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Posts posted by kunash

  1. Hi, I am interested to know if the online game world of warcraft is available to play in thailand? I tried to start a free trial but got an error message. the regions available to play were europe, america/oceania, and russia. I know that people from japan and china, and korea are able to play it, but of course their internet speeds would be a lot faster. and would you have to live in bangkok to be able to play, as far as high speed internet is concerned - you need a fast computer and internet to be able to play

  2. So what is the reason for the xenophobic rules?


    Surely this is a tax issue? UK residents subject to HMRC rulings, folk in Nigeria wont have the same exemtions?

    Or maybe it's just part of the lottery laws that it is not designed for the money to flow out of the country?

    you dont pay any tax on winnings. and I believe the first big uk lottery winner was from India. or at least one of the first big winners. After his win, around 20million pounds he went back home, to live in India..

  3. Going back many years I can remember when the first Indian immigrants arrived in England.

    At first the very few that lived mostly in the big cities including London were mainly Indian restaurant owners and workers and was considered somewhat of a novelty and the native white population tolerated them and treated these people with respect.

    Then during the 1970s the British government relaxed it`s policies on Immigration and suddenly brown people from all over South Asia and many from Uganda began immigrating to England in droves.

    Then everything changed, the unions called for strikes fearing the loss of jobs to Asians and there was frequent and violent attacks on Asians including actual riots in many parts of the country.

    My point is that I don`t believe the permitting of too many people of a different race and culture into a country is a good thing. It has been proven that multiculturalism doesn't work and will lead to conflicts.

    During my time here in Thailand I am seeing more and more farangs even in the most remote areas and as I see the situation, this can only cause problems for the farangs already living here, the same as what happened in the United Kingdom 40 years ago.

    one thing to remember though is that resentment from the local white population was also due to the immigrants claiming benefits and also having a job that the British person could do. In Thailand these factors do not come into play. But if i was a Thai man maybe i would not like a farang with a thai woman, or the ''money'' a farang has. These could and do cause strong anti farang sentiments


  4. Hi, I am about to hand in the tourist application for my girlfriend. it says on the form VAF1a - part 4 - full name of partner/spouse. I am not her spouse as we are not married. I am her boyfriend though. is this considered her partner???

    i have put my details in section 8, - under ''your visit''.

    shall i also put my details in part 4, under partner? ( i do not live in thailand. I see my girlfriend for 1 month in thailand, then go home for 2 months ).

    any help pls?

    edit; also my girlfriend has 2 photos which she took in Surin. They are passport size,, but from her waist up, and so in my opinion are not passport photos, as they are not just of the face. am i correct pls?

  5. I always thought they tried to upgrade economy class passengers if there was avaiiable room in business, but seems not. So, does anyone know the policy of upgrading?

    Why would an airline upgrade customers for free who paid inexpensive tickets when economy class has many open seats???

    Only when cattle class is overbooked will they upgrade their better customers holding high status (frequent fliers platinium, gold, silver cardholders) and depending paid rate type. When full over 100% economy passengers might be offered seats on later planes, even flying other airlines and get compensation (in Europe 600 euro for intercontinental flights)

    True I guess. I would feel a bit gutted if b class was suddenly being filled up with people from economy.

  6. I have just travelled from Heathrow to Doha, en route to BKK. I now have a 3 hour stop over in Doha.

    I travelled business class with Qatar, and it was very nice. The service and seating was good. Unfortunately i had not got much sleep in the last 36 hours so was a bit tired and slept much of the 6 hour journey. I am now sitting in the business lounge in Doha, eating and drinking. Seems I can help myself to as much spirits as i want. Easy to get drunk, but I will try and avoid that. /burp. Thank you very much Doha.

    One thing I noticed on the flight from Heathrow,was that about 60% of the business class seats were empty. I always thought they tried to upgrade economy class passengers if there was avaiiable room in business, but seems not. So, does anyone know the policy of upgrading?

  7. Hi, I have a standing order to play the UK lottery every week, plus i go online and play the euromillions, by buying 4 weeks worth of numbers. It is my understanding that the lottery people are trying to or have stopped people doing this online while they are abroad. Before I leave for Thailand i will buy 4 weeks worth of euromillions, but i will be in Thailand for 5 weeks. I have asked a friend to buy me the 5th week, but have they now stopped people from playing online in countries outside the EU?

  8. Hi. I was intending to schedule an appointment with VFS Global for early January, (I am in the UK ), for a UK tourist visa, but it seems no dates are available or they are not accepting them from overseas. I quote from their website; http://www.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk/ApplyNow.aspx ((I got to this website by making an online application at the VFS global website.))

    ''From 23/12/10 Tier 1 (General) has been closed to applications made overseas. Visa applications made and paid for before 23/12/10 will be processed as normal.''

    not sure how i can make an appointment now, apart from make an online one. is this correct, do i have to make an online appointment?

  9. Yes, there are travel agents in Surin. One that comes to mind is near the main traffic lights in the town center. As you come from the bus station, heading south on the Prasat road, you will pass through the main traffic lights. 200 meters on the right hand side you will find a travel agent, just past the True Visions shop. I have used them before and they can access flight details and provide tickets. Hope this helps.

    thanks for your help

    @happylarry - as i may not be accompanying my girlfriend when she travels to the UK, it would be easier if I did not use my credit card, as most airlines require you to produce the card at check in ( some dont I know ). Better to pay in cash at a travel agent.

