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Posts posted by GiantFan

  1. Checked Phuket Navy League website.  Since 2013, only 3-4 ships a year.   Typically smaller frigates with 300+ complement versus thousands when the carrier groups came in.  More in years prior, 8-12.

    Phuket shoots itself in the foot again.

  2. I recall about 10 years ago the US Navy came to Phuket.  Bangla was busy all afternoon as the boys needed to get back in the evening.  After that trouble with the taxis at the pier, haven't been back much.  Not sure if Fat Leonard had any impact.  Tidy earner while it lasted.  Wonder where they go now?

  3. 59 minutes ago, merlin2002 said:

    If Oct. is a "high season" month and there are only 2.2 million arrivals, how on earth are TAT going to achieve their bullshit target of 30 million... the tourism golden goose is becoming interfertile.. NB good to see them acknowledging the true GDP number of 11-12%... so the downward spiral is going to hurt.. all good things come to an end, and the bell curve had to happen sooner or later and a correction was inevitable.. Time for TAT to 'man up' or should that be 'woman up' LOL...

    I think that is bkk/dmk .  AOT numbers for all airports was 2.5 million for Oct.  Jan to Oct was around 28 million.  So 32m for the year is my estimate.  Under 10% growth, which should get some government types worried.

  4. 5 hours ago, khunPer said:

    That stats in article don't say much...

    Isn't October more low season than September..?
    Was was the same difference in percent for 2015..?

    How is October arrivals 2016 compared to October 2015..?

    AOT has a spreadsheet that you can check out.

    Bkk/DMK quarterly growth was around 10% for the first 3 quarters.  Oct up 4% compared to 15.

    HKT quarterly around 20% q1-3.  October 8% increase compared to 15.

    One or two months does not a trend make.  I'm waiting for Nov numbers.   My bet is around 32-33 million this year.  

  5. Soi Sunset update -  Valhalla finally taken down after 10 years.  Also, Shark Bar bar beer that never got completed was also razed and a huge metal "sala" has been erected.  Same footprint and around 25 m high.  No idea what's going on.

  6. The project study should not take that long to complete.  Would be nice to see it posted on the internet for all to view.


    The ideal system for the west coast would be looping circuits of smaller vehicles in each beach, which could tuk tuks.  Like Pattaya has now.  You also need a beach to beach service running north-south connected to the looping beach routes.  An airport service via VIP bus has been partially tried but hasn't worked yet, so maybe wait and see.


    The other side of the coin is the rush hour traffic going to and from work.  Mostly Thais on motorbikes, but cars mixed in as well.  If somebody owns a car, doubtful they would take a bus over the hill.  For motorbikes, it will take longer and cost more than self-driving.  Probably hard to get many converts, even if free.  Let's see what the study comes up with.


    Connection with LRT is ludicrous.  Focus in west coast beach towns and inter-beach services.  This ain't rocket science.


  7. Gonzo was offered and name changed to Soi St#ve.  He wasn't interested.  Don't forget, ex mayor family screw#d a few Belgian expats years ago with Hollywood.   Wouldn't build the stairs to go to 2nd floor.

    Prab isn't his Dad obviously.  Seems risky.

  8. On 10/20/2016 at 7:35 AM, NamKangMan said:

    Talking about buying more bars, I have heard The Aussie Bar bought that whole Soi, including the nightclub at the back. 



    That was on offer many years ago by ex-mayor.  Doubt it, unless extremely cheap.

  9. Drove down the slip road between JC and B-Quik and saw a 5m high pile of dirt and broken concrete rubble.  Perhaps an anti-flood base for future shopping mall.  

    Not sure who owns the land, but would make a lot more sense for Central to build here vs. Bangla Rd.

  10. Viu Manent from Chile.  Reserve Sav blanc 2015.  B435.

    Back in the US, this is a $7 (B250). bottle of wine granted.  But here, hard to find any SB under B600.  And it's not fruit wine!

    I do like my NZ SB's, but a bit pricey.  Viva Chile!


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