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Posts posted by tingtongtourist

  1. 47 minutes ago, Thailand said:

    Well if PT got the most seats and even forming an alliance(s) with other parties they still are in the losing position doesn't that mean the system is either flawed or is surely not- rigged!

    who needs proof? 

    Thaivisa farangs been crowing on for years about Thai corruption, brown paper bags, Immigrations getting paid off...on and on and on for just about every subject.


    proof might proove that half of what they saying is complete BS

    and we cannot spoil their fun like that!

  2. On 3/24/2019 at 12:10 AM, scubascuba3 said:
    On 3/23/2019 at 11:56 PM, Sheryl said:
    One of  the big problems with self insuring (other than that most people who say they self-insure actually do not) is that once your money is spent, it is spent, and while you may have managed to put aside enough, how will you replenish it? And if - as is usually the case -- you cannot, what then will you do?

    It's a good point, its all a gamble to fund 1 big event, multiple big events would be difficult to handle, but as i and a friend discuss, at a certain age you may choose not to go on, controversial i know

    As far as i heard, if you have one big event the insurance will not pay on any others related...or they wont insure you again.


    If you won a claim as a newish policy holder and hadnt paid millions previously in premiums the company will axe you for sure or find every excuse not to pay. 


    If you win a claim on that first event, the new premiums will be so rediculously high you cannot afford to pay them in future anyway, so you will have to pay for future care yourself 

    either way you will be drained of savings

  3. 4 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    Source of the actual MFA announcement? Source or it's just hearsay.


    The same system that alerts on 6 VE entries does not alert on 3 SETVs or 1 METV, so I doubt it was set in place to prevent tourists from staying longer than 180 days a year. More likely it is there so long term tourists have to get tourist visas and prove they have means to support themselves, which does make sense.


    Firstly they consider him the VE abuser, which now seem a worse crime than even living there many years.


    Right or wrong, they obviously assume people avoid to get the real visa for bad reasons.


    Because for YEARS they warns people "next time get the real visa"

    (instead of VE and preferable to get from you own country)


    And for some reason people dont understand why...

    That when you get the right visa you are screened and vetted from the Thai official consul and that satisfy them of proof of your situation and meet requirements  


    Sorry, but really no excuse, we been reading it over and over on here people getting knocked back for VEs

    • Thanks 1
  4. 17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    There are definitely new rules about the 800K method.

    For those that have been relying on income methods and lost the embassy letter option, the 800K method is much easier to comply with.

    For those under 65K monthly pension, the combo method is now in a great state of enforcement uncertainty, meaning sensible people will shift to the 800K method if they can. 

    Within the 800K method the SEASONING requirements have expanded greatly to cover the entire year. Before it was three months before for the 800K, now it is two months before, and three after, while for the remainder of the year you can't go below 400k.

    Some offices are already handing out show bank book orders for 90 days AFTER, meaning those that do go under will most likely have their extensions cancelled and worse.

    People that say the rules haven't changed are either intentionally lying or are greatly misinformed.

    please correct me if wrong but what the only changes i learn from this post


    1. you now have to season and hold the 800k an extra few months

    2. cant go below 400k at any time.


    Sorry but i cant really see what the fuss is about?


    I dont know, but for staying long term over 10 years i assume you would have had to show the 800k several times anyway when reapplying or getting an extension?


    so in the old rules, you would have spent money and then had to top up the 800k anyway?


    it seems to be, the only problem would be if you never had the 800k in the first place and been fraudulently using agents?


    • Thanks 1
  5. 19 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    You are reading Thai visa too much.  Really nothing much has changed except the attitude of some key posters on here. 


    One of them is running 13 negative threads now.  He was always negative for the 10 years of so I've been reading here but now it's getting extreme. 


    I am in my 70's and nothing has changed for me.  If anything the people are getting nicer because the backpackers and skint expats are leaving. 


    Thai's are going more online and that means more action for the fellows who can read and write Thai. 


    I'd take a break from Thai Visa and associate with some less OCD types. 


    We have always had the dumped guys but now add to that the visa runners and the ex pat fakers and it seems like a Tsunami of negativity. 


    They'll be gone in a few months as things shake out and normalcy will return. 


    I visit two Thai social streaming forums daily and I've seen more people wanting to meet me rather than less recently and I'm an old guy. 


    The eye thing reminds me of the guys smoking for the first time and getting paranoid. 

    I respond because this post needs to be seen often.

    especially the 1st sentance!!

    At the end of all, this 800k rule has been there forever, 

    If badly affectected now it mean you been cheating for years


    to be brutal, you have not really got enough funds to be living older life in Thailand

    or any other country than your own really.


    there is no welfare, no medical care for you( if no money)

    other than to rely on Thai family if you have it.


    if have some money,

    To be honest id am very worried if i didnt have at least US$30k to hold for the plan B



    • Confused 2
  6. 14 hours ago, Benroon said:

    ok so in your bias mind -  you have never heard of a disturbed burglar attacking the owner ?


    Get real

    well in Thailand, apparently you can legally shoot the burglar if in the house and a threat.

    maybe not if you are a foriegner!

    and the first reason why, is because unlike a Thai,  you aint allowed to have a gun!


    As a foriegner in outback Isaan you will soon find the pooyai is your judge and jury...and not much else!

    so maybe best to get on the good side and buy him Lao Khao when you can.


    im not talkin about Bkk and Pattaya here.

