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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Gran Canaria has been gay-friendly for decades and is safe and relaxing for LGBT. A few wonderul holidays there.
  2. I think if you go to live anywhere thinking it's paradise you're in for a rude awakening. I imagine it's even more so looking for an LGBT paradise. Tourists learn little about a country other than avenues of fun. I've never been on the gay scene as such and my partner isn't that way inclined either, so I don't need any of the steretypical LGBT trappings. That makes it easier for us. We just live a quiet life with a small circle of friends. It's worked for us for the last 20 years.
  3. Obsession with ladyboys is purely a weird straight phenomenon.
  4. Well, if you that think all Pride is is people going around shouting about copulation then you're beyond redemption. We're way off the original subject now so let's leave it there.
  5. So you're out getting your sausages and there it is, yet another gay parade with half naked people coming towards you shouting that they want to copulate with people of the same sex. There's no avoiding it is there? I do feel for you. It must be so distressing. Honestly. Just be a man.
  6. Seems odd to me that you're infatuated with other people's ccpulation. Most remarkable.
  7. That's biblical pride, the ridiculous concept that God should be put above your own self-respect. Subjugation or Islam. You can have pride in your children, pride in your work, pride in your achievements and pride in your self-worth. There's nothing wrong in that.
  8. I can't see this on The Hill website and they usually accredit authors. Looks bogus. "Inspired by The Hill" Lol
  9. Libel and calls for death sentences eh? What a piece of work you are.
  10. " sourced by Cint (who has the world’s largest consumer network for digital survey-based research). Data were weighted to ensure results represent the adult 18+ U.S. population." Now who am I going to believe, Cint or some bloke on the internet? 🙂
  11. Well. he was a business planning leader at EGAT and his son works in the stock exchange. Also he's 81 so plenty of time to squirrel away some money. He might have other assets too, rental, land sales etc. It is possible.
  12. You're demonstrably wrong. You do not speak for the majority. And Pride is not about castrating people. Grow up! https://glaad.org/publications/accelerating-acceptance-2023/
  13. I imagine this will be quietly dropped from the 2024 manifesto.
  14. Who knows why these people do what they do. They seem to get a kick out of it. I'm not so worried about the haters, they're easily dismissed. It's the ones that promulgate inaccuracies that push my buttons. But again they seem to have old fashioned, entrenched views that won't be shaken: the comfort of feeling superior. Oh, and the ones with "gay friends" who agree with every word that leaves their mouths. 🙂 As if that matters. It's usually the same names. Happy Pride to the lovers and a big raspberry to the haters.
  15. I'm sorry but I'm not going to live my life trying to justify what I am to other people. I'm not going to try to prove that animals do the same as me. I'm not going to try to prove there's a "gay gene" so that I can show that it's a natural phenomenon. I'm not going to try to prove whether or not God loves gays when it says something derogatory in the Bible. I couldn't care less about arguing the toss about my sexuality with those that oppose it. As you say, it never ends, so why engage with bigots on these issues. You just go round in circles. Let's stick to the real issues of representation, acceptance, diversity, visibility and most of all, equality, especially this month. As I said previously I agree that the counter-argument to the 'not natural' crowd is welcome but my personal opinion is that validating anyone's sexual orientation isn't necessary and we shouldn't entertain anyone that wants to.
  16. I think it's entirely irrelevant. If it was subsequently found that animals didn't actually have same-sex attractions would that invalidate homosexuality in humans? Of course not. That's my point. We shouldn't have to justify what we are with animal behaviour. It justs arms the anti crowd.
  17. Well, some animals eat and/or kill their young. Just because that's occurs in nature it's not a good argument for humans to do it. Do you see my point? Not sure what your second sentence means.
  18. I actually have mixed feelings about this. It's true that showing that same sex attraction is seen in the wild is a good counter-argument to those that say it isn't. However, we are not wild animals. David Hume, the moral philosopher, whom I very much admire in other respects, opined that men who were attracted to each other were no better than beasts in the field and applauded two men stoned in the stocks, one who died. Clearly this is absurd and he was criticised for his views, probably driven by his religion. I have no doubt that homosexuality is purely natural, but the fact that wild animals have same-sex attraction is to my mind irrelevant.
  19. It depends on what form that non-acceptance takes. Too often it leads to inequality, discrimination and worse. And for the nth time homosexuality is not a lifestyle, it's a sexual orientation like heterosexuality. I think there's little doubt that the right-wing are predominately the main users of anti-LGBT rhetoric,.
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