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Posts posted by TechnikaIII

  1. 6 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

    Bunch of morons indulging in the world's last legal drug. It's hard to know who would be the more unpleasant to meet, the hookers, or the drunk Aussie with the caustic voice.

    I don't give a damn about why the girl slapped the guy in the first place, but you can be sure he earned it. The fact that he then attacked  her with such force indicates that he's a drop kick and deserving more of hiding, .. and blahh blahh blahh 

    Ohh but yes, as you say: "the drunk Aussie with the caustic voice" .. isn't it revolting??

  2. On 2017-5-16 at 7:15 AM, jaiyen said:

    Nurses are essential in every country, every city and town.  They have always been over worked and under paid, because they care about people. Not like the government who tells them to stop complaining and carry on being poor with no benefits.  But its different for the PM and his mates. He goes to a nice private hospital at the tax payers expense.

    The military general has long passed his 'use by date' in the top job.

    Elections long overdue, but of course he has too many dealings going on. He will not be removed peacefully.

  3. On 05/05/2017 at 6:52 AM, Crossy said:


    One day in immigration, 1,900 Baht for the extension, 3,400 Baht for the multiple re-entry permit, "inconvenient"?


    I must admit I am confused by the various options, and put off by some of the bullish remarks here.

    With thanks for the few friendlier and more helpful suggestions I regret taking the time to post my experience and will sign off on that note.

  4. On 05/05/2017 at 6:22 PM, thecyclist said:

    Don't think it had anything to do with exceeding 180 days.I arrived at Don Mueang last week,way above 180 days in 2016, but mainly TVs.There was no problem at all.

    The vast majority of my time over the past few years has been on Tourist visas, and will several lengthy periods away in either Europe or Australia. 

    I would usually fly in to receive a 30day stamp, then exit Thailand, returning a week or so later with a Visa.

    But at some point they tallied up my total time in Thailand which just tipped over the 180 days.

    And that excess has been carried over into this year when my time hasn't yet come anywhere near it. It's just unfortunate that someone has decided to flex their over excited credentials.

    • Like 1
  5. Don Muang Immigration is now clamping down 
    My passport has always been in order, with never as much as an hour 'over stay'. However, last year I'd had more than 180 days in total, both on 30-day stamps and full 60 day Tourist visas obtained in Penang, and someone has noted this 180+ on my history, which now pops up on the screen.
    The officers have obviously been told to notify the supervisor when they see such alerts, and so I was hauled aside for an hour, and it took some convincing that I wasn't there for work. For what it's worth, I dress respectfully, & I'm 67.
    I have not exceeded 180 days in 2017. Nowhere near it, but the supervisor was carrying over the excess from 2016 and made it very clear that she was not wanting to allow me any further time as a tourist.
    I will spare you the intricate details of my situation, which was mostly family related. She wrote a note on my history, which will be there on the screen for my next entry. I will need an appropriate visa to continue the story.
    (Because I still need frequent trips to Australia and Europe, the usual "Retirement visa" style of thing is very inconvenient for me.)
    Food for thought for you other old fellas!
    • Like 1
  6. "...

    What are the common causes of accidents? 

    -Drunk driving    34%

    -Speeding    33%

    -Sudden overtaking    18.5%

    -Poor visibility    13.7%

    -Falling asleep behind wheel    3%

    -Ignoring traffic lights    0.5%

    -Ignoring traffic signs    0.5%

    -Driving against designated traffic direction     1%

    -Overtaking via left lane    1%

    -Using cellphone while driving     0.3 %

    Source: Road Safety Directing Centre


    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30311834 

    ... "

    A very rubbery list of causes, when several of the above are combined to result in many  accidents.

    The climate for poor observation of traffic safety rules and common sense, will be changed when:

    1. Thailand admits that it has failed miserably

    2. Thailand admits that it needs to learn from other countries

    3. Thailand goes all out on safety education in schools, universities and the media, with a consistent campaign of "Dos and don'ts"

    4. The penalty regime is restructured and enforced, going all out on catching corrupt police.

    5. The media campaigns make it clear that rich families are not excluded from the law, and police will be policing EVERYONE! .. regardless of who the offender is, or claims to know.




  7. "The regulations regarding road worthiness and GPS will apply to vans plying routes from Bangkok to the provinces."


    Nakhon Sawan to Mae Sot. I stopped using this route because every single one of the five times I went there by van or bus, I was witness to carnage on the road. 

