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Posts posted by sabaii69

  1. I think it would be fun if the USA did this to thais.

    so many thais have FLED thailand.

    thats why it really hard for a thai to get to the USA, SO MANY LIE TO IMMIGRATION AND NEVER RETURN.

    Actually, I know of a whole district where, if you want, you can catch about 50 illegal thais, working in nearly every single thai restaraunt in the area. Im sure there are many parts of the world like this.

    Or maybe for thai restaraunt to open they will have to hire 3 Americans for every thai they hire. oh, i like that idea better. it will help stimulate the economy... yeah..

    They occupy the hotels, restaurants and even casinos in Vegas. Send their azzes packin'. Their money is not spent in the US anyway.

  2. As officers continued to speak to Mr Boontiang, one of the passengers, Mr Komsak Nakowong, 52, admitted that he was in the process of orchestrating the transportation of a large amount of marijuana and that he had been due to help navigate an 18 wheel truck that would due to deliver the narcotics to an address in southern Thailand.

    Why do these Thai spill the beans so easily ? So typical .

    What a waste of time & money growing and producing this product.

    they know of the methods used if they don't "fess up" early in the process

    rumor has it the head interrogator has an extensive testicle collection in jars

    At least the guys weren't caught with a visa overstay (yeah, I know they're thai)

  3. Will they ever learn you cant beat up on your customer base, now i wonder what these creeps think hitting someone in their 70s is acceptable , inot in my book disgusting Thailand land of sucker punch.

    Over 70? You should not be out late in punchoutville. I am not surprised at old guys getting beat up because some run off at the mouth too much when they've had too many. These people simply don't want to be colonised, mate. (oh, I'm 71)

  4. Are any Thais taught the Heimlich manoeuvre? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdominal_thrusts

    This probably would have saved him.

    St. Johns first-aid training courses I have attended refuse to teach the Heimlich manoeuvre, as it is too complicated and can cause internal organ damage.

    The simplest and most effective method to clear an airway obstruction is to bend the subject's torso forward and using an open palm thump between his shoulder blades a couple of times.

    That's using your noodle.

    Perhaps for uneducated people but for medics (me) it works. I might add that I find it unlikely that he was obstructed with noodles. We'll see, perhaps..

  5. What? Wait, what? Were we not told recently that Thailand is safe as there is no IS activity here? So this cannot be correct.

    Yes, you are correct. Three daze...days...ago=no IS. I think I did see a black flag at the bridge parlour though. Sneaky old people! And that naked girl at the gogo on walking street surely had the intent of yelling LA LA LA LA and striking me with her melons.

  6. Good! If they don't have a passport you got to wonder why!

    Perhaps because they didn't want to risk it being lost or stolen.

    Perhaps because they were from countries where it is not necessary to be in permanent possession of ID and they aren't aware of the rules here.

    Your implication that they were all up to no good is frankly, ridiculous.

    It does appear that they are guilty of being 'dark' in public.

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