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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Crikey! I'm 66 too and I'm just getting started. I mean to make the most of the time left to me. I'd like to know where I was going to die too. Then I wouldn't go there. ????
  2. Thanks Celsius. I've actually used them a number of times over the last 2 years and always found them reliable. Yes, it's Xbite as it shows on the Paypal receipts. Xbite is shown as Permanently Closed now so I guess that's it. Thanks for the heads up on Zavvi. I'll have a look.
  3. I did that but got no response. There's only one post on there in the last year so it looks like it's rarely used. I just wondered if anyone had any recent dealings with them.
  4. Has anybody used this shop recently? I've ordered several things from the U. K. and been pleased with the service but now their site is insecure. Have they closed down?
  5. I invariably do this now. It also saves your shirts from bleaching.
  6. But we're not limiting ourselves, we're spending billions sending spacecraft to the other side of the galaxy looking for intelligent life. I agree that if even one occurrence is found to be true then it changes the picture. That's also true of God(s) and unicorns...but until then.....
  7. If they found out anything about the history of mankind you could understand it.
  8. Why would intelligent life with extraordinarily advanced technology travel billions of miles just to wobble about in our skies? It seems a long way to go and not say hello.
  9. I guess they'll ban cross-dressing in Chinese Opera then. Mao did in the Cultural Revolution. He rounded them up.
  10. I think it's partly true that his career was affected by his views but also by the fact that he was seen as a liability at the polling booth. He found kindred spirits when he subsequently joined the Ulster Unionist Party.
  11. There is a delicious irony in someone using the moniker Ivor Bigun berating people over supposedly boasting about their sexuality. ????
  12. You don't have to be a part of another culture to like it. And if you dislike people merely because of what they are, that opens you up to all sorts of irrational prejudices.
  13. "Furthermore, this Assembly notes that there were some positive findings within the City Hall analysis which shows that all types of serious violence experienced by young people have fallen over the last four years, with knife crime resulting in injury down 36 per cent and under-25 knife crime down 48 per cent, compared to the peak in the twelve months to December 2017. However, every death from violent crime is heart-breaking, devastating families and communities, and we must continue do all we can to tackle the issue."
  14. Demonstrably untrue. The U.K. Race Relations Act covers discrimination against peoples of any colour or race.
  15. TCP ointment was the best for itching. Long since gone now, even in the U.K.
  16. He actually admitted it towards the end of his life in 1996. "What's wrong with racism? Racism is the basis of a nationality. Nations are, upon the whole, united by identity with one another, the self-identification of our citizens, and that's normally due to similarities which are regarded as racial differences."
  17. He had Powell and Miller on as guests. Miller went on first then Powell followed and spouted his flowery-worded tripe. You see Miller slumped in his chair politely listening to it all. When Cavett attempts to bring Miller into the conversation Powell tries to shut him down by saying it's his show. Miller quite rightly states it's Cavett's show and then proceeds to give his views which Powell tries to twist. Powell, like Farage and Peterson impress some people because they seem intellectual even when their arguments don't hold up. They appeal to some people's biases which always attracts the unthinking and uncritical.
  18. You don't want to see Miller hand him his <deleted> on a plate? ????
  19. Demonstrably untrue in both cases. Watch the whole interview on Youtube and you'll see how first Powell tries to stop Miller debating him by saying "This is my show" then twists several of Miller's points with the old "so what you're saying is..." trick. Miller rightly calls him out on it. As for Peterson, well he's a slippery snake. But who better than a clinical psychologist to manipulate the weak. He fools no right-minded person.
  20. I would advise people to view the full interview with Powell and Jonathan Miller. It's on Youtube.
  21. Bit too sweet for me. Like Hoegaarden Rose.
  22. Yes, the fruit flavour should come from the hops.
  23. When you check out on Shopee you can enter a discount voucher code but I've never seen them offered. Where can you get these codes for Shopee and Lazada?
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