    If you never lived in Isaan,

    you got NO IDEA! and probably dont want to!!

  7. On 3/17/2019 at 1:17 AM, attrayant said:

    Just think about that for a moment.


    To get a retirement stay, you have to prove you can support yourself financially by showing 800K in the bank that... you can't touch to support yourself for five months of the year.

    maybe they want people with savings well over 800k?

    and 800k can then be an insurance for medical expense and some disaster?


    If faranks didnt hang around in Thailand untill they are completely destitute and have 0 baht it might not come to this.


    And they are probably bored of scraping up farangs off the concrete under the condo balcony.


    It really is a bit of a laugh all the 

    "welcome to my ignore list"


    now frothing on the mouth as if they are asked of US$ 1 million.


    its only like $30k for goodness sake!!


    honestly with the way these guys complain and run down Thailand at every chance

    i have no suprise Thailand is welcoming them to the "exit Thailand immigration lane"


    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. On 2/21/2019 at 5:10 PM, MaksimMislavsky said:

    He calls her "500 baht female thief" (ee-jorn-haa-roi) among other things

    I must say, the taxi driver saying "ee oo-un" and "ee turet" was a good touch.


    i thought i even heard something about a stupid watermelon thrown in, but i might be wrong


    Anyway, Its a fun study for Thai listening skills

    • Haha 1
  9. 19 hours ago, Youlike said:

    In that case they should hire foreign experts to train the Thai police....how many people have to die first? Soon the rest of the world will watch these video's and think the Thai must be lacking braincells.


    Its true, Thai dont worry to pass hundreds of law to protect stupid people from themself, like in some western country.

    and why should they?

    -look what happen when they banned people riding in back of pickup.


    You must admit, the education system doesnt exactly promote the idea of think for yourself, weigh up the risk against the consequences of stupid behaviour.


    Only have to look how some will handle things when major sหIt goes down...

    when the lid blows off...

    shooting or axe murder parents, teachers, ex partner

    then spend life in horrible Thai prison. 

    hmmm not a smart move!


  10. as others have said, she who own the handbag would probably show no thanks.

    and being Thai, she maybe just call him a <deleted>wit for all his effort.


    so he gets a nice beating..

    must constantly look over the shoulder wondering if they get him again..

    then have to deal with Thai cops..


    and even these thieves could lie and claim the purse belonged to their wife/famliy member... and who will the cops rather believe?


    then he can even get sued for tarnish the reputation of Thailand on social media!!


    in Thailand: the pay is ZERO for being a HERO


    No thanks, im happy to last very long time here without trouble..

    by minding my own bees-wax !!!



    • Confused 1
  11. lol, posters are so gullible to quickly believe the story of the massage shop.


    Not to defend Rusky, but theres more to the story.

    If he mafia, maybe some seedy business gone wrong..

    (like he send Rusky customers there and expect a cut?)


    You think any Thai massage girl who report to police is gonna tell they are selling gym and have a argument about it?


    No, obvious best lie to say is  "we dont sell the gym and he angry about it"


    Anyone who knows Thais knows they are expert at cockamaimey story

    to cover themself and make it the bad farangs fault!!






  12. Anyway, if its true

    30 million tourist are coming to Thailand per year..

    around 80,000 per day!!


    and we hear of a few people get knocked back here

    But TBH, we dont know the FULL story why these guys got locked out.

    is there stuff they dont share on here?? (understandable)


    No offence, but...


    1. Thais can be judgemental about many things, even a Nigerian looking suntan (unfortunate but we cant change it)

    and they assume many work illegally or upto no good.


    2. Also many TROLLS are bored on thaivisa and those who just posting pure

    bบแsหit !!!


    So take away the above arguments and really,

    getting denied entry when have a legit visa its really just a case of


    "being shit outta luck"

    • Like 1
  13. Maybe i grt it wrong, but your writing this on thaivisa, is like a hint that Thailand is the big ultimate rat park?



    But to many farang rats want it both.

    To be high while being at the ultimate rat park.

    why? lol

    I never really got that,

    why farang come to Thailand and do drugs and the same trouble stuff as at home really..

    when theres so much you could explore and experience,  its actually wasting a good chance to get off the juices without the big trauma IMO 


    • Confused 1
  14. If she asks for money I will drop her as quick as I picked her up.


    I get what you mean, but surely you know to be involved with any female anywhere means laying out big $????


    In the west they dont 'ask' because its obvious how soon will come many things you 'need' when you are together.


    if have kids, it really is the end of your easy life!

    in no time you become the prisoner to debt, working til age 70 and even then still owe money.


    These girls are different. most do what they do because they have to, because theres no other way of making money and no easy welfare payments.


    so dont be kee-niow, give them a bit of the surplus $ so little you wont even miss it.

    It usually goes to family, food and neccesitys after all.. not a yacht in Accapulco and holidays in the south of France.


    and to the lowlifes on this site constantly calling them whores

    you can pull your heads in...


    You dont think you have been a whore ALL your life?...

    The bank is your pimp and Xcorp who you work for has fบcked you the whole time.

    • Like 1
  15. well i find it very hard to believe they still have data going back to the 90s and can/would use it against us now.


    Thai governments have not been known for updating to the latest cutting edge technology,


    and Of course its just another opinion,

    but to say they have info on every single tourist since the late 80s sounds a bit like fiction to me.


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