control can be a little flexible on a 1 day late departure. So, I did a quick look in my passport and have a Mae Sai stamp "Admitted Until 27 June 1015 and right beside it is a stamp that says "Departure 28 June 2015" No overstay or hassle, guess my question is moot. 

    I had never had an overstay in 7 years, until the last departure. I misread the scribble and smudged stamp, and I was at the border on 29, in stead of the required 28th. My lousy eyesight didn't help, nor did being a reasonably respectable 68 year old, smartly dressed. etc etc

    They were all running around as though they had caught the only fish of the day. Cost me 500 Baht, and an hour, whilst all and sundry had to sign, counter sign, get their relatives to come and sign and countersign the counter signatures., ... then have a party and go for a ride on an elephant. (All this while I was getting more and more desperate for a pee. You know how it is.)

  10. 11 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

    Just imagine if the " where there's blame there's a claim " litigation industry took root here ..


    So here we go:

    Council for the plaintiff requests the defendant be called to the stand: "The hole is yours?"

    Defendant: "Yes" 

    Council for plaintiff: "You are aware that hole is yet to be filled in?"

    Defendant: "Yes"

    Council for Plaintiff: ".. and you have not set up any barrier, or installed a danger sign. Is this so?"

    Defendant: "Yes"

    Magistrate: "You may sit down" gesturing to the defendant to leave the witness stand.

    Magistrate to the defence council: "Does your client have anything more to say?"

    Defence council stands up: ... silence.

    Magistrate: ... "Well?"

    Defence council: " ไม่เป็นไร " (Transliteration - "Mai penrai" ) meaning "Never mind."

    Magistrate: ... "Very well, you may be seated" .. 

    The magistrate is making notes, and then looks to the plaintiff.

    Magistrate: "You heard the defendant's case? Have you anything to add?"

    Council for Plaintiff: ... "Nothing to add."

    Silence as the magistrate is making notes.

    Magistrate: ... Coughs .. "I find there is no case to answer. Case dismissed. The Plaintiff will pay the costs of the court."

    Council for defence stands up: ... "Thank you your Worship , my client now wishes to sue for defamation of character ".  



  11. The 20,000 Baht may well still be in affect, but it is hopelessly archaic, being written before everyone had cash cards, and Internet banking. I would not carry that amount on me in Thailand unless I was going directly from Bank to pay a bill, or to buy something such as this MacBook ... 30,000+ 

    If the authorities can eliminate muggers and pickpockets from the population, then ok.

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