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Posts posted by TechnikaIII

  1. Really, you should have covered this territory long before you married.

    Anyway, the way to be miserable is to succumb to your fears, ... and be miserable.

    Alternatively, lighten up and enjoy some time together. It's all about choice.

    What have you got to lose ......... hmmm ?

  2. Only two of you in the same village? I'm not sure that 'two' constitutes a list.

    However, I take your point.

    Next time they come knocking, have a fake beard and wig at the ready - that will totally eff them up. whistling.gif

    If it's on file in a gov't office; one name would constitute a list.

    ... all be it a very short list.

    Hey !!! This means you're on a Short List ! clap2.gif

  3. It is so liberating to be without a car. Since I left Australia in 1992 and moved to Norway, I've done without one. I moved to Thailand 2010. The bicycle was the most precious item to be loaded into the shipping container. It's brilliant. Now back in Melbourne, I don't miss a car at all.

    Public transport and/or bicycle = no parking problems, ever.

    Bangkok is great. I love it and get around, finding everything I need by using the Sky Train and MRT, plus walking.

    And I save absolutely heaps.

  4. Without you even knowing about it, your suppliers will be paying for the right to deliver to your business.

    They pay to the boss who controls their business on his his/her patch.

    You will eventually need to know who is the boss of your patch.

    Whether you run a noodle shop or a car assembly plant, you are on someones patch.

    You either comply with their demads, or for inexplicable reasons, your business will simply not flourish.

    If you can live with that, you'll get on ok.

    • Like 2
  5. Seriously, guys: what is there to mock!

    The MP is a great man, inspiring songwriter and poet, who returned happiness to 99,3% of the Thai-people!

    I don't understand all the negativity!

    Yours sincerely


    A recent survey found that 91% ( or was it more ) of Facebook users are not happy with the government.

    So yes, we should rejoice with the remaining 7 to 9% who are happy , and celebrate the PM's boundless wisdom !!


  6. The tilt test is irrelevant to all situations except when the bus is motionless and empty.
    Fill the top with passengers, and add motion, swerving, any turning produces centrifuge, in fact any change in velocity, and the centre of gravity will be all over the place.

    Even in the hands of the most competent driver, the unexpected, including the actions of other vehicles, these things are at best a potential disaster and to be avoided.

    If anywhere at all, they should not leave the city districts, and should be built with speed governors in the control panels.

  7. critics are rubbing their hands and holding their breath.

    Have learned (the hard way) to temper my enthusiasm for posting on anything regarding Thai democracy or PM...

    Posting honestly on these subjects can get you a week of detention...

    Experience speaking here...

    Yep, having your posts deleted, which is my experience.

  8. Whatever ... he atleast needs an education on environmental issues, .. for a start, that there is no such thing as "clean coal" and a coal fired power station in Krabi, or anywhere, would be a disaster.

    The "clean coal" speech was as though scripted by the Australian government and the Indian coal mining giant Adani. Sickening.

  9. These people are indebted to Thaksin for the 30 baht health scheme without which they could not have afforded their lobotomies.

    Why are you talking about "Health schemes" ?? This is about telling the US to go home. .. the USA with the worst, biggest ripoff "health scheme" ever, where people are having to sell up homes, everything, to cover the cost of life saving treatments. .... pathetic

  10. Probably Burmese or Cambodian laborers.

    Wow, your intelligent comments astounds me.................

    This forum really needs a 'sarcasm' emoticon. Something like something flying right over someone's head, perhaps wink.png

    Well, okay a 'sarcasm' emoticon, but important too, the realisation, .. awareness, that sarcasm, black humour, whatever are all the playground of individual cultures. Humour does not always translate well, and can fall flat and/or be seriously misunderstood.

    Therefor, contributors here and elsewhere on multicultural sites should be aware that whilst English may well be the only language allowed on a forum, it is not first language for everyone.

    1. My suggestion is that all posters consider this before adding comments

    2. Kindly give some slack to those who quite understandably misread colloquialisms.

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