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Posts posted by RamdomChances

  1. I uesd to fly KLM, BKK to Amsterdam, they used to give free regional flights with a long haul booking, so I could fly straight into Cardiff instead of going to London.

    Dont know if you can do the same from Ireland, but worth checking.

  2. Easy, pay 'em. :D  :o

    By the way it's more wrong not wronger. Sorry that's the teacher coming out in me

    Actually that goes on here, quite a lot.

    There was a guy used to sit out side the shop, drinking Lao Kow, and always had a girl in tow with him, I asked my wife about it, she said that, the girl was about 15-16 and she was the mans "wife", obviously not legaly. ( you can get married in thailand before 17, but you need a court order, even at 17 the parents have to sign that its ok).

    Anyway, a few months later they split up, I dont know why, but the police turned up and aressted the man, cos he'd refused to give any money to the girls parents. He spent a few nights in the cell and paid up.

    There was a 15 year old girl living close by, who is now working in a bar in Pattaya, and you would never think she was 15, looks about 18-19.

    When you think that thais usually add a year on when talking about ages i.e if you are 14, its your 15th year. it makes you wonder.

    As for not much rape in thailand I would also disagree, lots dont get reported and many more just get paid off, I've heard lots of examples here.

    I wont go into details, but if you are a poor, farmer and your daughter gets raped, you have two choices.

    1/ Take the money and let it go.

    2/ Get the police to procecute, subject your daughter to the trail, where it would be very difficult to prove (in a thai court) and even found guilty end up with nothing.

    If some one goes to jail for the crime you get revenge, but you cant eat revenge!!

    Also voilence in marrage is very comman, and you would never see the Police getting involved, and its not even that frowned upon, but accepted as quite normal behavior.

    My wife's sister has been in hospital twice, after complaining about here husbands Mia Noi's, she refuses to leave him even though she does have other options. The oldest brother is a captian in the police, and is chief of police in some ampour in Korat, hes told her she can come and live there and she would be safe, but she wont leave the husband.

    What I find strange is that the family think he's quite a nice guy, and nothing is said about his behavior.

    Anyway in my book abusive behavior is wrong.

    Only put the age of consent in cos Rod asked, heres a link for ages of different countries around the world.



    smart asses are wrongest :D

  3. When you go to Imagration to do your marrige visa, they should send a letter to your local police station. Asking them to confirm that you live at this adress.

    As you have to have your marrige certificate, and wife/husband present to obtain the extention, it should be nothing about being legaly married.

    Immagration should give you a 1 month extention pending the police report, often this report does not arrive as the poilce are not really that competent and forget to post back or do not understand the letter.

    This is usual and nothing to do with "plain clothes" imagration officials, but sounds like over zelous police.

  4. I to would like to than rod for his honest and insitful comments.

    I have'nt been a member here long, but I whish I could write as well as him.

    I was shocked today after last night having a conversation with a friend who was telling me to slow down with the self destructive behaviour and take care of myself and I replied 'I don't care mate'

    Nice post FTH, that was me not so long along ago, and I did'nt really care, live/ die, whatever did'nt mean anything.

    I left/sold everything, and came here looking for a new life.

    People said you have a nice house, a good job, lots of money. Why give it all up?

    Answer cos I did'nt care, if I'd came here and blew everything, it would'nt of mattered, cos I did'nt care.

    I was lucky I met someone nice, got married again, and had to start the long learning prosses of caring again and I've found happines once more.

    I've got no advice just live and let live.

  5. I dont know how long I spend here, usually go do some stuff come back see whats been happening, I dont pay by the time but buy MB.

    Where do you live?

    I can go for months without seeing an other falang, and most of the regulars here live in thailand.

    For some of us its just a way to chat to some friends, mabye pass some information along to newcomers.

    Anyway fine first post !!

  6. I didn't know they sell Lao Kao at 7/11.

    I did'nt either, but never really looked.

    I think the dark stuff, mabye different from what you are talking about.