  10. I personally think it is wiser just to hand over what they want.  Better to be a live fool than a dead one.  You never know what weapons they have on them, or whether they are on drugs.   Doesnt matter how big or mean a farang you are, if they are armed, they are dangerous.  Maybe also wiser not to carry credit cards and large amounts on you late at night.   If I was attacked by street robbers in London, Uk, i would certainly give them anything they wanted or I would probably be stabbed and beaten.  But i would very rarely be in that situation.    

  11. this is what I will be including for tourist visa app for my TGF. You might think t is over the top, but I believe the application to be very strong, plus a lot of the papers I have gathered would be relevant for a future settlement visa

    Index for the application of a 'UK Visitor Visa', for *******

    Section 1 Sponsor letter: explaining our relationship, intentions, and finance for trip.

    Section 2 Completed VAF1A Application Form, 2 passport photos, and visitor visa check list

    Section 3 Sponsor's passport - including Thai visa stamps ( copy only )

    Sponsor's Council tax bill, Self Assessment tax bill, house utility bill,

    Land Registry Title for sponsor's home

    Council papers relating to the building of the sponsor's home

    Section 4 Sponsor's emails to girlfriend, and my girlfriend's emails to me

    (Please note: MSN Chat Logs in separate folder)

    Sponsor's Finance and Income

    Section 5 Letter detailing property sponsor owns, and rental income received - from ** agency

    Land Registry Title for rental property

    Section 6 Sponsor's Bank Statements - 6 months - current and savings account (*)

    Letter from solicitor detailing ****** into my account

    Section 7 Sponsor's money transfer forms to girlfriend's bank

    Section 8 Sponsor's copies of credit card statements - *

    Section 9 Sponsor's copies of credit card statements - *

    Section 10 Sponsor's copies of credit card statements - *

    Holiday Details

    Section 11 Copies of hotel / flight details for April 2010 holiday

    Section 12 Copies of hotel / flight details for June / July 2010 holiday

    Section 13 Copies of hotel / flight details for October / November 2010 holiday

    Section 14 Copies of hotel / flight details for January 2011 holiday

    Section 15 Photos of us together in Thailand - date stamped

    Postcards sent to each other since April 2010

    Photos of my house in the UK, **

    Our rented house in Thailand, and my Girlfriend's details

    Section 16 Copy of House rent agreement in *, showing both our names

    Copy of electricity, and TOT bill for our house in *, in girlfriend's name

    Police Clearance Certificate

    Section 17 My Girlfriend's passport (original) and ID card (copy)

    Section 18 My Girlfriend's Letter from her employer supporting her visitor visa application

    Section 19 My Girlfriend's Bank Book for last 6 months

    Section 20 My Girlfriend's details about the land she owns, divorce papers, and change of surname papers

  12. ""Everyone is helpful''''

    I can agree with this. We were in Cha Am ( ok not BKK but still Thailand ), and we had ran out of petrol on our bike, and a shop owner offered to give us her moped so we could ride to a petrol station and get petrol. That would never happen in my home country

    ''''Drivers are much more considerate''''

    I can also agree with this. To this day i have always found car drivers in Thailand will always look out for moped riders and let you pass. I have never seen or experienced road rage or aggressive driving ( of course it happens though ). a complete contrast to my home country, UK.

  13. Hi, me and my Thai girlfriend would like to travel to a nice beach resort in Thailand for a few days in February, at the end of my trip to thailand.  We have tried Hua Hin ( which is our favourite), cha am, koh samui, and rayong.   I dont want to take her to pattaya.

    So any suggestions please?  ( not krabi, not phuket and within 2 or 3 hours of BKK airport (by taxi or plane), and must have things to do there, with good restaurants ).  the main thing has to be a first class hotel.


  14. Sorry to be pedantic kunash, but you don't apply for a visa for your girlfriend, she does, she is the applicant and it is she who must convince the ECO that it's a genuine application.

    If she wishes to apply in January but not travel until April she can ask for the visa start date to be deferred for any period up to three months, she needs to make it very clear in her covering letter, the visa would then be valid from the deferred start date. Multi entry visas are normally issued so there would be nothing to stop her returning for a further holiday, that's one of the reasons they issue multi entry visas, but she needs to be aware that possession of a visa doesn't guarantee admission, the IO at the port of entry can still refuse entry if they are not convinced it's a genuine visit, and it does happen.

    As she previously had a visa, and complied with it, she could apply for one with a longer term but if the ECO decides to issue one with a shorter term then there would be no refund of the fee.

    For someone to qualify for a longer term visa they need to demonstrate that have a genuine reason to visit on a regular basis, that doesn't just mean business people, it could be somebody with strong family ties in the UK.

    thanks for reply. I hadnt thought about my GF actually writing a letter for her application. But it would be a good idea so I will ask her to write one and ask for the visa start date to be deferred until nearer the date of travel.. cheers

  15. I will be applying in January for a 6 month Tourist visa for my GF to come to the UK in April for 3 weeks. Does the 6 month visa start in January ( when it has been granted ) or in April? I am applying only for a 3 week visit, but would it be possible for my GF to visit again in the summer, even if i didnt mention this in the sponsor letter?

    I see the embassy can also grant 2,5 and 10 year general visitor visas. Are these visas granted to couples who have been together for a number of years and have made their permanent home in Thailand, and can satisfy the ECO that they will return to Thailand? ( i use couples as my example - as i am sure they can be granted to many different types of people).


  16. I would like to ask please, a Thai / farang child, once they reach the age of conscription - would they have to sign up if they are in Thailand? ( i guess so, but dont know for sure ) Or If they are living in the west, would they be sent call up papers? Or if they returned to Thailand at the age of 24/25 would they be expected to join. Is there an age when they no longer have to sign up. thanks

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