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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. If all else fails....go to Hua Hin and perform (can he even sing at 86??)....there's bound to be some geriatrics there that remember Engelbert.....
  2. Apart from Prayut being a boffin and bully....what is it with these men that they have to dye their hair? The vanity is so childish. Hardly any aged men and women have great hair...except at the scalp when it grows:)))
  3. ~700 Thb for Australian (Jacobs Creek) cooking wine is outrageous......
  4. Can we imagine Thai pilots showing off in an F35 on Children's Day.....?
  5. It is old news, however....we don't expect any revelations or naming of Somyot' associates in brown!
  6. I did mention the same point and was shot down..:))
  7. Simply an amazing turn around.....hard to believe, but no doubt it's real.....Thai execs would not lie!
  8. Well......he was working undercover.....just couldn't help a good media pose!
  9. 2 weeks later, and no media reports that I know of....are the cops going quiet on this...or have they been told to shut up?
  10. That would be far too pro-active of the RTP......they don't think like that.....
  11. I probably shouldn't say well done girl.....but there are some real mean Thai men out there who likely deserve some payback. Personal self defence is fine!
  12. Great....officials out on an excursion fund raising....just in case they need to do some real inspections, do any of them have fire safety experience......apart from expired extinguishers...locked back doors??
  13. Of course there are no illegals working.....they've all paid up for their permits~!
  14. Thaksin is far smarter than any of the administration people, past and present. His and his clans' past indiscretions, however large or small they may have been, pale to insignificance compared to the current junta.
  15. It is Blah, blah.....as it usually is. The Santika disco burnt maybe 10+ years ago...several killed, and to my knowledge, no serious charges laid..... Then Jomtien hotel burnt down, many killed...not sure of the legal outcome... There have been several others...the same lame words..inspections...fire escapes...etc...a couple of years later, it's business as usual....nothing ever get's followed through. Let's hope that Bangkok' Chadchart, does follow through.
  16. The "owner"....K. Pongsiri, 27, IMO, rather young to be the owner of an establishment with Restaurant, Bar and Pork grill....that's been there for 2 years at least and maybe longer. Is he the fall guy? I guess we'll never know, unless he happens to talk.
  17. Hookah confiscation is far more important than disco compliance!
  18. BP too weak to name the owner...as usual! Can only mean the owner is well known!
  19. The tech way of taking out the opposition!
  20. There's hundreds....if not thousands.
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