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Posts posted by sabaii69

  1. Absolutely disgusting........ And involved in that fiasco an innocent child seriously striped by the bullet.....

    Stay home, folks. Don't go shopping anywhere...

    yes absolutely!!!! disgusting....this whole lost face syndrome in Thailand... should be addressed early in life and consequences when in the wrong to acknowledgement.... taught in schools how to accept self as well as defeat....

    Did he shoot himself in the face?

  2. Back to blaming video games and movies sleep.png Who are young people more likely to emulate: fictional characters (cartoon people nontheless in terms of video games) or real people in their immediate evironments?

    Video games don't instill morals, parents do. My parents taught me to respect people regardless race or religion, treat others in a way that I would want to be treated and that thoughtless violence was unacceptable. This means that as much as I enjoy blowing shit up on my computer, I don't do it in real life wink.png

    Now some may say, ''What if they can't tell the difference between reality and the game?'' Good question...here's my answer: If a person can't tell the difference between a game and reality, that person is bat-shit crazy and should be in an institution. Also, such a person would be just as likely to immitate their local so dogs fighting or go around hitting cats with frying pans due to being ''influenced'' by Tom n Jerry.

    So should we blame GTA or their parents

    I think watching Tom and Jerry proved to me that violence is justified. What a very bad cat and needed some 'attitude adjustment'. Although, jerry mouse is very old now and probably not even able to chew his cheese.

  3. I do hope the economic busy bodies that are always "cracking down" regarding food prices going up during holidays are doing their utmost to keep bar girl prices stable in Pattaya.

    We are certainly getting 'screwed'...on food prices. Female companions continue to look real bad and prices are crazy. They are turning into 'B' girls, the term used at military base bars for girls who sit with you while you buy them overpriced 'lady' drinks with no chance of further exploration.

  4. No disrespect to the deceased but is climbing over condo balconies at 39 floors high the best way to to go about gaining entry to your condo after forgetting or losing your keys.

    The guy was obviously a business man and therefore had access to money,why would you not stay in a cheap hotel for the night and or attempt to gain entry with the aid of the condo management or a lock smith.

    Extremely sad way to lose your life for the sake of opening a door,could have kicked the damn thing in and replaced it as a last resort.

    Suspect there is more to this than meets the eye as usual.


    There are probably not many who would do this, but I did exactly the same thing back in my drinking 'daze'. I survived this unusual event. I, also, was not afraid of heights. RIP

    • Like 2
  5. I should have been the president of the USA instead. fly air force 1 every week.

    here my agenda : build a dome over the USA and let them breath their carbon monoxide. nothing go out, nothing come In. fix your problems first.

    you own me 19 trillion by the way . how you will pay me.?

    What the hell are you talking about? Are you saying you want to breath(e), spelling, CO? You know it is poisonous? Don't smoke the salad and post.

  6. The sad truth is, that there are many like him running around in this country and thinking how invincible

    they're, until they end up in a mess like this....

    and beside, doing steroids and wowing women for what? for cooking together? coz that's all you

    really can do with a woman when you do steroids, your sex life is pretty much in the crapper....

    The ladies can help you pick out dresses and shoes (if your feet are not too overgrown).

  7. They forgot to report she was stabbed four times before she was dumped down the embankment. This happened about 15 kilometres from where we live.

    According to the wife there's going to be a good sized lynch mob for the crime re-enactment and too few police.

    That solution works for me. thumbsup.gif

    IF THEY ARE GUILTY, why not use their "young and fit bodies" to test cremes and medications?

    After all, the big companies uses animals for testing and these people are animals.

    So what?

    Why not just test the strength of ropes?

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