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Everything posted by 2long

  1. I go to that exact branch every time I fly out of Phuket. Yes, it's a bit more than Subways in the street but there are reasons for this. How this English woman could imagine that 'add this, and some more of that' wouldn't add up seems weird. And jeeez she must have an appetite to add what she did. Sadly, her accent suggests that she's from the lower classes on not far from my home.
  2. I hope that the several posters on this thread who mentioned brake failure or anything to do with 'brakes' never get to pilot a speedboat, or any boat for that matter. Let's really hope that their comments are tongue in cheek.
  3. Good old Daily Fail calling it a HORRIFIC speedboat crash. Clicks sell!
  4. The (high) target amount of money to get his body back seems to have been calculated very quickly, as well. I would have thought a grieving family would have other things on their mind than working out t he exact cost, and setting up a GoFund me or whatever.
  5. Shouldn't this thread be in the jokes section?
  6. Without scrolling through 10 pages, has anyone questioned how a motorbike can kill a pedestrian in what appears to be in a built up area? for my, it would need to be - extreme speed - extreme bad luck - something else, such as an underlying health issue It's not as if he was driving a truck
  7. AseanNow never disappoints with a bunch of know-it-all done-it-all lynch mobbers! Although we can possibly correctly ASSUME that this guy was riding too fast, we don't know, do we? Maybe the lady was mentally unstable or drunk or visually impaired. WE ALSO DON'T KNOW. I can pretty much guarantee that every single member posting on this thread was not there at the time of the incident, and therefore has no place to comment on who's to blame or who should rot in jail. Grow up, ladies... it's quite pathetic.
  8. Well said, that man! Couldn't agree more.
  9. 23 drink drivers in four days! Ha! I could count that within a mile of my house in one day!
  10. To save me scrolling through 52 pages, can anyone verify what I heard that in Taipei you can walk in without an appointment to apply for this visa? I own 50% of a company in the UK, which I plan to use to sponsor myself. Can move money around if the 500k needs to be in THB in a Thai bank. Thanks in advance 😘
  11. Thais don't hear noise. And their right to make it is greater than the right to peace and quiet from us 'normal' members of society.
  12. Apparently at least three foreigners died in a hotel fire near Khao Sarn last night, but nothing in the AN News that I have seen yet.
  13. Please don't take my words so literally. When using the term 'random' I meant not a brand that is a household name, such as Toyota, Honda, Ford or even Hyundai. But part of me thinks that you were well aware of that.
  14. Are you suggesting a secondhand electric car from some random Chinese brand? Cheap it will be, reliable... who knows? Personally, I wouldn't go anywhere near a new one of these, let alone a secondhander. But I could be very wrong.
  15. Big guy. Big scary guy. Everyone on this forum, and the sidewalk is so scared now.
  16. One of my fave AN members!
  17. Oh here we go..... Keyboard warrior. He who lives in a glass house or whatever! Have you never done anything wrong?
  18. I only read this thread. And are you referring to one rider, or more?
  19. #1 your poll doesn't mention or specify 'driving fast', to which I feel most people would vote no #2 I would be surprised if MANY people have shown SUPPORT for motorbikes driving FAST down sidewalks When I'm walking, I get out of their way. When I'm riding on the pavement (very occasionally) I do so slowly, for as short a distance as possible, and always giving way and showing respect to pedestrians.
  20. Thanks, but I meant the local area outside the airport.
  21. Are there are massage places around Phuket airport where the ladies offer something extra? Walking distance only. Asking for a friend! 🫣🤔🤭
  22. If she has an apple, she also has a banana!
  23. You should be showering twice a day regardless of who you're living, sleeping with, or not.
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