Does it matter when (a couple of times) I went out at 4pm and came back home at around 10am and just had my last beer?
Ps: Those day are long gone, now I only drink at 9am when my SWMBO pisses me off (not every day though ???? )
Not sure if they have them in that size. Sorry
We have them installed in sizes up to 1 1/2" so maybe ???????
Edit: Is there a lot of water flow??
If not then you could always change the size of the pipe at the end to 1 1/2" and install one of those. Just a suggestion of course
If the pipe size is not too big (1" approx) you can use one of these
These are the swing types. You also have spring ones but they need a pump
Any local hardware store should have these
If water stops flowing, they shut tight.
I could ask them but they already left ???? (and warranty is almost over anyway)
What I understood is, suppose the compressor is 1m2 make the enclosure approx 3-4 m2, thus a lot larger. Will try to get our Builder to make something,
what kind of assorted herbs & spices?
The problem is the location where the board in our compressor is that it's very enclosed (read not much space left). Only a gecko can get in so not sure if we can fit a muslin bag in there.
Sorry a bit late, but we have a Franklin submers in our old house and we regular had it run for over 6-8 hrs at a time and no issues
My guess the relatives are afraid the well runs dry and that indeed will (could) fry your Submers.
But if you like we went a bit deeper when drilling the well then when they found water you should be oke. (Ps: YMMV)
When I go to the OLD house I will post a picture of the controller (but could be a while)
For a phone costing THB I wouldn't go to store because they also sell Apple Stuff. Up 2 U of course.
I advise you to deal with an Official Apple Reseller. Apple will honour the warranties, I had never a problem with stuff bought at Studio 7 and warranties. They even honoured the Warranty on my Wife's Beats Headphones (bought at the Icon Siam official Store)
Of course Beats is an Apple Product.
I completely forgot
We asked them. They said yes can DO, BUT not tight around the Compressor but make it more like a "Dog House" so a bit bigger, so the Compressor has room for it's airflow.
Update 3:
The Daikin Guys (3 of them) just left. We didn't have to pay a thing
The "boss" calculated that if it would happen when the Compressor is out of Warranty it would be a total of around 6000 THB++. This would include the new board, the service and they driving all the way over from Korat (but they told us that they have another visit to make in Buriram City)
So in the end Suc6!
Thx to all the guys who replied, really appreciated.
Update 2:
"Igor, IT lives "
Board exchanged and now doing the final checks, the reason why the compressor wouldn't start is because the Gecko seems to have shorted the communication between the Compressor and Inside unit thus it wouldn't turn on.
I think I got it, I checked for 2 minutes and the disc rotated back approx 6 times
So 6 x 30 = 180 revs (per hour)
200 revs = 500W
So 500/200 = 2,5
2,5 * 180 = 450W (Exported, approx of course)
I know when Songkran is in my part of the world (Buriram) (official days that is) but I don't venture out and make sure that I have enough supplies to see me through it. Same when we lived in Pattaya, participated the first 2 years but after that stuck in the condo for x days.
Still have a scar to remind me off it ????
Sorry Fishy, but Pattaya doesn't adhere to that.
Oke yes Official Holidays yes, but in Pattaya they already (in Bar areas that is) start as early as the 10th till the BIG day on the 19th. So 9 days of Songkran.
Edit: There was great thread about it by JD (???) with all the questions you could have about Songkran answered but unfortunately it got removed.