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Posts posted by RamdomChances

  1. Thanks Richard I take back everything I've said about you :o

    I really am going to have to learn to write Thai, trying to answer anything in english without knowing the Thai spelling is very hit and miss!!

    Ok pa-som not ba-som, say them quick and they sound the same, how about bpa-som?? :D

    I'd translate 'ben sat" to "be animal" as well, I've asked before ansd this is correct.

    You are right Lep= nail= hoof (had a bit of a typo there)

    artery = เส็น เลือด แดง= sen luad deng (red)

    vein = เส็น เลือด ดำ= sen luad dam (black)

    Thas right but generally no one uses them

    Vet thas right another one i've heard is "sat da-wa phaet" nearly the same.

    Anyway cheers

    Just curious, can you speak thai, or are you more interested in the writen language, its origines ect, do you deal with languages professionaly ect

    Think I put a thread in about that.

    Cheers RC

  2. Its right if you have a drivers licence/ WP, you only have to pay 20 bht same as the thais, I've done it load's of times at national parks, chaing mai zoo to see the pandas, and even Dream World in BKK which is a private concern.

    Speaking thai with them helps as well :o

    Cheers RC

  3. My wife's auntie is a lesbian, her and her partner work for us and live on my farm.

    The Auntie's the buch one and drives my lorry and her partner the "feminie" one is my Farm manager.

    They have been together for years and are both lovely people, niether can speak english though, and would'nt have a clue how to use a chat room :o

    Cheers RC

  4. Youd have to have a name and they might ask for the ID card as well. I never worked out that if you booked a double what the prob was.

    Dont know about hotels that much used to live down there, and just going on what people used to say about the BG in rooms thing.

    Dont think its a problem with the medium class hotels, dont know if its the same now but at the Holiday you could'nt take back a girl no matter how much you pay'd, I think the merlin is the same, never here'd anything about the Tropicana though.

  5. I think that most of you are being a bit hard on the guy, so he drove a motorbike without registration and paid a bribe.

    Ok by definition of the law he's wrong, but lets get some perspective here, it was a relitivly a minor offence and something that millions of Thai people do everyday, except the bribe.

    The police up here don't even bother to stop thai people on old run down, no lights, not registered bikes as they would not have the money to pay for the bribe or fine, and why would local police want to alianate the local comunity that way.

    I'll give you some ammo to have a go at me.

    We run a 6 wheel lorry(truck), which is only a year and a half old and perfectly legal, we dont even run overloaded (which makes it extremly difficullt ot be profitable as everyone else does).

    If I did'nt pay bribes it would be impossible to do buissiness, every police station on our route (exept the local one) gets money every month (only about 20bht but they get this from a lot of people and the more ilegal you are the more you pay).

    If I did'nt pay I could chose to go to court, with the lorry impounded until the outcome, or they could just say that they thought you were over weight and would have to go to a weigh bridge, taking mabye half a day.

    In short even if I was not prosecuted for anything it would be impossible to do buissines.

    So I break the law nearly everyday, should I also be deported, if so what should happen to all the Thais that pay bribe's and the police that take them?

    Thailand has not got enough jails to keep them all.

    (legal dissclaimer All the above is made up and false, its a fictional story honest)

  6. I'd ask your girl friend if the father likes a drink, if he does than take a bottle for him, and some of the other stuff for the mum.

    If he does drink you can tell if its going well if he opens the bottle to share with you. :o

    I'd stick to JW black or if he likes Regancy mabye take a good bottle of brandy.

    I still think that you have to get some input from your GF she must know what they like!!

  7. Hi Bina, nearly missed your reply :o

    While I can speak nearly fluent "Farm" Thai, I cant speak any "Issan" they don't speak it around here, its central thai here's as few they should be able to understand Central even if they prefer to speak Issan.

    Pegnant = mi tong

    Female = dtua mia so female goat "pae dtua mia"

    Male/bull = dtua poo

    Young Female= saow

    Goat = pae (the e is a really short sount a bit like pair without the "r")

    Sheep = gae

    Cow = wua


    AI = ba-som tiam

    Semen = nam chua

    On heat = Ben sat

    Semen = nam chua

    To let the bull inseminate = hi dtua tam ba-som ing (sort of) or ba-som tam-a-chard (breed naturaly)

    Parts of the body

    Leg = kar

    Hoof = leab (can always use "new" nail if that fails)

    Nerve = sen

    Vein/artery = sen luat or luad

    Blood = luat or luad

    Horn = chow (same basic sound as rice, white, mountian,enter but all with different tones)

    Head =hua

    Eye = dtaa

    Liver = die

    Kidney = dap

    Heart = hua jai

    Intestines = sai

    Skin = nang


    Mastitis = Dtow nom ak-sep ( do goats get this?)

