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Posts posted by prism

  1. International schools with an US curriculum are; Chiang Mai International School (CMIS), Nakornpayap (NIS), Grace and Unity Concord (UCIS). CMIS Is a Moderately Christian school that has a very good AP program. Campus life there will be most similar to an US school. It's hard to get in though. Grace is very religious serving mostly missionaries. NIS has a good reputation, nice campus and an AP program. UCIS is a new school that is recruiting and aggressively expanding. Their tuition is more affordable than the others. They have a higher percentage of Chinese students than the others. All the schools are WASC accredited except UCIS which is pending.         

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  2. Ambassador Bilingual School might be worth looking into, it's within your budget. My kids go to the Varee International program but they have a Thai Kindergarten program and I've seen some mixed Thai/western children in there.  

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  3. Renewed my passport there a few years ago, it was ready for pick up in just over a week. Went back into the consulate and within 10 minutes I had my new passport and letter of request that Thai immigration transfer their Visa to my new passport. They required that I bring in my old passport so they can cancel it. So nice having the U.S. Consulate here in CM. 

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  4. I think there is some truth to those numbers. Yesterday I took a trip through the Mae Rim tourist attractions; X Centre, Tiger Kingdom, Insect zoo, etc. All were dead. Saw only one Chinese tour bus and a couple of vans. Seem kinda sad visiting these venues when they're nearly empty. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

    If you cannot be sure about the tap water then what is your alternative?

    The hotels will save money and 7/11 will increase sales. Bottom line - exactly the same amount of plastic bottles floating in the ocean.

    Many hotels already offer free drinking water in returnable glass bottles. It's the pay for mineral water that usually comes in plastic bottles. 

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  6. On 8/30/2018 at 6:51 PM, ubonjoe said:

    1. Normally when a bank book has not been updated for a long time the update will only show the current balance. You should get a statement from the bank stamped by them to present to immigration showing the balance for the last 3 months to prove it has been there at least 3 months.

    2. You or your son can sign the house book copies.

    In my case for retirement extension, I'll make a small transaction just before updating my bank book then obtain the bank guarantee statement. That way the dates for the current balance on the bank book and the statement are the same. It's required at CM immigration.  

  7. 6 hours ago, luvleggs said:

    I know this is an old thread but has this situation changed at all?  I am moving over in mid nov and really would prefer not to drag all my gear over there.  My main needs will be some decent(Adam, Genelec, Focal) near field monitors, compressor (UA, Neve, Kush) and maybe an A/D unit (UA, RME, Audient) though I have been eyeing the ID44 and it would be pretty easy to travel with.  Also any idea what kind of gear the local studios have that are running currently?

    Might want to start with Maximum Sound on Chang Klan road. You'll probably have to go to Bangkok to source most of that type of equipment.  

  8. On 8/16/2018 at 5:46 PM, eyecatcher said:

    I dreaded joining those long queues so instead I got married.

    My queue of usually 6 at the most is mostly infiltrated by the odd carrier bag and bottle of water but I too can be away within 90 mins of an 8.30 arrival.

    Saved an absolute fortune on agencies obviously.......having a wife however......

    Strange, a few years ago, I was going to renew my extension based on marriage instead of retirement. The IO talked me out of it explaining the increase work load of processing it for them and myself. Now it looks like the way to go if you're married.   

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