    The last and final was in a van, driven by the worst you can imagine. he attempted to pass a bus on the inside, not seeing a fully laden cane truck parked in the lane. Only I saw it because I was on the seat by the door. Everyone else was buried in their mobiles. I yelled out "NO!!", saving our lives.

    And get this: No more than 20 minutes later we came to a build up and slow down. Another van, which had left the Nakhon Sawan bus depot no more than 20 minutes before us, had done exactly what our driver tried to do.

    The front three rows were crushed into one, body and vehicle fluids still dripping onto the road.

    Our driver didn't even stop. The other passengers looked out briefly and moaned a little at the horror scene.  

    Only yesterday, a Thai friend said to me (over another issue) ...


    "Don't think too much"

  8. 21 hours ago, phuketrichard said:

    you dont need a wp to have a cc or bank account,  how do u think us old guys get our SS checks direct depostied  LOL

    I enquired about opening an account with Kassikorn last week. I was told I needed a work permit. A few years ago I enquired about an account at Kassikorn and was told I needed a residency visa of some sort.

    Last week at Citibank, I asked about an account with the Bangkok branch. (I already have an Australian Citibank account).

    Their answer was, with no mention of a residency visa 1,000,000 Baht as an opening deposit. Up until December 31, 2016 it was "only" 100,000 Baht. and a visa.

    1. Rules change

    2. Some don't know the official rules.

    3. Some make up rules as they go along. (They have to give the impression that they know what they are talking about.)



    For retirement visas, as I once understood, one needs 800,000 in a Thai bank for 6 months prior to applying for the visa. (unless that's changed now) , but, how does one open the account to put the money in the bank without the visa?

    .. Just asking .. silly stupid dumb questions. .. chicken and the egg stuff.

  9. 15 hours ago, bannork said:

    Well i read he was a violent abuser who frequently beat her up but I see someone contests that view. Hopefully the truth will out.

    Exactly .. One look at her and I do not see someone who would kill will "blatant disregard for life". No way.he has got herself through medical school with a good career ahead of her.

    Until you have been the victim of violent abuse, you simply are not qualified to simply write off the victim. 

    We have all seen loads of cases where van and bus drivers have caused multiple deaths, simply through negligence and reckless driving, only to walk free after citing some sort of mechanical failure, or being tired. They apologise and go home. Before long are behind the wheel of another passenger vehicle.

    Mitigating circumstances: 

    Many countries, where abuse is illegal, the abuse she was subjected to would have greatly reduced her sentence. Possibly even to community service, or a suspended sentence. But in Thailand, belting the shit out of a wife/girlfriend because a husband/boyfriend is jealous, is simply so common that it scares me. It starts with kicking dogs and smacking children around. 

    Yes, the killing of her her violent partner was premeditated. Many Thai men are so hopelessly immature that any sort of reasoning and admitting to failure or wrong doing, that I can easily imagine him punching her to shut up. Assistance in getting rid of him may well have of been the only opening to freedom and getting back on track to a normal life. .. and who knows, .. maybe her parents simply told her to endure the Hell, because they are primarily interested in her career so she can be their pension, their milking cow. 

    Hell, the burden that girls are born with in this part of the world is tress factor number one, a handicap that Westerners do not have.


    I do wonder about the judge who sentenced our doctor in this story. 


    Saudi Arabia, where victims of abuse, such as the young woman in this photo, are disposed of, together with her evidence.

    She spat the dummy in self defence. A second after this photo was taken, her head rolled on the ground as her blood spurted out to congeal in the baking Saudi sun. This young mother working as domestic help, desperately needing her income to support the family back home.


    It is even likely that had the young doctor not taken the action she did, the story may have been: "Body of slain doctor found. Police are searching for the husband who has a history of violent abuse." Which would you prefer to be reading out?


    Have a good day.


  10. 7 hours ago, wayned said:

    Post office closed,.


    The new King's birthday is 28 July.  I wonder if that will be a new holiday!

    No doubt it will be a new holiday, which public servants and banks will enjoy.

    Devotees of the Dearly Departed King may well still observe December 5 until their own lives pass.

    .. and initially, not pay much quite as much attention to the new holiday. Who knows.

    Expect that emotions will be mixed for quite some time.

    Many will observe out of wishful thinking, and respecting the situation, even if the love is not the strongest motive.

    Love and respect is earned through deeds.*

    Time will tell.

    That said I do have the sense that the solemnity of the passing and monumental respect the people have for his father, the Crown Prince will grow into the role, and truly become the King Thailand needs.

    In all sincerity, I share their passion.


    * Take note: I am not in inferring any sort of criticism, only speaking of human behaviour in general.



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