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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Oh gawd. I think we're alright though, I don't think a convicted felon and legally defined sex offender can be PM.
  2. Not a lefty. But your name calling again just confirms my point.
  3. Lol. You have no self-awareness. You literally moan about everything that the"lefties' do, and incessantly call people names (see above). You have no right to take the moral high road.
  4. The right were demanding Starmer's resignation for his policies after a week; equally stupid.
  5. Given away illegally? So there was no executive sign-off? It may be good or bad judgement, which Trump is hinting at, according to your view but it'll be interesting to see if it was actually illegal.
  6. I'd actually like to thank Donald Trump... .....for not being British.
  7. Probably because you're angry enough for all of us. 🙂
  8. Same with Maga. Just stay at home. All that parading around the street in their colourful costumes, shouting and waving flags. I don't want to see all that nonsense. 🙂
  9. The last king that tried to storm into Parliament (Charles I) was beheaded.
  10. Drag was mainstream on t.v. from the 60s to the 90s, much less so now. Many mainstream comics would drag up for comic effect.
  11. As far as I am aware the only way you can be forced to take part in anything is by rule of law or by violence, neither of which is relevant here. If you think something is daft then respectfully decline to participate, like a normal person would. No one is forcing you into anything, especially Llama recognition. For the record, I think her comment was daft but I think she was clumsily making a broader point about respectfullness.
  12. Well, that's their tragedy isn't it? You can't turn down billions in possible tourist revenue because of archaic, outdated, discriminatory religious prejudices that exist in other cultures. Besides, the majority of Muslim visitors would probably never see the gays,only during Pride. Many more would be tolerant or accept the laws and ideals of the country they're in, as they insist you do in their country. Not to mention that some gay Muslims (yes they do exist) would be grateful to go somewhere that welcomed them.
  13. PM is not like POTUS. You can't just run for PM. You have to stand and be elected as an MP for a constituency first. Then you have to be elected Leader of your party. Then your party has to be elected in a General Election. Tate could only start this after he's served his prison sentence, so we are talking many years. The other problem he has is he's a thoroughly despicable character, but I concede those sort of people are sometimes elected to office. Mention no names.
  14. Not sure if you actually got my joke. He's not gonna be going anywhere now.
  15. Phineas Float? Didn't he go around the world 80 days? 🙂
  16. Yes, you just can't get a ploughman's wife.
  17. Just change it to 2am to 5am. That'll cut out a lot more problems in Pattaya. 🙂
  18. Poor attempt at deflection. You know who we're talking about.
  19. The man is so eaten up with hate and so bent on revenge it's a sad sight really.
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