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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Filing your tax self-assessment form late is a fine of up to 1000 pounds so I imagine this something similar.
  2. Thanks Mike. I have private pensions that put me above the allowance. These appear on my HMRC account. I didn't realise that the State Pension takes preference. I suppose the State Pension will appear on there too once I start receiving it. My finances are quite simple so I shall file an assessment online. I hope that's possible and not like the claim form that expats can only do by post.
  3. To whom it may concern: From the State Pension claim form. "Part 11 Declaration I understand that I must promptly tell the Department for Work and Pensions, by phone or in writing, of anything that may affect my entitlement to, or the amount of, my State Pension. I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete as far as I know and believe. I understand that if I knowingly give false information, I may be liable to prosecution or other action. I understand that if I fail to promptly notify the Department of a change in circumstances, I may be liable to prosecution or other action. This is my claim for State Pension." "Other action" will certainly include paying back taxes and a fine. They'll get hotter on this as they get more desperate to claw back more funds. It's only a matter of time before it's "only fair" that they do away with state pension for expats entirely.
  4. That's hogwash. Maybe expats below pensionable age who don't pay tax or the rich who avoid tax but not state pensioners who have paid full tax all their working lives. He's just using the figure that's rightly paid to fully-entitled pensioners and quoting a rightful cost as a loss. They do this with the NHS too. If you think about it there must be a net benefit to expats not claiming NHS or other social benefits, especially the older you get. If all the expat pensioners went back tomorrow and claimed benefits it would be a tidy sum they would have to find.
  5. Thanks billd76. So once I get the notice will they bill me or is the due amount automatically deducted from the pension payment?
  6. I've got my state pension coming up. How do you pay the income tax on the proportion above the GBP 12,570 income threshold?
  7. Demonstrably untrue. The State Pension is not forfeited, which is what we are talking about here. And it's not a benefit, it's an entitlement you've paid for.
  8. This is not about the value of the pension, it's about equality. When it comes to State Pensions the U.K. pension is poor compared to many other European countries.
  9. To my mind there is no real excuse for denying expats any increases. It's discrimination pure and simple and the only reason they've done it is because they can get away with it. It's not a gift from the government it's a contract between government and the people, who contribute via National Insurance and Income Tax for a certain specified number of years to qualify for the agreed pension plus any relevant increases. Those increases are then arbitrarily taken away based solely on residency and not contribution or need. There is no moral excuse for this.
  10. I agree. I'll add my name but this matter has already been submitted to the European Courts who astonishingly found in favour of the U.K. government. The most that will happen is a question will be asked in the House which will be quickly swatted away.
  11. They love it on Fragantica. 4.28/5. It's one of those fragrances that got a bad press because your Dad used to wear it but is actually good and gloriously retro. Just the original formula though, not the new stuff which smells like a badgers a**e.
  12. Jungle Boy for me. ???? Actually Gillette Cool Wave if I'm just out and about and I'll borrow some of my friend's CK on special occasions.
  13. Brut we can agree on but original Old Spice is great.
  14. Thanks, lopburi. I've just checked again and they say the money has been sent. It was just a bit worrying as all my other transfers were there in minutes. I'll try to avoid month end in future.
  15. Problems today with Wise to KBank. I keep getting the message "Your money's taking longer to pay out". There doesn't seem to be any way to query the transfer with them.
  16. Yes, I use Line to call the U.K. at 16b per hour to landline only. The only drawback is that it's limited to 1 hour a month and it seems you can't top up within that period if you use up the credit. It works fine for me though.
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