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Everything posted by 2long

  1. Thanks Jack, That's perfect. I was thinking HCMC would be the best / easiest place. Ideally I want a DTV, but I'm not sure if I can convince them. I own 50% of a UK company that requires me to work online, ideally in this time zone.
  2. I asked the same question last year but never got a clear answer. I would like a non-o based on marriage, and am more than happy to leave the country. The multi-entry non-o sounds ideal. My question is, 'Can I leave the country more often than once every 3 months/90 days?' because I'm often in and out and prefer not to be restricted in dates. If I can do as I ask (leave every 3 months or less) how does that affect the period of validity of the visa itself? 12 months is fine, 15 months better, but less than 12 months would be a pain. Another option is the DTV, which is my preference, but I need a back-up plan. Thanks in advance.
  3. Like some should HAVE taught you proper grammar? 🙃🫣😉 However, I agree with your point entirely. ✅👌🏻
  4. I know that burning fuel off to reduce weight is a standard safety procedure, but there's a lot of innocent marine life in the Andaman Sea that now has become polluted... but if s diver touches a piece of coral, oh my what a drama!
  5. It looks like we have a similar YouTube viewing algorithm, as I recently watched that video. As for 'choosing your life partner' on physical appearance alone, well there are some shallow people in this world. I wonder how many AN members are physically perfect. 😏 Bear in mind that sometimes people 'lose the will or ability to remain in a healthy shape' after they get into a long-term relationship.
  6. It sounds to me that Meow was cheating on her husband all along, and didn't want to get caught. Any rapist is stupid, but could one be THIS stupid?
  7. Because Thais love a reason to be in a lynch mob when they have no knowledge, reason or right to be doing so.
  8. While part of me doesn't want to promote his channel by pasting this link👇🏻the winning part of me wants to say how really fckn annoying this guy is, especially his voice/accent. https://www.youtube.com/@CBMedia404
  9. But how many jobs are done here by Cambodians and Burmese because those occupations are 'below' them? It's only fair if this law applies both ways.
  10. So, only the Frenchman was suspicious... but not the Russians? And as many have already posted, how about ALL THE THOUSANDS of Somchais who modify bikes yet get away with it?
  11. DTV is my first choice. Marriage my second.
  12. After 24 years on a NonB I have been on 60 day stamps since May 2024. I just got back for my 8th time, and although the IO was a bit quiet and slow, I showed her a flight out and she stamped me in for 60 more days. I don't expect this to go on, and I plan to get a proper visa in a month or two. Each time I leave, I go out for several days (sometimes more than a week), always by plane and to a variety of countries (Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Maldives and Taiwan).
  13. We have seen a trend of these stories recently. To me at least it appears that whoever's publishing them is looking to sensationalize things that are either not special or might not be true. I agree on the use of pics, as well. #waitingformyholiday 🙄
  14. Scumbags come from all backgrounds, countries and income levels, so how can this possibly have anything to do with the visa free nonsense mentioned in the article?
  15. They're all on here, ready to tell you about it.
  16. Without me having to scroll through 53 pages... A friend mentioned that this visa only allows for a stay in Thailand of no more than 180 accumulative days per year. I was under the impression it was 180 days per stay, and you can effectively leave and re-enter to get another 180 days within the same year. I would like to be able to spend approximately 10 months per year here, in stays of 2-3 months at a time. Thanks in advance for your input.
  17. Is there no air pollution at/around the kids' houses? So to avoid it, all the families will need to turn on air con to filter the dust and stay home to babysit their kids. Surely schools have air con. But it's too little, too late as always here.
  18. Do any of you guys have first-hand experience with the digital nomad thing? I thought it was show 500k and some evidence of your job for 5 years of up to 180 day stays, This 5.4/1.8 BILLION Baht over three years for the employer sentence in the OP confuses and worries me.
  19. Ok, if we're going to compete and not bother to read/notice that this poor lad was FREEDIVING, then I'm an ex Navy Seal SAS KGB frogman Nitrox TriMix rebreather instructor trainer trainer, with 9,000,000 dives. Oh, and I trained doctors in all specialities. My Diploma is from the University of Facebook.
  20. From what I read, this young lad had just completed a FREEDIVING course, which is not scuba. Anyone can die, at any time, including - young healthy people - people who recently had the Covid vaccine - people who upset Koh Tao locals - people who get electrocuted by dodgy wiring - scuba divers of any age, even after a safe dive - people who don't follow AN forum rules - people who disagree with some AN members🙃
  21. Freediving and scuba diving are not the same thing. How he died, and what activity he was doing at the time, is important to know.
  22. EVERY time I order Subway, the process is as follows - I choose my sandwich - they make it in front of me - they tell me the price - I pay
  23. Sorry, but at Subway they tell you the price AFTER they have made your sandwich, with the toppings. Unless you have a standard sandwich without any extras, it's impossible for the staff to know how much it will cost.
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