    Its definatly alcholic, but I've never seen it in small bottles.

    For a tonic the thais mix GowLian (I think) a red powder, sold in sachets with Lao Kao, and end up with something looking like blackberry squash, horrible though.

  7. This is what I would say as well. Unfortunately, it isn't this clear cut. How 'poor' does one need to be to fall into the 'forced by poverty' category?

    Also, how would you know whether someone has chosen to work in a bar? They are not going to tell you: "I find you really disgusting and wouldn't consent to being abused in this way if I didn't need the money." In brothels where some women are kept against their will, they will not tell you:"I only have sex with you because otherwise I will be beaten and won't have food for 2 days."

    I agree with stroll on this, I'm also in a long term relationship (married), and dont really bother, before I was married I used to come here about every 3 months and really enjoyed the bar scene. I was single not to old mid 30's and was having fun, tried to treat people like people, and got the same back.

    I do feel though that if you take the sex out of the equation, any service industry would be the same, people work cos they have'nt got any money/want to better themselfs. Usually in poor conditions and for cr@p money

    Mabye the boy who puts the petrol in your car finds it demeaning, is abused by his boss, but puts up with it cos he needs the money, whats the differance. You see many examples of Burmese workers being kept in virtual slavery.

    People should not be forced or coersed into doing any job, its not just about sex.

  8. Hello Mods, I still can't quote from more than one post like Rod Kalashnikov can, and I've got more postings than he has.

    Please take a moment or two to explain it to me briefly in step by step mode.

    By the way, at least I can quote singularly unlike some people (RandomChances and Chanchao to name a couple) so I'm half way there after all.

    Kind regards,


    What do you mean I cant quote singularly :o

  9. I've got nothing against it, as far as i'm concerened you would just be paying for a service, same as a massage, hair cut whatever.

    What I was trying to ask is if people think it is wrong, Why? or why do they think it's not wrong.

    If you read the post, you would see that I was'nt actually asking for advice on whether it is right or wrong, and did not mention bar girls, and am definatly not trying to judge anybody.

    Mabye I did'nt word it clearly, mabye you did'nt bother reading it, who knows, who cares.

  10. Nakob, I've not booked anywhere, I was just after a few suggestions from the locals, on what was good or not. As you can see apart form HimHam, they're not a very helpful bunch.

    Its low season now so Ill stick to plan A and just drive down and have a look around

    For 2000bht a night you should get somewhere good, there are loads of web sites for hotels in that price range


    Have a nice trip

  11. Ok I've seen a lot of posts from people saying how bad it is to pay for sex, or YUK YUK sort of thing but.....

    If someone goes and has a massage, just a normal massage, thai, oil, and there is nothing physicaly wrong with that person i.e they are just going for pleasure.

    Is that wrong? As you would be paying someone to provide a phyisical service for pleasure.

    Take it one step further, the massuse offers a little extra, maybe using hand or mouth. Is this then wrong cos you are still just paying someone to provide a physical service for pleasure.

    Take it further still (use own imagination) Is this then wrong cos you are still just paying someone to provide a physical service for pleasure.

    Do you think western religious belifs influance your views, i.e do you think its a sin.

    Are westerners exploiting, if no one wanted a massage there would be no demand.

    Back home it was quite comman for women to go and get their hair done, have a facial, just for the pleasure of it, where they exploiting the "lower classes"

    I know people have strong views on this but just wondering where people draw the line and why.

    I know this is a bit much to ask, but lets try and keep it polite and on topic

    This is'nt about bar girls, but more about your perseptions of right and wrong and how they where formulated .

  12. Nobodys going to agree with everything, there are about 11,000 members now I belive, unfortunatly when a newbie post something, they may get lots of helpful replies but it only takes one person to say something like how stupid, childish, trollish the post is then it all goes off topic and the newbie is left with the feeling that it's a bit of an "old boys club"

    I am a "newbie", and what about your reply to my first post - not very helpful, eh??

    Sorry Johnniey I dont think I'v ever replied to any of your posts :o

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