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Posts posted by RamdomChances

  1. 1.Present Simple: เรากินที่ร้านอาหารแห่งนี้ประจำ "raow gin tee rahn ahaan haeng nee pra-jam"=We regularly eat at this eatery

    How about the same as above but with "boi = often" rather than "pra-jam=regularly"

    raow mai kouy pai talad = we've never been to the market

    raow mai kooy pai talad = we seldom go to the market

    raow mai dai buy talad = we did'nt go to the market

    raow koo-an buy talad = we should go to the market

    Ok I find markets simple :o

    Also most thais i talk to shorten gamlang to galang in speach, took me ages to work out!!

  2. but without the input of the mildly inebriated through to the chronically stupid,

    Let's not forget the mildly stupid through the chronically inebriated,... :o

    BC can you please stop talking about me behind my back :D

    Just a thought.

    What if a gay man and lesbian woman want to get married would this be ok

    (stranger things have and probably will happen)

    What about Bisexuals, Transsexuals.

    In a purely "civil law" sort of way marriage is just a legaly enforsable agreement between two people.

    My wifes aunty is a lesbian and her partner is lovely. they have been together for years and are more "married" than most people I know.

    Actually they live on the farm and look after the cows. (oh my god just had an idea, some of my cows are gay, do you think they have caught it off them!!)

  3. I've been off for a while, so am just reading this,

    In my view I just dont care, if they want to get married go ahead. If you take out all the religious stuff from marrage, its just a piece of paper.

    Why should "straight men" be the only ones to suffer, let gays get married as well :o

    On the animal thing, I've got cows that are lesbians, or at least bi :D

  4. I think the OP was asking how to say " Taking the p!ss"

    An english saying meaning sort of "make fun of" as opposed to going for a pee!!

    "Phood len" or "gang/geng" (although I think this is more tease or pick on)

    As for taking a sh!it how about "pai khee", I know its not that polite :o

  5. Johnny like's to have a bit of a laugh, I borrowed some of Yohans search Bots :D and .....

    Many such dogs exist in my village here in Bangkok and in Yasothon
    Confusingly, a fellow Brit told me
    Anyway, off to see the Man U Man City game
    Except for a slight age difference
    when replying to someone who was 36
    From Johnny Moron aka Professor Sebastian Mortimer aka Comrade Vladamir Zharkhovsky aka Python Lee Jackson aka California Dave.

    Four and half wonderful years. Time split between managing a growing buffalo farm in Yasothon and the occasional teaching of English to corporate clients here in sunny Bangkok.

    Yasothon wins hands down any day for quality of life, but BKK helps pay the rent.

    Modest houses in both locations, but as yet no gleaming merc. Nice new DVD player, but as yet no TV above the ubiquitous 21 inch flat screen. Regular visitor to Thaivisa.com, but no great wish as of yet to take seriously anything other than the visa pages.

    At least your lives sound interesting!

    All above Johnny quotes :o

    So Johnny would seem to be an expat englishman (probably from Manchester) who lives in Yasthon and teaches in BKK, is somewhere around 36 years old and has many nick's. :D

    Actually some of the posts where very funny if not taken seriously :D

    Ps I must find something more to do with my time :D

  6. I'm inherently lazy and if I went back I'd have to go to work every day.

    Whenever I'm feeling a bit homesick or p!ssed off I just think about getting up on a cold black winters morning to scrape the ice off my car togo to work!!

    This usually does the trick :o

  7. I usually go to sleep, anywhere from 11 in night to 3 in the morning and get up between 5 and and 8 in morning. Average bed about 12 up about 6. Usually get up go over the farm to make sure there are no probs, then leave the staff to do the milking.

    If one of our cows has a problem I can be up all night, usually let the staff go to sleep cos they have to do the next mornings milk, or we take shifts.

    What is nice though is thet 90% of the time I dont HAVE to get up, I'm no longer ruled by the clock.

  8. Cheers Bina

    It was a male calf, sold it already so no prob with the colustrum.

    I've got it on an anti inflamatry, called Butrasil and anti-biotics to help ward off the Mastites she will surley get from the wound to the teat.

    She can actually walk with difficulty and does'nt seem in much pain. It is just she cant straighten her front leg so cant put any weight on it, so I have'nt given up hope yet. If she could'nt get up I'd probably of called it a day by now. It look like "Radial Nerve Paralisis" which they can get over but I have'nt been able to find anything out about any treatment to aid recovery.

    As she is also getting over the milk fever, we still give concentrate to keep the calcium levels up along with lots of fresh grass. Just after birth is a very difficult time for a milking cow as they produce so much milk and usually lose weight for the first 3 months.

