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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. Both the robber and clerk seem so typical of wanna be thieves here....a few bricks short of a load, both of them!
  2. "But from now on repeat offenders will face two years in jail and fines of 50-100,000 baht."......Yeh..just you wait!
  3. How many cops are in the force....200,000 or so....2 dozen did a good job. Is that right?
  4. Would this have much to do with CPF owning thousands of rai of cane farms....well..of course not!
  5. By far the most aggressive and dangerous vehicles, usually driven by whacked out lunies, on Thai roads. Most heaps of <deleted>....no exhausts...cheap tires or recaps and nearly all go as fast as possible. If as the post mentions, he may have stopped and checked his vehicle, then he knew what happened....however, motorcycles do have a tendency to ride close to trucks on the left hand side...
  6. "claiming his ex-wife had “no interest in politics”. Quote of the week!
  7. Multilateral system???...have faith in it???...And he's going to push this at the UN..... I hope he understands what he's talking about!
  8. So an earlier article in todays' ASEAN news, stated this woman suicided.....now they have an arrest.
  9. I'm not too sure earth leakage circuit breakers are even understood here.....but agree 100% with you.
  10. Oh my.....what planet do some of these leaders come from? So much stupidity too often....someone must tell these dolts that its 2022!
  11. Take off it's head and distribute to the locals! I know its a <deleted> comment...!
  12. When even the RTP doesn't recognize pedestrian crossings as anything more than an inconveniance, what else will happen. It will be up to local admin to start to build stupidly expensive overhead crossings, that few people ever use!
  13. Regardless he has "owned" the court in the past...I<O, he's in a spot of bother now. However....the next in line maybe is Prawit....and he can't stay awake for more than 10 minutes!
  14. Absolutely correct. Unbelievable that Thais have no civil pride whatsoever
  15. So predictable that the "no progress" call was going to be shouted out! The owner out with only a few thousand baht bail....25~ people dead....because of the owners poorly designed building....and prosecution has stalled As we all understand, it's all about money...and in the sleazy city of Pattaya, money speaks far louder than actions!
  16. I'm guessing that the pump in the photos is a first class piece of <deleted>. Something used on a small building site!
  17. I would not suggest this person is at concerned about pending legal actions...."avoiding criticism" ....hoping a lot of his issues go away. However...he's a dinosaur...he's been in a position of power and it would appear, he been caught with his hands in the till....but then, he's likely always had his hands there!
  18. I'm guessing that deep down, fire escape issues have almost been forgotten.....although they must "strictly obey fire prevention measures" Does this involve the removal of highly flammable materials?.....mmmmmmmm....wellll...no!
  19. Thai company web sites are pretty awful. Badly put together...many have menus that just don't work....and rarely does anyone from the company respond to online enquiries. There is no surprise that many sites are easily hacked into....including government sites.
  20. As dignified as always....bless her.
  21. Stupid place to own a bar business...even more stupid if there's no water!
  22. If Prayut says it is time for him to go...then he won't! If the CC says he must go, he probably still won't go....however, I doubt the CC would say that....just get the stamp and it's done!
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