    Wound = Pear (dont roll the "r")

    Fever = Khai

    Milk fever = Khai nom (dont know if goats get this or just cows)

    Have a cold = Ben wat

    Infection = ak-sep (inflamation)

    Hurt = jep (when talking about hoofs they always use jep toaw(foot))

    Inject medicen= Cheet yaa

    Tablet = yaa met

    Medicen = yaa

    Swolen = buam

    Parisite = Pie-at

    Vet = moor ( Docter I know it's not the correct term, cant remember what is but no one uses it enless in formal situations anyway)

    Anyway tried my best to approximate the sound, but writing in english is very limited, prehaps one of the good guys will write the thai in then you can print it off and get some help with the pronouncation.

    A lot of the above are not the correct words but are what people generally use

    (anyone who has a farm and works with thai people everyday feel free to disagree :D )

  8. Thanks all but the point of the story was

    some people are so blinkered that that is all they see when they see a falang/thai couple.

    Thats the bit I thought was on topic, I just took a long time getting to it!!

  9. Thanks LC (where the avtur gone)

    What I meant is I've grown up not worring about what other people think, but it is more diffficult for a Thai wife, who has beem brought up to care about what others think and be considerate to others (greng jai).

    My wife even told me I should'nt of done it as he was a guest!!

  10. Ok I've a story to add here, that I think is on topic, but bear with me.

    Last week my nearest falang neibour (50km away) poped around with a friend fron Pattaya.

    His friend owned a bar and as usual we opend a bottle of sang som and started talking, this friend said that he was looking for a change of direction in his life and had come up for a visit, ok so far so good.

    It then turns out he's afraid to leave the country coe he's been overstaying for about 3 months.

    Anyway to cut a long story short, a couple of bottles later my friends wife wants to go home and they decide to stay in my house and she will pick them up in the morning.

    Still more sang som (yes I know its a lot) and this guy starts telling me how I should not trust Thai women and bar girls are'nt to be trusted so why Have I put so much money into my place.

    So I tell him that my wifes mother gave us the house, the 65 rai of land was my wifes anyway(her farther left it to her) and she was'nt a bar girl.

    So he sits there and says "I dont belive you there is no way a falang can meet a nice girl in thailand" or words to that effect.

    So I politly tell him who's house he's drinking in and that he should think carfuly about what he say's, because he's a long way from home, dosen"t speak thai, the police station accros the road is maned by my wufes cousin and bad things could to him happen here.

    In the mean time my friend is ringing his wife to come and get them and telling him to shut up!

    In the end he say's sorry cos he's seen my wife and he thinks she"s to fat to be a bar girl.

    So I throw him off my balcony (only 1 floor) ( a bit more as well buut we wont go into that here).

    He end's up in the local hospital, until my friend wife comes, and I get the police (just as a frightener) to tell him that I'm thinking of geting him for assault.

    Anway, we dont live like a bar girl/falang, my wife does not look like a bar girl.

    But some people are so blinkered that that is all they see when they see a falang/thai couple.

    I say F##k them and get on with your own lives.(but it"s harder for the wife)

  11. Need to be unique: 86%

    Need to NOT conform: 89%

    Willingness to express dissent: 94%

    Overall score: 88%

    And I'm 36% gay, I think it's my liver and left leg.

    Any gay people actually take the test

    What scores did you have

    Where you worried about being too straight.

    As for the first test if the expats are answering, well your living in Thailand, its not that "normal" prehaps it atracts certin personality traits (same with expats living in other countries)

  12. Pla, we must stop posting at the same time!!

    Yea been on hols my sister was out, BKK and Hua Hin nice, I've got staff to look after the farm and don't usually milk anymore (I'm a spare) and we are on the phone every day, but thats mostly about the lorry. The farm runs quite smooth as long as there are no probs (which sometimes happens :o )

    Yea did have the hump about BC (but we can't mention it)

    Can't see me getting into dogs, do you know anything about the legal side of that in Thailand ?

    Haven't tried Lab laab yet, but can vouch for neua maa det deiow being quite tasty

    Is that sun dried dog or horse, can never tell when they are writen in english :D



  13. Hi again, just replying to my own post, sad in'it

    Ok apparently dog meat is expensive and considered a delicasy, but I could not find much referance to the farming of dogs in Thailand, or whether it is legal.

    heres two links on the subject



    The last one has some pretty disturbing pics if you are a dog lover (and I dont mean the meat)

    The first one when I started reading it I tought it was promoting dog farming, going on about how expensive they are in Vietnam and China, and then how much more profitable it was to farm than chickens X3 and pigs X4, but its not it wants to stop people eating dogs, but puts a really good buisiness case for the farming!!

    Anyway I prefer my dogs running around the farm, but would not be agains people eating dog as long as they were reared and killed humanly (how do you kill something humanly??)

    Saying that have any of you seen how they raise chickens and pigs in "human" countries all for the sake of a few pence/cents a kg saving in meat.

