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Posts posted by TechnikaIII

  1. And there's us, mouthing off about the education ministry's plan to send 500 of their own to a crash course in English, so as not to be dependent on foreigners.

    What hope is there for a country whose leaders were all brought up in this swirling pool of mumbo jumo superstitious stuff. The answer? Very little, until thousands more of their own are educated overseas, far away from their spooky homeland. .. and then what.

    And you want to marry into this?

  2. I had a difficult time watching this video to the end. You could tell the man was intoxicated. My instinct would have been to intervene and stop the slaughter. the problem is in Thailand if he had a gun he would shoot you and the police do nothing to control situations like this. I understand why Thais do not intervene. Sometimes, they become part of the incident rather than a good Samaritan. Thai men cannot hold their alcohol- they invariably become belligerence if they feel any type of loss of face whether real or perceived. I have walked past Thai men drinking in restaurants who make gross and rude comments about myself or my thai girl. As much as I would like to punch them in the mouth I have to let it go. Such a confrontation could end in death. Welcome to Thailand.

    "As much as I would like to punch them in the mouth I have to let it go. Such a confrontation could end in death"

    You do well to let it go.

    Thailand: Never enter combat unless you know you are going to win, have a safe exit strategy, leave no trace of your whereabouts and be prepared never to return to the same place ever again.

  3. What an awful photo to print.

    That looks like blood all down the side of the van.

    Surely a more respectful picture, if one really is needed, could have been published.

    It needs to be seen, so that some may actually be able to connect the two:

    1. A crumpled van

    2. A human life

    Thais have their heads up their <deleted> when it comes to the dangers in these things, and still, so few ever where seat belts.

    "Suddenly the van lost balance" .. at 120 kmph on a curve??

    In a civilized country, that driver would be locked up for a very long time.

  4. Thai Education system needs to include knowledge of the rest of the world, ...Geography and History, but the most important thing a person ca learn in school is "How to Learn" which include good work habits and the ability to self educate! ... how to do research and find answers on their own!

    I am amazed by the ignorance most thai people show about the rest of the world, ... for example - my ex-wife once asked me, "Australia, that is close to England isn't it? ... and she graduated from University. No wonder Thai University diploma are not recognized as having any merit outside Thailand.

    Yep .. and my first girlfriend thought "Australia" was "Austria" with different spelling. She also had a university diploma.

    At a primary school where I was seconded to teach English a few hours a week, the biggest education was for me, seeing how the Thai teachers conduct sessions. I was trying to stimulate enquiry, but every time I asked a student, or the whole class a question, she gave them the answer!! (She, the school head mistress, was sitting in the classroom, with the other teachers, all taking notes, as I wrote things on the blackboard.)

    I tried to get her to shut up ... in every polite way possible, explaining it is for the children to think about the question and attempt to answer. But she was more intent on giving them a good impression in front of the foreign teacher.

    ( hopeless )

    A young art student friend of mine, is insistent that she knows this, that and the other, because she already has a diploma ( of sorts ) .. but is now wanting to study at an art school overseas, the US, UK or Australia. I have been trying to get the message across that competition is fierce, and she needs more foundation study before she would even get past the first preselection. I've seen photos of the classes she attends in Nakhon Sawan. It's pathetic. .. all sitting at their tables, copying photographs. They have absolutely no idea. I told her she needs to draw from life, and she could bring a friend to my studio where I can give them some solid instruction ( I'm a professional artist with years of experience in art colleges ) ... ( maybe it will happen, it's up to them)

    A young friend on Facebook, studying medicine, spends so much time on Facebook, I can't see her attaining the level of qualification I would need to trust in a doctor. .. Fwwwaaa .. hopeless!

    On the other hand, a 23 yo Chinese student neighbour of where I am visiting in Norway just now, works so many hours, studying diligently for her Masters, .. she enjoys a refreshing 15 minute walk outside, but is then back to work. We have connected on Facebook for communication, but she's rarely online. She's an achiever.


    Young Thai lady comes forth to nominate her father for a Nobel Prize. She is questioned with interest about what he has done. She explains with a smile, "He is out standing in his field". Which of course, is not quite the same as being "Outstanding in your field" ... Mai pen rai

  5. This would then also suggest that there is not only a requirement for the property owner but also for the guest to report themselves to immigration should they stay outside of the province for more than 24 hours.

    So I'm expected to report to Immigration every time i go from Hua Hin to Bangkok?

    I'm beginning to think it would easier if I was an expat in North Korea.

    .. or the Philippines

    For a retirement visa, in stead of 800,000 TB in a Thai bank, one needs only the equivalent of 500,000, which after 6 months can be used in the Philippines, to buy a house, land, invest in a business, your own or the family you've married into ... it goes on. All the Draconian bullsh*t we are subjected to in Thailand, simply doesn't exist there.

    Once you have the retirement visa, it's yours. You don't have to renew it, and you can come and go from the country as though it were your own.

    90 day reporting?? 555555

    Endless bullsh*t fees for entering, whatever ....

    A Retirement Visa is a Retirement Visa .. what a novel idea.

  6. Unfortunately Thais believe what they see on TV

    Yep, .. and that's on top of the potpourri of superstitions.

    It's pathetic.

    In the meantime, the gruesome scene in question might more accurately depict the destiny of those currently caught up in their skin whitening obsessions. The companies producing the crap are raking in the money, and thousands of twitty girls are taking to selling the stuff via Facebook, whilst the gullible are handing over the money and smearing their beautiful skin with toxic shit. ... The Michael Jackson Syndrome, en masse.

  7. I carried mine until it went through the washing machine. Now I leave it at home.

    20 years ago, my girlfriend in Norway put both my brand new UK and Australian passports through the washing machine.

    I left her at home.

