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Baht Simpson

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  1. Surely to God if you're asking people to look out for someone who's a transgender woman you have to describe them as they appear. Whatever your thoughts about biological sex and the transgender issues you have to give a description that will allow people to identify them. It's no good describing this person as a man because that's what he was assigned at birth.
  2. By this measure you must agree then that Budapest Pride should go ahead, as I detailed in a previous post that 73% of Budapest residents are against banning it. It clearly doesn't offend them as it's a huge majority. Moreover, majorities aren't always morally right. Most Germans supported Naziism. Your "fire" analogy is a false equivalence as that's civil disorder and possibly a crime which free assembly isn't. Minority rights are moral and equality issues and shouldn't be beholden to the misguided. There are plenty of issues that received popular support in the past that we now see as morally reprehensible. And it's not about getting absolute freedoms but retaining equality of freedoms.
  3. It's not about values, it's about equality and the right to free assembly. Those shouldn't be taken away because people are in the minority as you put it.
  4. The point is that they can, not that they do. No celebration of heterosexuality or so-called "family values" in Hungary or Russia would be shut down.
  5. But you can be straight in Russia and celebrate it. Are you being deliberately thick?
  6. Similar to my experience. I have lovely walk in the country that only takes 10 minutes to get to. I used to go to our local temple and sit inside reading a book for an hour or so at about 9pm. But sadly they now lock the gates at 5pm because they've had some thefts. Sign of the times. I guess I could go at 6am but that's not gonna happen. Lol I recently found a little glade with a pond not far away and sat there for a while; me and the mozzies. Might have a few more outings before the rains. Nice to get some peace and quiet and dappled sunlight. Good for the soul.
  7. It is always the last bastion of those who cannot debate properly to start the name-calling and to sneer and deride. You are the perfect example of this.
  8. Yes it is. Cisgender is a medical term. What you used is a homosexual slur which is against forum rules. "Medical academics use the term and have recognized its importance in transgender studies since the 1990s." You know that. Stop the slurs.
  9. It didn't take long for you to get to the gay slurs did it? "British Slang. Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a gay man. Offensive"
  10. The stupid thing about banning Pride is that it just confirms the main reason that so many march in the first place.
  11. I'm so fed up with these people marching and chanting and waving flags. Prancing around virtually naked, showing off their dangly bits. And even parading their half-naked children. Where will it all end? Morally outrageous. 🙂
  12. Don't be so dumb. Pride is not about morality, it's about equality and justice. No one's imposing their morality on you so stop pretending they are.
  13. No sensible person is taken in by your faux outrage or your hypocrisy. I've been to a number of Pride marches as an observer and watched thousands of people and never seen any "dangly bits", much less seen any exposed to chidren. I have however seen hundreds exposed to chidren on public nudist beaches with no effect. I doubt you've ever attended a Pride march and you're just focusing on some incident shown on the internet.
  14. It's the same old story time and time again. Say you're doing it for national security or to save the kids and you can get away with murder. Pride marches are legal assembly, a cornerstone of democracy. 78% of Budapest inhabitants polled support the retention of Pride according to Politico. https://www.politico.eu/article/orban-tries-to-ban-pride-hungary-appease-extremists-rivals-surge-polls/
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