    Bye again


  14. Hi LC I would'nt say it's "nessesary" but its nice, my wife is a good cook, although no where as near as good her mum!!

    Although her mum only does Thai stuff and this is what we eat most evenings, my wife does like to cook but hates the day to day stuff, she's even pretty good at falang food, inc home made Bread and Pizza.

    I dont expect to be looked after all the time and am a pretty good cook myself(when we eat falang food I usually cook) and think it is important that men know how to cook as well, and would certianaly teach my son if I had one.

  15. Hi all, I've been on hol's

    Now you've brought up this topic Wash, it would be interesting to hear from Random and anyone else who are farang farmers, how much problem there is with either out and out organised theft/rustling or small time filching/scrumping of fruit by jealous neighbours,etc? Especially interested to know if it occurs with cattle in some places and what is/can be done to avoid/minimise it. All anecdotes welcome
    Hi Pla, yes it does go on, I've only heared of one actual case though, rustling is not that easy, if you have ever tryed to get one of my cows to go where you want it let alone into the back of a lorry/pickup, its not that easy and to do that at night with no one noticing would be very difficult (but not imposible). The only case that I know is of one man who stole 2 cows from a nearbye farm, he was caught but reconed the other guy owed him money.

    There is a mango orchard accross the road, and they have never had any prob's. I'm sure it goes on small scale. My mother-in-law is constantly worried about it, but I've no first hand experiance myself.

    On the subject of dog farming, I know that strays are rounded up and sold for meat but I dont think it goes on around here, I'm too far from the dog eating markets. What do you think dog sell for per/kg I was under the impresion that it was a cheap meat (but could be wrong).

    Anyway I cant see how the numbers would work for breeding dogs for sale as they are meat eaters and the cost of rearing one from a puppy to a saleble carcuss would make the cost of the meat proibitive.

    So, very much like intensive and extensive livestock rearing systems for a niche market in Thailand and a mass export market in Vietnam. It also wouldn't surprise me if some find their way as far as southern china. Then there is an active trade in their pelts too, some possibly ending up as driving/golf gloves.

    How would they transport them, its really expensive to transport live meat, esp meat eaters, they you have customs or pay offs = more cost, I really dont see how this is possible.

    There are kennels around here that breed thing like Lab's, rotwielders, alsations ect but this is purly for sale as pets, they sell for about 3-5000 a head, I dont see how you could use them for meat!!

    I wounder what Lab Lab would tast like :o

    holstein-friesian pure breeds

    We dont keep any pure breeds and I don't know anyone who does, even if we have a cow at around 80% pure we dont use 100% HF seaman because the calf would be "too pure" thay dont cope well with the heat and are very suseptable to parisites/dieseas''s, also the breeding life is shorter, if they survive that long.

    Oh one last thought chilli is'nt indigious to thailand either.

    Anyway cheers bye for now


  16. We are trying to rise the quality of the postings on this forum.

    Re Bluecat: First he was warned several times by mods/admins. He was then suspended for 30 or 60 days by a forum admin. After that he used multiple nicks which is against the forum rules, and was subsequently banned for that reason.

    We will look into his case again after 30 days.

    This thread was moved by me to the Forum support branch, as it was created in the wrong forum. I am closing it now, as we don't discuss moderation against Bluecat openly.

    Please read and understand our forum guidelines, http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?act=boardrules

    I've read the rules, did'nt see anything about quality of posts!!

    But did notice that you can ban members on a whim

    Thaivisa.com shall be the sole arbiter of what is and is not a violation of these acceptable use policies. We reserve the right to terminate an account at any time and for any reason that causes harm to any other. We reserve the right to delete all content and files on our server and in our databases at any time for any reason. Thaivisa.com reserves the right to refuse, cancel, or suspend service at our sole discretion.

    So who is the sole arbiter??

    I for one feel that I will no longer post on this forum until problembd are adressed, mabye no loss but its all I can do

    Anyone who wants to get in touch about farming, hopfully my e-mail will still be the same

  17. Yea looks like Angrycat is banned as well, I found this post from him......

    OK, I'll answer as much as I can.

    I have been banned from posting on this forum.

    Not only banned from posting but banned from reading, I have no access anymore to Thaivisa forum.

    I have to go through proxy servers,

    I do not really know the reason.

    And I do not really care.

    Also a quote from p1p on the issue of moderaters accountability, when replying to a simular question.


    I can confirm that the Moderators and Administrators have got together and agreed that no further such action will be taken without a full explanation being given. If anything has perviously occured to you without notice being given, then it was an oversight or a glitch and I apologise on behalf of the Moderating board.

    Is this an open forum, or just an old boys club!!

    Are the rules, just for comman members, or do all have to follow them.

    Why was there no link posted when this topic was moved (although we already know)

    Any MOD want to comment!!

    If you dont hear much from my again you know why :o

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