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Posts posted by kunash

  1. I looked at Qatar for my flight to BKK in February, but the flights from TXL do not connect with their flights to BKK at all. What do you do in Doha for 8-10 hours on each leg?

    Not sure what country TXL is in (the US?), but from Heathrow the stop over in Doha is about 3 and 1/2 hours, which is good. Gives me time to look at the duty free, and sit in the lounge.

    hmmm, if i had a 8-10 hour stop over with QA i dont think i would fly with them :rolleyes: .

    With Thai Air i fly out at about midday normally, and arrive about 6-7am in BKK and with QA leave 8am, and arrive the same time

  2. My Thai Gf is coming to the UK in April ( visa permitting ). If I fly to the UK with her from Thailand, would i be able to accompany her through the non UK passport immigration control ( i am a UK passport holder ). I would feel more comfortable if I was with her, and if I explained this to the immigration person I hope they would understand. Anyone done this before?

  3. Qatar Airways new business lounge should be open by early January at terminal 4, Heathrow. It was due to open later in the year. I will be flying with them for the first time on 6th Jan to Swampy, with a stop over in Doha. So looking forward to that.

    Normally I fly Thai Air, and am very happy with them as th flight is direct, but thought I would try Qatar.

    Does anyone know what lounge qatar business uses at swampy pls?


  4. What's so special about this land? If my math is correct it looks like you are trying to buy 1 rai for 1.4 million baht. In 2007 my wife bought 2.6 rai of beach front land for 750,000 baht/rai. OK, so today I've been told its worth 1.5 million baht/rai, but it is beach front land. What makes the land you're interested so expensive?

    From what I have been shown, from talking to expats in Surin who own land (well, their GF's/wife), internet and my GF and her family asking, 1.4 million baht per rai, within 2km of the town centre is very cheap. Prices have nearly doubled in the last 4/5 years.

    1 rai of land has just sold for 2.6 million baht on the estate where we are now. Yes, prices are inflated, but it is selling, so if we want to buy land, at an affordable price, we will need to do sowithin 1 or 2 years or it will become too expensive, or we will have to move further our of town.

    If you can find me 1 rai of land very close to the city centre, then please come and help :)

  5. I have seen a photcopy of the land title. There are two roads marked on the map, joining the boss's land to the existing road. however, while the front three rai are individually marked, the boss's land is marked as one 3 rai block, and not individual 1 rai's. So, as it stands now, we could not even buy 1 rai.

    the boss would prefer to sell as one 3 rai block, at 3200 baht per tarangwa. if 1 rai then 3500 baht. one obsticle is the land office. From what the boss says it could take her some time to get the land office to amend the 3 rai block to individual 1 rai blocks. this could take many, many months, even up to one year. are the land office that slow?

    anyway, it is becoming more unlikely any purchase will happen

  6. I am not sure whether to involve a solicitor,

    I think that is a major error on your part, how do you know the current owner has not borrowed against this land? or there are other debts attached to the land? Has the owner paid all debts due including taxes (if any?)

    Remember once you buy it you become liable for all debts incurred prior to purchase also you say the owner will build an access road through his adjoining land, what if sometime in the future he sells that land and the new owner blocks the road as you have no public right of way? . This deal appears to be fraught with pitfalls and danger and I for one would steer well clear.

    the front 3 rai is owned by someone else, and is not her land. this weekend the boss was going to look over the land papers again to see where she could build the road. I did put the question to her, ''well if i owned the front 3 rai, i would not want someone to build a road on my land.'' as i understand it, a road can be built either side of the middle front rai, and this will be built on public land and not land owned by an individual. the boss will confirm this today hopefully.

    you raise some very valid points about involving a solicitor. for my own peace of mind i will involve one.

  7. i coulnt help but notice another post of yours was about paying the Mother In Law every month


    but here you state she is just your GF and not your wife now ( or have you moved on to another women )

    from your posts , it may look like you are being taken for a massive ride up there in the north

    just watch your self, and dont spend more money then you are prepared to lose....

