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Posts posted by MJCM

  1. Hotmail have started that mobile phone authentication step too recently. If you decline that and try to use another Hotmail account to authenticate, it causes all sorts of problems.

    Yes even some of Microsoft's paid subscriptions use a one time password sent via SMS for the 2nd factor.

    The problem I have had, at least with AIS, is that the SMS they send may or may not be delivered to my phone. It can take several attempts.

    Why not use a Authenticator App to receive your keys if you have so much trouble receiving SMS ?

    Link: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/google-in-the-enterprise/use-google-authenticator-to-securely-login-to-non-google-sites/#.

  2. ^@Nuitum

    where are you doing your extension ?? I am doing mine in Pattaya / Jomtien / Chonburi Immigration.

    This year will be the 3rd time I will be doing this and I just wanted to change all our accounts to be joint accounts.

    I better go (after Songkran) to the Immigration office and ask if it is allowed or not, instead of being in doubt as after all it seems that all Immigration offices make up their own rules


  3. Also interested about the Written Test....I never had to do one for either the 1 Year or 5 Year license.

    Did you have to do the practical?

    Normally a Foreigner will only have to do the written and practical test if they don't have already a foreign license.

    Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos

  4. Question

    Would a Joint account with 800k qualify or not ????


    look at post number 4 !

    Joint accounts do not qualify .

    Oke but in Post #4 I can't find anywhere where it says a Joint Account (with enough money) doesn't qualify !!

    Found this. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/535080-non-o-based-on-marriage-800k-joint-account-acceptable/#entry5073869

    And there it says

    It depends on the office if they will allow a joint account. Best is to get an account in your name with 400,000 in it. These extensions need aproval from BKK and are under heavy scrutiny. It only needs to be in their for 2 months before you apply for an extension. Than you can transfer it back to the joint account.


    You likely can get 60 day extension (to visit wife) if they will not allow use of joint account for the marriage extension.

    So you are right wai.gif

    Ps: The reason why I asked was that we wanted to change all our accounts to be Joint Accounts, but it seems that we have to keep one of our accounts to be mine alone.

  5. Yeah to reset a Password and you have to go the way you took can be very difficult

    Before you do anything new,

    - set up 2 Step Authentication

    - Add some mobile phones Nr (I have bought a cheap phone just for this (added this number to all my accounts)

    - If you can add a Authenticator App (not useful for Yahoo but it is Gmail and Hotmail)

    - Change your Security Questions to something difficult, for example change the answer "Where do i Live" from
    Bangkok (example) to Busy City.

    - Get an application like Keepass or Lastpass to keep your passwords safe

    Good Luck

  6. Sorry for asking but why were you asked to contact Customer Services ??

    I always could do my dealings with them (changing password, added 2-step authen., added security questions etc etc) without having to contact Customer services.

    Edit : // Added Ps:

    Ps: I changed my Yahoo passwords just yesterday, and I haven't had any problems in accessing my Email and / or other Yahoo services on my Tablets. Phones, Laptops or Desktops whatsoever

    Disclaimer: And NO I don't work for Yahoo or their affiliates.

  7. As an adult, I feel it would be good if I could choose whether or not I want to turn this profanity filter off.

    Could you make that possible?

    I could be wrong, but I think this could not be possible as it would contradict TV Rule #8

    8) Do not post disruptive or inflammatory messages, vulgarities, obscenities or profanities or to incite useless arguments by avoiding troll activity.

    Link: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules

  8. Found this on the budget site

    All drivers must hold a current, non-probationary license. The license may either be Thai, or from a renter's country of residence (with an English translation) or an international drivers permit. Licenses (and a valid passport) must be carried at all times when driving.


    So with your 1 year license it seems you are out of luck

    Assuming that the license the OP holds is issued in Thailand, I would think he has a valid license, since there are no permanent licenses in Thailand.

    After 1 year he will get a 5 year license, which I understand is also temporary since he will have to renew it every 5 years .

    I agree, but it isn't the wording in the word "temporary" license / 1 year license ?? And that's why I said "it seems .... " wink.png

    And some rental agencies here in Thailand only want to see foreign licenses and don't care about copies of Thai licenses / Thai ID cards or even want to rent out to Thais (but that's OT)

  9. Found this on the budget site

    All drivers must hold a current, non-probationary license. The license may either be Thai, or from a renter's country of residence (with an English translation) or an international drivers permit. Licenses (and a valid passport) must be carried at all times when driving.


    So with your 1 year license it seems you are out of luck

  10. Your internet service provider installation costs will be (or should be) free (except for your monthly payments) but you will have to pay the guy that will install the phone line from the exchange box in the building to your apartment.

    When I applied for my 3BB line, I applied at around 12pm on a Saturday and got the message that they will install the new line within the next 7 days.

    At around 5pm the same day, the Condo security guard called that 3BB was here and were installing the new line, however the line from the Exchange Box in the building to my room wasn't installed yet.

    The Condie Techie and a friend did that two days later.

    • Like 1
  11. Good to hear !

    Something else, I just wish that it was easier on Home Routers to check for new Firmware.

    Of the 3 Routers I have only my Asus has the possibility to check for a new Firmware, for the other ones you have to download them from the Manufacturers website but you have to find them first, which can be challenging sad.png

  12. Looks oke.

    To completely confirm that it is closed, do the https://www.grc.com/shieldsup test

    - When you enter that site, click on proceed

    - On the next page click on Common Ports, you should aim for the same results as in my screenshot

    After you have closed your ports, goto the shieldsup page again and click the "GRC's Instant UPnP Exposure Test" here you should look for

    either what "thepool" posted in post #3 or

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