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Posts posted by jaapfries

  1. I know exactly where this is and GMAC; you were very, scarily-close, mate.

    To get there; hit Naklua Road (North-Pattaya)as GMAC rightly indicated: go north from the Dolphin Round-about (location of Dusit Hotel Pattaya) and the turn LEFT into Soi 16 (There's a Temple on the left-side and a School on the right).

    - Proceed all the way down this Soi 16 and at the very end, turn RIGHT. (you're now driving parallel to the beach). Wen you reach the end, you can simply park your vehicle and walk down to the very beach in your pictures. Your location is now directly adjacent to the Garden Cliff Condominium.

    Happy Fishing; I'ld rather be sailing . . .



  2. I think the Op is the type of person who's glass is always half empty instead of half full

    Going back to the UK after over 5 years here he has a few shocks coming and will be unhappy there to

    On the contrary, I think the OP is realistic and Phuket just isn't what it used to be or what it holds itself out to be. There is no planning and with the uncontrolled development the situation will only get worse. There are indeed many beautiful places in Thailand, but sadly, Phuket is falling down the list with each year, slowly killing itself, much like a drug addict does.

    Despite the naysayers. the UK is doing just fine and will sort itself out. Whatever problems the UK may have, there will always be an England, a land of hope and glory. (And really bad heating systems and plumbing.)

    ..... "there will always be an England, a land of hope and glory......" - with the express emphasis on HOPE ! ! !

    Mate; Europe (& the UK) are not the same places which we left so many years ago: Viz., Amsterdam: of all registered inhabitants of this, hithereto magnificent city, 51% are individuals of non-Dutch origin ! ! ! ! Believe me; it's the same all over Europe and I'm afraid our Yacht-Captain from Phuket will be in for a very nasty surprise. Also; after just only 5 years in Thailand, he will start missing this place within a week of arrival in that Land of Hope and "long-since-dissipated" GLORY ! ! Mark my words !

    Myself; I have lived in TH for 19 years; working and being married to my brilliant Thai wife AND I am out there saling on my yacht often and I know the true meaning of "Hope & Glory" (I'm always living in HOPE to go out on the waves - and when I am there it's pure GLORY !

    The trick is to get away from Phuket (been there a number of times and found the place over-priced; un-pleasant and not particularly "Thai" at all.




  3. There now is a beautiful restaurant, smack-bang on the beach in Wongamat (Naklua)named Rim-Talay. Managed by a German professional.If you're looking for a romantic setting and very good price<>quality this has got to be the place. You can dine in the 'open-to-the-sea' 3 level restaurant or 'Koh-Samed/Phuket-Style on the actual beach ! ! Stunning setting and brilliant food !

  4. Hi! I guess you will soon hear from james collister,but in the meantime I can tell you,that it is,hm,well,rubbish.......You will need at least 500 trees and probably work them youself,to get a modest,and I mean modest,living out of it! I think you have missunderstood what your gf told you....Perhaps she meant to say one land with trees...

    Bosse137: you hit the nail squarely on its head !

  5. N.C.C.'s are not valid under Thai Law. There's no judge in the country who would enforce such a 'stipulation' since it would effectively mean that it would "take the bread out of an individual's mouth' and that is against the Constitution.

    Like he other OP stated: good advice to lay things out to a bonafide attorney and accept that new job.

    The other element which is playing-out here is that a Government Schooling Dept. has obviously judged that the Company you were working for is in breach of their Agreement, hence they have decided to dis-continue the agreement. I don't see you having any problems.

    By what mechanism will this Company discover that you would have taken that 'direct-offer' ? By the time they would start "proceedings"you will have already obtained a new W/P and I think it would be very doubtful if they would start such proceedings in the first place.


  6. When I was 27 and living on the shores of Lake Huron in Canada, I went sailing at Easter-Time; fairly early on a Sunday morning.

    I was in this small sailing-dinghy alone and - once about a mile out from shore - somehow I caused this dinghy to capsize.

    I ended-up in the water, which probably had a temp. of about 4 degrees C !

    Here and there, there were still still slivers of ice floating about; left-overs of, yet another, fierce Canadian winter . . . . .

    Needless to say that I was shivering with cold, which hit right down to the bones.

    It was so unbelievably cold; it's pretty hard to describe.

    I was in he water for about 37 minutes; but after the first 20 minutes; the cold seemed to slowly dissipate, making way for an increasingly 'lovely' feeling of warmth.

