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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. What else would anyone expect her to say? If there was a charge for entering the disco, then the fair odds are that the exits were locked and is usual here!
  2. Check these venues now....after the event as usual! And just who is qualified to check them? Will these inspectors be allowed to accept back handers for "non compliance" issues not to be pursued? Did you actually report these exits were blocked?....assuming that in Thailands' slack building compliance..almost all exits should be regarded as fine exits
  3. He's not an Aussie.....they don't wear bum bags!
  4. His fortune teller is really earning his money....not just predicting the future, but adding numbers!
  5. In Singapore and Malaysia, the rotan comes out...problem solved. Nobody wants that twice
  6. News update??......why do these old expats try to make a difference?
  7. This would work well! Anything involving "entertainment" in Thailand involves the mafia cops.....
  8. "US Congress has not yet approved will not approve the sale of the aircraft to Thailand" ..Thats better..fixed!
  9. Exactly the type of high end tourists that TAT is trying to lure to Thailand.....no doubt pictures will soon appear on their web site!
  10. Some maybe remember the Fisk Tank bar in Nana...20-25 years ago. Extremely risque....naked nymphs diving for coins along the wall of the bar.
  11. Ummm...how many smart phones in Thailand?
  12. Must have taken some time to invent this "amazing" story of lost valuable from a taxi being recovered safe and well....Casios are so incredibly rare nowadays!
  13. There can be no kickbacks for digital Immigration services.....so keep the paper coming. The first big hit of going digital, would be the "under the table" visas.....of which there must be thousands!
  14. The media keep suggesting he has an issue.....he could care less about anyones lack of confidence in himself...
  15. Once again....a vow to enforce blah blah blah......never are they pro-active....only after an incident and then only for a short while!
  16. The military can't have too many choppers left in the air... No doubt more will be arriving soon for the illustrious RTF and RTA pilots to take charge....
  17. I'm 75.....any help accepted!
  18. I'm guessing this is a follow up to no the motor cycles on the footpath rules.....even the cops don't take notice of that rule!
  19. I can't imagine the state of so many similar factories in Thailand.....maintenance rarely carried out properly...faulty electrical and mechanical equipment....very little safety outlook.... Many factories are probably death traps waiting to happen.
  20. "a wall in the tunnel, about 30 metres underground, collapsed" Faulty contractor work....probably accepted by the past administration as a bad luck incident....but this type of thing is a regular occurrence in Bangkok The contractors rarely get prosecuted for negligence
  21. I've seen this "festival" ...once...that's enough....amazing decoration of wax things, but for what purpose....?
  22. I started to come to Thailand around that time....was in Pattaya when this event happened. Devastating to say the least...we checked our hotels for exits and they were ok....but to have been trapped by there ass***les that locked the fore exits, was so criminal. and I don't know if there were prosecutions.
  23. Tourist visa for Australia requires a mortgage!
  24. "must get permission"......3 words Thai have no concept of!
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