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Posts posted by TechnikaIII

  1. On 11/24/2016 at 1:48 PM, alocacoc said:

    What concerns him is the requirement that one must have health insurance covering hospital stays and annual coverage worth at least USD$10,000.

    “I’m not sure about the compulsory medical insurance, though,” Carter said. “Never encountered a rule like this before.”

    Many insurance companies do not cover at the required level, he added.


    I don't get it. 10000 USD is nothing. I spent 700 000 baht in one week at Bangkok Hospital. Then, my intl. insurance is not limited to a certain amount of money.


    And, how can someone retire abroad without a health insurance? That's insane.

    Cripes! 700,000 baht for one week?

    I was recently in a Thai hospital for 10 days, which cost me 12,000 Baht, and no, I did not leave off any zeros.

  2. On 11/22/2016 at 11:49 PM, blackcab said:

    Buying a condo on a tourist visa is no problem.


    There is no minimum you have to spend, 1 or 2 million is perfectly ok.


    Yes, you do need to open a bank account in your name only. This may take a bit of asking around to achieve.


    Do not put the money in your girlfriend's bank account because this will not work very well at all.

    ... and besides, with all due respect to the relationship you have with your girlfriend, and I do hope it is lasting,

    many start off wonderfully and end up with heart broken guys coming here and asking where they can hire a bulldozer, to flatten the houses their girlfriends/wives have evicted them from .. houses they have bought, with the expectation of harmonious futures. More often than not, the acrimony is directed by the mother in law, who has decided that there is not enough money flowing into the family kitty. (I am not referring to the family pussy, or sometimes that's the same thing.) The boyfriend is too old and both his bank account and ability to perform in bed have, .. dried up. (Hazards of huge age differences)

    If you have bought a condo via someone else's account, and things go belly up, getting revenge with a bulldozer is a tad difficult, well, depending on how many flights of stairs you have to drive up.


    However, I logged on to read this thread, because I too have some half baked intentions of buying a condo, simply because I can't buy land on my own. I want to build an eco-friendly place with a purpose built studio, and would give anything (almost anything) for a garden, even a small one. Good luck. 

    One more point, only slightly off-topic, when getting down to selecting a place, check out the history of the area, in terms of being flood prone. King tides are only going to get bigger and more hazardous with rising sea levels. When they meet the monsoon flows from the North, we have the 1945 and 2011 scenario. After all, Bangkok is built at the mouth of a river, the drain of a massive flood plain that Central Thailand is. Every time there is a flood of any magnitude, discussions about relocating the capital are revived. 

    Food for thought.

  3. 5 hours ago, DaveE13 said:

    Anyone surprised?

    Not surprised, especially when I see the brutality of domestic troubles in my own neighbourhood.

    And the endless video clips of people bashing up others in Thailand, and kids committing atrocious acts of cruelty to defenceless animals.

    Something is seriously amiss. 

    Where is the justice?

    And how has Buddhism helped this country?

    The police look the other way, and if called in to resolve a dispute, it's so often all to do with the highest bidder .. which includes which side knows someone who can have influence on the policeman. I have seen this first hand. 

    It will not change in our lifetime, if ever.


  4. Anyone meeting the financial requirements could find a much better place to retire.

    Imagine setting one's self up with a residence in beautiful Krabi, only then to find yourself next to a stinking coal fired power station.

    A what?

    Yep. The illustrious General is killing any media discussion on the matter. He doesn't want there to be anything to upset the Thai people during this time of mourning. How convenient that is for him.

  5. Upon my most recent entry at Suvarnabhumi from having been in Australia for several weeks, I was stopped as the Immigration officer was staring at something on his computer screen. It was about the amount of time I had been in Thailand. He called a supervisor, who then did see that I had atleast one Tourist visa during the year. I said I would only be there 30 days before taking the Train to Malaysia, .. for a new tourist visa. I am 67 by the way. They are checking on the amount of time we are spending in the country. I was asked where I stay, and what I did. He never asked for evidence of income or funds. I always make sure I am wearing smart clothes when I both enter the country and go to embassies. Not like some of the stinking farang wearing singlets with bare shoulders, armpits etc.

    I am also prepared with an itinerary of ongoing travels, including a print out of a booked outgoing flight. The supervisor was quite respectful and cheerful, and authorised my entry.

    The easy come and go days are over. Even though it is a bit troublesome for me at times, I fully understand why it is happening and it's not really a bad thing. 


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  6. 18 hours ago, Denim said:

    She once burned a pot on his stove !!!


    How dreadful ................ obviously she had it coming.

    Even I have burnt a few meals being 'detained' .. distracted by talking and/or working online.

    But I didn't feel it warranted killing myself with a hammer.

    Going hungry and scraping burnt food from blackened saucepan was punishment enough.

    Maybe if he had been a more sensitive and understanding husband, to a Filipina wife, stranded in Germany, away from her family, community and customs, she would not have needed to take refuge in her mobile.

    Tragic story. I hope it hits the headlines in the Philippines.

  7. 4 hours ago, ukrules said:


    I read it. I stand by my comment, this violent elephant needs putting down.

    Preferably retire the elephant to where it belongs, in a nature reserve.

    If anyone should be put down, I would sooner it be you.