    In fact; just before the Coastguard rescued me (miraculously, btw; since a thick fog had rolled-in making me virtually 'invisible' !) - I specifically remember thinking "Oh; this isn't so bad; I can handle this situation . . . .

    This was, of course, hypothermia setting-in and if that Rescue-Boat would have come 5 or 10 minutes later; this OP would not have survived this ordeal !

    So; rescued in the 'nick-of-time' and ' taken-from-the-jaws-of death' - I did learn from this experience: one of the 'nicest' ways to expire from this life has got to be "hypothermia", you will pass with a big smile on your face, whilst feeling super-comfortable . . . . .

    PS-1: Probably a hard act to follow in Thailand,on account of the climate ?

    PS-2: This occurred 35 years ago, and I have considered each & every day since as "a bonus" or a "gift".



    Jaap the Frysian



  7. Maybe I'm the only one to have noticed this, but being a daily reader of the "Today's Best Visa", I think it might be a good idea if people inserted their area just before they write their Topic.

    Example; a chap in Chiang-Mai is looking for a local Electrician. Instead of writing "Electrician Required" it would be helpful if it read instead: "CM: Electrician Required".

    This simple annotation would save a lot of people a lot of time, don't you agree ?

    I really like to help people, but with the relatively slow up/down-load speeds in Thailand, this effort often gets frustrated, if you know what I mean.

    Just a thought.




  8. I think that 1/2 your problem is your attitude, as witnessed by your header "Obtaining" a Nanny.This is a rather derogatory manner in which to address your attempt in "Hiring" a Nanny.

    "You Reap What You Sow"

    (Viz. One 'obtains' a Visa or a Degree. 'Obtain' is associated with an 'Object' not a 'Person' and most certainly not a person who would/could/should be very influential in the shaping of one's child !)

    If you are not an English native speaker; please beware -and if you ARE; you should be ashamed of yourself.


  9. Marissa808:

    First of all - it is crystal clear to me that you possess a very healthy set of brains AND that you know how to use them ! - If more people of your age would ask themselves the "Self-Examinaning" questions which you have raised, then this world would, without a doubt, be a better place !

    Secondly; you may ignore some of the more 'superficial' posts here: your philosophic considerations are simply lost on some of our 'simpler' fellow-human beings !

    Thirdly: I think the point you raise is as interesting as it is intelligent - and have ventured into this matter myself, albeit in my mind: I could never put it into words as eloquently as you:

    Born in Holland; finished High-School & Compulsory Army service; moved to Canada at age 20; moved to New Zealand at age 34; moved to Thailand at age 44 and still living here today . . . I ask myself the question "what am I" The best I can come-up with is that I am a "Citizen of the World" whilst being proud of being a "Frysian Dutchman" with a great affinity for Canada and a somewhat lesser fondness of New Zealand.

    Six months after arriving in Thailand I met (what proofed to be) my 'Soul-Mate'. Inspite of the difficult beginnings [she's a traditional Thai girl from very modest yet highly honorable roots - not a bar-girls (with all respect for bar-girls !) - who spoke little English, yet we never had a communication-problem; -from a vastly different cultural background, yet this never clashed with my own.

    In any event; she's pretty; she's fun to be with; she's currently in Law-School and she is and will always be (I say this after 18 years together) the absolute 'apple-of-my-eye' and my reason for living !

    So; when I ask myself what' am I ? ?

    I am a happy, multi-cultural citizen of the world, who'sproud of his heritage AND proud of the heritage of the love of his life !

    Marissa; when I turned 18, my father gave me something which I have treasured ever since. It instantly became the "thread" in my life and a compass to which I've sailed ever since.

    Maybe there's something in there which you may find 'of value' ?

    (Rudyard Kipling)


    If you can keep your head when all about you

    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

    But make allowance for their doubting too;

    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

    Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,

    Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,

    And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

    If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;

    If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;

    If you can meet with triumph and disaster

    And treat those two imposters just the same;

    If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

    Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,

    And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

    If you can make one heap of all your winnings

    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

    And lose, and start again at your beginnings

    And never breath a word about your loss;

    If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

    To serve your turn long after they are gone,

    And so hold on when there is nothing in you

    Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

    Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;

    If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;

    If all men count with you, but none too much;

    If you can fill the unforgiving minute

    With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -

    Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

    And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!




  10. Crossy: Great effort; get the Valium ready, just in case and in the meantime: PM me for some professional advice on the following:

    1.DPM (Damp Proof Membrane) only essential in case the soil under the dwelling meets the sub-floor)

    2.Thermal Insulation in our Cathedral Style Roof

    3.Hot Water Service

    and a few other helpful bits



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