    @ Boater, Yes, the other post about the ''mother in law'', which got resurrected for some reason, I used the wrong terminology. i should have been clearer. I regard my girlfriend's mother as my mother in law, but I am not married (yet) to my girlfriend, and yes it is the same girl :) . Thanks for the concerns though, but all is well ( fingers crossed :D )

    @Bina thanks, yes, some very good points there. The land is very cheap, from what I have seen in Surin. The boss needs to sell to finance some refurbishments at the school. I am not sure what we will do with the land. Just keep it as an investment, or build. Your concerns are very valid, and we have no control over who our future neighbours will be. It is a gamble. I am not sure whether to involve a solicitor, but i think Thai's would rather not involve them. Will have to be careful about the road construction

  8. We would have also gone to China, - this visa seemed very straightforward ( for my TGF ). Was only the Japan visa that needed more paperwork and preparation, but from what the Japan embassy girl was saying to me, it would not have been a problem obtaining the visa ( famous last words ). In the end we had to cancel the holiday because we now have other, more impertant plans.

  9. My girlfriend has just been offered some land in Surin, within about 2km from city centre. We have both been looking for a while now, and have seen 1 rai of land selling for 100,000 baht about 10km out, to over 5 million closer to the city, which we thought was bloody expensive.

    The land is owned by my girlfriend's boss, who owns and runs a private school. The boss bought the land ( maybe about 9 rai + in total ) about 4 or 5 years ago to build her school there, but found more suitable land.

    1 rai is being sold for about 1.3 million. For sale is 3 rai which forms the back half of a 6 rai field. We might buy 1.5 rai, or just 1. The front 3 rai is owned by someone else. At the moment the front 3 rai is used as a small football pitch. Surrounding the whole field is a large brick wall. There is a road running next to the front half of the field. The boss said she would build a road from the existing road to her 3 rai of land at her expense. This would also mean the road would extend to her other land. I am not sure what type of road she would build. I hope a proper tarmac one.

    There is electricity. On the other side of the wall is a large Japanese car salesroom, and the other 2 sides of the wall is the rest of the boss's land. I think the land is ready to build on. There are mature, large trees around the inside edge of the wall, and also the other side of the wall. These would have to be pulled down.

    I am not sure whether we will buy the land, depends what our plans are. but if we do ( or rather my GF buys it ), Is there anything I should ask about the land, or any advice pls? ( apart from dont buy it!! ). Any advice about the road, or installing utility pipes with the road ( water). or checking my GF has full ownership of the land.

  10. But what can the consequences be for standing up for yourself and your fellow queuers?

    I saw a doccuemtary once, which showed some CCTV footaage of a fast food take away in London. A lady jumped the queue and placed her order, much to the annoyance of someone already queuing, who demonstrated his objections. The queue jumper left the take away, and a minute of so later her boyfriend entered, who just happened to be about 200 KG in weight. The boyfriend took one swing at the objector, laying him flat out cold.

    That would earn you some jail time in the states. Battery.

    For the yobbo it might be worth it to be a tough guy.

    Jail time, large legal fees, and a sizeable payment to the guy you hit. Happened to my friend and he's now driving a new car. Over here, it's best to just wait! :(

    the ''take away'' assault was so serious they even showed the CCTV footage on crimewatch UK. I am sure they must have caught the thug.

  11. just wondering, would my local kawasaki dealership in Surin be able to order this?

    Is there a kawasaki dealer (for big bikes) in Surin?

    i have not seen a kawasaki dealership in Surin, but I am sure there must be one. As far as I can see, Yamaha, and Honda, as an example, only sell mopeds. Si I presume Kawasak sell mopeds only. I have never seen larger bikes on the forecourts. When i find out where it is, I will go and ask. Thanks

  12. This probably wont be much help to you, but i was going to Japan with my Thai girlfriend, for a short 4 day stay. ( end of a cruise liner holiday ). My girlfriend would have gone to the Japan embassy in BKK. She would need a letter from her employer saying she could have the time off. She would need to produce her bank book and show she had enough funds in her account to support herself for those 4 days ( even though i was sponsoring her ) . these funds should not ba a lump sum. i put about 200,000 in there. plus she would need a sponsor letter from me. I actually phoned the Japan embassy in BKK, and they were quite helpful.

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