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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. So what's to stop Trump in 30 days saying, right, now we've got this we want this and we're re-instating tariffs until we get it. You can't bow down to bullies. They'll just get worse.
  2. Whatever your views on Rowling she's crossed a line there. Saying that Norton supports rape and death threats is potentially libelous. She's made the mistake of imagining that free speech allows wrongful personal attacks, something that she's always complained about herself. Laurence Fox for one found that out to his cost. But I imagine that Rowling is now too rich to sue.
  3. Is this true? Up until I left for Thailand I was commuting from the suburbs to the City. I did that for 28 years. Long before I left, station announcements were calling passengers the more cynical 'customers', which irked a few frail souls. Did they change back to passengers? I can assure you that the average commuter couldn't care less what they were called as long as there was a seat and the trains ran on time.
  4. I apologize. I think I got that from another poster. However, arriving is not a crime. Trying to stay in the country without processing is. That's why the 20% increase in those processed and deported is better news.
  5. And there we have it ladies and gentlemen. What this is all about in reality. It's not concerned citizens worrying about our country. It's racism and bigotry. Thanks,Tommy.
  6. A 20% increase in deportations doesn't mean 80% of arrivals haven't been deported. Lol. It means a 20% increase in the number of deportations above what the Tory party were managing. Clearly with the legacy of the Tories system of trying to gather them up and transport them to Rwanda, it's going to take time to get this done. I'm sure that if they implemented your hate filled and inhumane system of turning guns on them it would be quicker. Incidentally, before Brexit we had the right to return any immigrants that arrived from an EU country back to that country for processing. That has now gone. I'm all for deporting illegal immigrants but Brexit and the Tories have made it harder. Fact.
  7. It made me laugh when he posted a speech by Stalin. He seems blissfully unaware that Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda was Stalin's Marxist Head of Secret Police. Well, he was until he had him shot. I wonder if they're related. 🙂
  8. I have no idea what you're on about above. Once again, who are you calling paedophiles? Your evasion of the answer is quite telling.
  9. It's a bit rich (sic) of The Telegraph to criticize the rise of median prices for houses when they're bemoaning the end of double-digit price rises for property this year on their money page. Affordable housing is probably the most crucial issue for the young now, and the problem can only be rectified by getting wages higher and housing costs lower.
  10. I haven't tried this one yet. I did try the Snowy Weizen but I was a bit dissappointed. The Snowy IPA is good though.
  11. What nonsense. A beer expert who can't tell the difference between water and Guinness is obviously not a beer expert. Or appreciates beer. Or has any taste buds.
  12. Never mind. A few shots from my .50 cal will get you going astern. 555
  13. Gently, gently catchee monkee. Those were just deportations to Vietnam and Timor-Leste. I see you just ignored all the good news about the substantial increase in the deportation of illegal immigrants to say it's not enough. Would it hurt you to say this is good news? I guess it would.
  14. Good to see so many wonderful, highly paid job positions in Starmer' s Britain. 🙂
  15. Hogwash. The increase of deportation of illegal immigrants has increased 20% under this Labour government. "The anti-immigration offensive of Britain’s Labour government has seen a record number of deportations of asylum seekers since it came to power in July. Home Office data reveals that 9,400 people have been deported to their home countries since then. The Daily Mirror reported last week, “Altogether, more than 25 bespoke returns flights have taken place since July 5th, returning individuals to a range of countries including Albania, Poland, Romania and Vietnam, plus the first ever charter to Timor-Leste, and the biggest ever returns flight to Nigeria and Ghana.” Including the mass deportations to Nigeria and Ghana, the Labour government has organised what the right-wing press are hailing as the “three biggest returns flights in UK history.” A significant proportion of these are “forced deportations”—almost 2,600, an increase of 19 percent compared to 2023 when the Conservatives were in office. Labour campaigned for election pledged to deport thousands more asylum seekers. Taking office it immediately scrapped the Conservatives’ Rwanda policy, denouncing the Tories for spending hundreds of millions of pounds on failed attempts to deport asylum seekers. Three weeks after Labour took power, on July 25, the Home Office announced that 46 migrants had been deported by plane to Timor-Leste and Vietnam. The flight to Vietnam was the first for deportations since 2022. Home Secretary Yvette Cooper crowed, “We have immediately replaced the flight planning for Rwanda with actual flights to return people who have no right to stay to their home countries instead.” In August, Cooper promised to deport at least 14,385 “illegal migrants” by the end of the year, the highest rate since 2018. Source. Daily Mirror Starmer's view is to try to "smash the gangs" that are people trafficking. Getting at the real problem rather than putting them in camps at enormous cost once they've arrived.
  16. I think you'll find it's the other way around. Try getting most Thais to drink anything other than the big three. They can be very snobbish about drinking only Thai beer and won't try any other style than pale lagers. You can enjoy other beers without being a snob. I like the craft styles more than generic Thai beers, especially now they're easier to obtain. But if people enjoy other beers that's fine. De gustibus non disputandum es.
  17. "Where some have found their paradise, others just come to harm." -Joni Mitchell The only paradise is contentment.
  18. I'm sorry but the tired old it's being thrust in our face line wont work. You again avoid specifics but if it's Pride marches your getting yourself into an unnecessary tizzy about then avoid them. The whole idea of a march, a protest or a demonstration is about visibility. If you euphemistically describe that as being thrust in your face that's a problem you have to address. If it's Pride meetings etc. then again you're not obliged to attend so don't fret about it. If it's the whole movement you're irked by then you're just gonna have to deal with it. As for ladyboys, I'm guessing you personally have never been pick-pocketted by one, (or probably anyone on this site) so why does it exercise you're thoughts?
  19. Look at the person the American people appointed. 😮
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