    But to answer the OP question, I have been taking the one with the visa's into Bangkok, simply because it's needed for checking in at hotels. But the ever present fear of losing it does add to the overall stress level, which I could do without. I high quality scan and copy, laminated, cut to passport size would be a good idea, ... the page with visa and entry stamp on the reverse side.

  8. Why is that some farangs seem to leave their brains at the airport?

    That being said, I can imagine the discussion with her family about Sinsod and the buying up of land/property/gold/cars/motorbikes and iPhones for all the cousins would be enough to send even the most reasonable of men a bit crazy.

    Throw alcohol into the mix and this is the result.

    A night in the cells vs a life of torment at the hands of inlaws.

    Sounds like the Aussie guy had a lucky escape.

    On the contrary - The girlfriend had a lucky escape. Best to find out about the violence within, and the alcohol problem earlier than later. His total lack of awareness of Thai traditions is also his own problem entirely.

    Bloody hell, look at him and wonder why he can't make it with women in Australia, or anywhere. A loser.

  9. Tesco here in Pattaya is a waste of space,they are always out of everything as far as I can see its just poor management and ordering anything populR is out of stock half the time

    A company is only as good as its staff,something which is a big problem here I'm afraid.

    No, don't blame the staff. It's management. If the manager of any business is not on the floor setting the pace, the mood, the work ethic, everything, then there is vacancy for trouble.

    If there's trouble aboard a ship, it points all the way to the captain.

    "Big problem here" ?

  10. On the way back to Victory Monument from Chon Buri, a couple of years ago, a van driver dumped me on the freeway. I eventually worked out, staring around in unfamiliar territory, that I was supposed to walk to the exit lane, down the ramp and wherever, with traffic brushing past me ... for ****'s sake! He should be shot. .. along with a few others.

  11. Penang. The current go-slow orders are perhaps an indication that all is not what it should be, could be, and previously was. In fact the extra day turnaround is punishment, in response to a complaint.

    Such is life.

    However, I do like the people at the gate. There just a couple of weeks ago, one of them actually remembered me by name, greeting me with a real smile. .. and: "I haven't seen you for a long time."

    The young fellow with the mobile photocopy & passport photo service is also very helpful. (He is not embassy staff) We're Facebook friends now.

    I don't mind going there at all.

    From Komtar, the taxi fare is 18 MR, which I use if short of time. Otherwise the 103 bus from Komtar is only 1.40 and runs along Jala Burma, then an easy 15min walk to the embassy.

    Jala Burma has a couple of good cafes, and there's an art gallery in Lorong Bangkok.

    Get yourself a map and enjoy the day.

    Whatever, this is how I make the best of the so called "visa run" to Penang.

    It works for me.


    I'm glad.

    Unfortunately it wouldn't work for me.

    I am partly disabled, in addition to being nearly 70 years old. (next month).

    My days od riding the Komtar bus are unfortunately now over

    Not complaining, just explaining

    We'll I'm not so far behind you at 66, but sorry about your "partly disabled" status. I'm also still recovering just 2 years after being bowled over by a car in Melbourne -- wrecking both knees, so I'm using the walk as physio. But it sounds like I'm still a bit better off than you. What really stumped me in Penang, walking around, is the impossibly high kurbs in the city. Walking across roads can be a challenge to say the least. All the best.

  12. Penang. The current go-slow orders are perhaps an indication that all is not what it should be, could be, and previously was. In fact the extra day turnaround is punishment, in response to a complaint.

    Such is life.

    However, I do like the people at the gate. There just a couple of weeks ago, one of them actually remembered me by name, greeting me with a real smile. .. and: "I haven't seen you for a long time."

    The young fellow with the mobile photocopy & passport photo service is also very helpful. (He is not embassy staff) We're Facebook friends now.

    I don't mind going there at all.

    From Komtar, the taxi fare is 18 MR, which I use if short of time. Otherwise the 103 bus from Komtar is only 1.40 and runs along Jala Burma, then an easy 15min walk to the embassy.

    Jala Burma has a couple of good cafes, and there's an art gallery in Lorong Bangkok.

    Get yourself a map and enjoy the day.

    Whatever, this is how I make the best of the so called "visa run" to Penang.

    It works for me.

    • Like 2
  13. Could you imagine if 10,000 foreigners showed up at the court house for the trial, everyday, equipped with smart phones. Strength in numbers is a two way street.

    Well, the "strength in numbers" certainly worked, contributing to the bringing down of Yingluk's government. But that's because: 1. the numbers were 99.999% Thai, and 2. Prayut doesn't like the Shinawatra mob.

    As for 10,000 foreigners, you'd be lucky to find 100 sober enough, in the vicinity, or at least willing to travel from not too far away. Then we could be arrested as 1. An unlawful gathering 2. A Risk to National Security, finding ourselves locked up with our British Academic. .. with no one left out there to march for us. Then the most you will get from any Thais aware of our situation would be: "Mai pen rai ! .... Mai pen rai !"

  14. Four response from four different people:

    1. I love pattaya because it is a long way from where I live. I hope tomorrow I don't get I love Phuket because.........
    2. The best thing about pattaya .was it was always a long long way from where I lived. biggrin.png
    3. I love it because it keeps all those people away from Bangkok.
    4. Hmmm .. I simply love the fact that Pattaya is a long way from where I live. I'm not a sex tourist so I don't need it.

    I'd almost start to think there are some clever bots online capable of rephrasing the same thing.

    It's clear you guys aren't too crazy about Pattaya, but still reading the Pattaya forum, missing something guys? Is the wife boring you? biggrin.png

    I frequently comment without scrolling through the thread, and I guess I'm not the only one. Especially in response to this question, the mentality of some is not the sort of stuff I want to wade through.

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