    The vast majority of elephants exploited at these entertainment venues are orphans, taken from slaughtered families in the wild, had their 'spirit broken' There is any amount of evidence of this for anyone who dares face up to it.

    The elephant is not violent, but your murderous approach to the situation certainly is. It is such attitudes that prevent problems from being solved.

    Just for you, great white master: 


  8. The process at the border is simple.

    1. Thai Immigration stamp out for leaving the Kingdom

    2. Walk over the bridge to Myanmar Immigration entry point. They ask you if you want to stay for the whole day, or is it just an in-out event. You hand over 500 Baht (The price when I last went there) They stamp you passport twice: Once for in, and once for out.

    3. Walk back over the bridge. 

    4. Line up to re enter Thailand. Fill out the usual form for entering Thailand. Hand it over through the little window. You may be asked a few questions about where you live, and why. I was once asked for the phone number of someone in my village who could verify everything. The only number I had was for my ex girlfriend. I joked about it, in order to prepare the officer for an unusual reply. I had also told him she was a busy hairdresser. He smiled at my long hair. "Well..." I said "I did say we are no longer together. To this he laughed and called her.  .. chuckling again when he spoke to her.  he got the verification he needed, and a bit more.

    He stamped my passport with a smile, and that was it. He advised me to get a proper visa for next time. 

    However, you get a stay of 14 days. If you have had several of these ins and outs, expect more questions.


    I don't go there anymore. The van journey is one of the worst. On every one of the 5 times I have done that trip, we passed the debris of a recent accident. On three of those occasions, dead bodies were still in the vehicles. The absolute last time, just 15 minutes out of the bus station at Nakhon Sawan, we were slowed down by something up ahead. It was the van that had left just 20 to 30 minutes before ours. It had attempted to pass a large vehicle on the inside, .. did not see the truck laden with sugar cane that was parked there, and slammed into it at what must have been 100 to 120 kmph, because the driver's compartment of the van had been pushed two rows back into the seats behind: 3 rows of people squashed into one. Vehicle and body fluids were draining out of the crush. Our driver didn't even stop. 


    However, I used to take some extra cash in my pocket, plus a few bottles of water and munchies for the kids who are forced to beg, sitting out in the blazing sun on the "Friendship Bridge." which must have Hell to them. A very sad encounter. 

  9. On 9/17/2016 at 0:02 AM, AlexRRR said:

    After 6 weeks out of the country you loose the supplement, thats it, from jan 2017 work years in AU is how your pension is worked out....doesnt matter where you are or where you go if you leave the country after 6 weeks your supplement is cut until you return..

    Not for long. The "Omnibus Bill" already passed through the House of Representatives, states the intention of cutting everyone off after 6 weeks.

  10. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    Moved to the Home Courtly Forum.

    Not directly visa related.



    It most definitely is about visas, because many will fall out of visa eligibility if their pensions are cut off!!

    Well, wherever it has been moved to, it is vitally important that it is seen.

    It is not just about Thaivisa gossip, ladyboys, bar girls and speeding vans, It is a critically important notice that could affect the well being of several of our members.

    Did you even read it?


  11. "Overseas pensioner travel cut; government votes to limit benefits if you travel."


    Article in the Labor Herald


    If you depend on the Australian pension as your livelihood, this will affect you.

    If you need that income to qualify for residency permits in Thailand, this will affect you. 

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it also threatens to ruin me. 

    In fact, I am totally sickened too that Labor has let it go through without a fight so far .. nothing.

    Bill Shorten was enjoying a trip to Canada whilst the Senate was doing the evil deeds.

  12. 12 hours ago, Eligius said:

    To  understand what is really meant and intended, just reverse the public statements, so that we get:


    1) The military will manipulate the situation to allow him to stay on in power

    2) The country is not going through any transition to achieve any genuine reform

    3) Every sector of society must lend a hand to ensure that a tiny portion of the nation will thrive and prosper.


    I am told that followers of black magic and satanism like to do and speak in reverse. Now - why on earth did such a silly thought leap into my mind?! ...



    Worse ... The only reason he is pushing ahead with the coal fired power station in Krabi, with plans for several more in Southern Thailand is the lovely feeling of having his pockets stuffed with money from the coal mining giants, ..  and let's not forget the gross concessions being made ( by him) to those raping the gulf of energy recourses. 

    At a great and unforgivable loss to the Thai people.

    He is silencing the media on al discussions relating to these issues.

    Thaksin Shinawatra is in exile avoiding corruption charges? 

    Petty cash compared with what this so-called PM is up to.

    The courts, the media, and the government are all stitched up. And he will get away with it.



  13. Malaysia is neither my favourite place to be, nor have ever had any problems.

    However, whilst waiting in line for my passport at the Thai Consulate, there have been several others who I would single out for deportation, disposal, whatever, just keep them out of Thailand. Each of them in their own ugly way, a personification of the word 'disrespect'.

  14. 17 hours ago, harada said:

    I can recall the Lauda Air Crash where the first responders pillaged the wreck, no shame at all.

    Terrible ... absolutely terrible.

    I am so deeply sorry for you.


    Sadly it does not surprise me at all. I have witnessed tragedies here in Thailand, shocking incidents, where people just stand and stare, as though it were a tv screen in a shop window, then move on.



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