    I'll give it a bit of time and see how it goes, Its no good talking to the vet here, the one that first came out to treat the milk fever said she was just constipated!! I only called him out cos I still cant put a drip in!

    Anyway thanks RC

  9. Dunno - but I once got a 1,000bht fine for dropping a fag end on Kaosan Rd - a road that has no public bins except for a couple of big wheelies at the Burger King end of the st.

    Unfortunatly for me, I had just gone to a cashpoint to draw out 30,000 for a flight to Johannesburg and had the cash in my hand as the policeman tapped me on the shoulder holding up my still smoking dog-end.

    A very devious way of getting money from the unsuspecting farang, but hey, at least his wife can now get that new rice cooker she needed

    There you go Scampy :o

  10. Cheers Scampy.

    Oh forgot to say we are trying massage, with some deep heat oil and trying to work the leg manualy, sort of cow physio!!

    Its been piss!ng down here for 2 days and spent most of last night wading through mud and holding a drip.

    Just got clean for the first time in 2 days, thank god for hot showers!!!

  11. I've posted this here and not on the Farming in Issan thread, in the hope more people will see it.

    On of my cows went down last night with "milk fever" (basicaly a calcium difficency comman in cows that have just calfed, they get so weak they cant stand)

    Unfortunatly while struggling to get up, she damaged her front leg ( I think the nerve is trapped or damaged) and is not able to straighten it and it can't bear any weight.

    Are there any drugs, therapy, treatment that can help.

    Its over the milk fever, 2 doses of calcium on a slow drip, I've injected anti inflametry drugs, and anti biotics, cos she half tore off one teat while struggling to get up.

    If any one has any ideas advice I'd be gratful.

    Cheers RC

  12. The Brits will understand this.

    The Orientals don't like people to think of them as lower class. Peasants work in the fields, outside, and so their skin is darkened by the sun. Having light-coloured skin is supposed to imply that you are not a manual worker and, therefore, of a higher class than dark people. It's purely a snobbery thing. This from a Thai girl with whom I was chatting.

    Thats right, if you go back to around the turn of the centryin Britian, white skin was all the fashion, because you would obviously be "higher class" as you did not have to work outdoors, they used to use all kinds of stuff to make the skin white (inc lead and arsnic I think??)

    With the advent of air travel the financaly better off where able to go abroad on their holidays and liked to get a tan to show they'd been somewhere. I've lost count of the ammount of people that have said to me "if I go home white no one will know I've been away".

    Madness to me but it takes all sorts.

    Oh to answer the question, skin is skin it does'nt matter.

  13. Girls in the north are more "Thai" than their city sisters
    While I think that I know what you are trying to say, I find saying one group of people more or less Thai than an other, a bit misleading. Its a bit like calling a Londerner, more British than say a Cornish farmer.

    If you think about the country that you came from and its many different ways of life, country farmer, miner, rich city stock trader ect.... They all come from the same country and probably share the same core cultrual belifs, but their ways of life would be very different from each others.

    When we say Northen girls what exactly are we talking about, cos North Thailand is'nt Issan, parts of which are more southernly than BKK!!, and all regions have some quite large cities, where the girls are not much different from BKK, or are we talking about "country girls", where even the lifestyles from person to person, village to village vary.

    I cant speak for Issan cos I dont know the area that well, but I live in a small village, and youd be suprised , people have cars, TV, runing water all sorts of stuff !!

    Anyway I do agree that country girls do tend to stick closer to the more traditional Thai ways and belifs, as for being better or not as rod said....

    I guess it all depends on what you're looking for
  14. Then would it be too drastic to conclude from this that the majority aren't looking for a serious relationship?

    Sorry I don't really follow this line of reasoning.

    You dont both have to come from the same cultrual background to mentally compatible.

    I also agree thay if you are'nt mentally compatible it would be very difficult to sustaine a serious relationship.

    Oh I'm not looking for a serious relationship, I'm in one!!

  15. Your user name should be "random answers" instead of "random chances

    Why? :o

    They all have some sort of monarchy, emperor, chief or king.

    They all must have beautiful women (at least some)

    I dare say the sun shines on all of them.

    They all must have at least some place that is fairly pretty, beaches, forest ect.

    They all must have "amazing" food does'nt have to taste nice just "amazing"

    Ancient temlpes and ruins, must have somewhere!!

  16. What other country has a combination of beautiful scenery, friendliness, modern technology, urban poverty, sunshine, forest, beach, stunning women and amazing food, western comforts and ancient temples and ruins?

    I'm not saying there isn't one - but I can't think of one.

    Here's a few that might fit.

    Jordan, Denmark, Spain, Monaco (without the urban poverty), Western Samoa, Japan, Malyasia, Cambodia, Denmark, Tonga.

    Ok they are'nt perfect matches!!

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