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Everything posted by 2long

  1. I have to admit that at first the mother (in orange/red????????) was my first suspect, as it's not clear at that stage of the video. Are you being a bit harsh on @toofarnorth?
  2. Years ago I sent my rabbit with Nok Air (and my family) to Hat Yai or NST. The rabbit went in the special place for pets, and the price was either 20B or free. I can't remember!
  3. Very sad! These Thai balconies take locals as victims and well as tourists. Interesting that the report describes what he was wearing.. More interesting that the report appears to be fuelling supernatural gossip!
  4. While we're in 2022 and people are identifying as this and that and want equality, it could be considered by some as 'less bad than it was before' to strike a female. And that's partly the mindset I had before watching the video... But oh my lord what an over-reacting little Somchai! The 'weird woman' hardly damaged the car and she didn't really strike his mum hard or with 'violent intent' or more than once. This little pr*ck obviously has some issues himself, if he can't handle his emotions.
  5. @RichardColeman& @SAFETY FIRST are treading dangerously close to the defamation laws here. Picking on the guy's fashion sense and pointing skills could end you up in jail! ????????????????
  6. My favourite restaurant won't take cash anymore. Okami Sushi Many 'trusting' vendors take a glance at the customer's screen and see it's good enough. Funnily enough, when I recently flew LGW-BKK at BOTH ends my Thailand pass was checked 'by the naked eye' and not scanned! These three low lifes deserve food poisoning.
  7. I applied for my daughter's at VFS around the same day as you. Payment came out of my bank account a couple of weeks ago, so I'm expecting an email any day, but it's not urgent.
  8. "He appealed to relatives of the deceased to come forward." That won't be easy until they identify the corpse.
  9. It's a very sad state of affairs when the report needs to state "police said that the motorcyclist did not flee the scene."
  10. "Prayut had received complaints via several channels" From who? Who would complain, other than those trying to sleep or work after midnight in those zones... and let's face it these places were noisy before covid anyway.
  11. Does the OP know she's cute? There are at least two in my local 7Eleven who I think are dead cute, but due to Covid masks, I haven't seen their full faces yet... only their eyes. In fact, quite a few new females who I have met in the past 2+ years have looked promising until the mask reveals poor complexion, bone structure or teeth. Very rarely, if ever, have I been surprised the other way. Luckily for the ladies, I'm old and ugly and rarely wear a mask, so they know what they're (not) getting from the start.
  12. As @Humminrightly points out, think about the age(s). I find several of our local 7Eleven girls attractive, and I flirt a little bit and have a joke often. But some of them are under 20 years old, and I turn 51 this month. There comes a time when young girls (not bar girls) are flirtatious with us older guys because they see us as a 'safe uncle figure' and not as a potential relationship partner. But the male eye, brain, ego and libido can make us overthink things... and end up in trouble. Your age, her age, your marital status and her relationship status are all very important factors.
  13. We all know rape is illegal and I would hope that we all know not to do it. I was just querying if this case is cut & dried and he has confessed or been found guilty of rape.... because from what I read, neither has happened yet.
  14. @Tropposurfer was the first poster to offer his condolences after several other members went on and on about how cycling is safe or dangerous or how bad Thai drivers are. RIP to the poor guy and best wishes to his family. You can get killed on a bicycle in any country, and you can die in many ways here in Thailand. Did he increase his chances of being hit by spending so much time on the roads here? Probably. But although it's safer to spend those hours on a keyboard telling everyone how to live their lives, at least this guy did what he enjoyed. I cycle quite a lot on the outskirts of BKK, but I choose my times and my routes carefully. There's as much danger in riding a scooter back from the bar.
  15. 'his actions' are not confirmed. Nor are hers. I have certainly drunkenly pestered women in my past. Have you? Thanks, and yes... i know the difference. I know I have spurned drunken women, but raped no one. How about you? 'many would consider' is your opinion. We don't know what happened. That's all I'm saying.
  16. "He has been prosecuted in the past for a string of drug taking and drug possession charges in Taopoon, Chana Songkhram and Khok Kham police jurisdictions as well as a charge of breaking curfew. " This does not make him a morning rapist.
  17. He said. She said. She was probably attractive, and clearly drunk. He's a man. I would say that many of us have had to spurn the advances of drunk women before. His story sounds believable. Thai men can be awful. Thai women are often attractive... and 'pretties' especially so. There's no clear answer here, but many members will automatically blame the taxi driver.
  18. I hate corruption, and I'm not too keen on cops either. But considering their salary and the environment that they have to survive in,... plus what all their colleagues are up to, this is harsh in the extreme! 325 years for 65 bribes from what is probably a den of iniquity.
  19. While we like to sit here and bitch about the age and state of the vehicle and the 'status' of the driver, who's to know about the study fees for this school. Was it a temple school where the (probably sober and kind-hearted) janitor was happy to ferry the kids back and forth in the best vehicle available. Not every school in this part of the world has the income to afford 'proper' drivers and vehicles.
  20. "dead jingjoks inside and cobwebs" Come on, we all do it to a certain extent... we all use Thai when we are communicating in English! ????
  21. During today's press conference, standing next to his buddies... inside!
  22. This woman needs to be punished so that she won't do it again, and so that others will learn! Also, the Muppets who paint the roads unnecessarily all over Thailand could/should spend their time and paint in highlighting zebra crossings, ESPECIALLY outside schools!
  23. Has he been found guilty? Or is that today's verdict? Has he confessed yet, because if he has, then they won't execute him. If he hasn't confessed, then he will wriggle out of this... they all do.
  24. It would be interesting to see how the same driver reacted if a motorcyclist accidentally 'touched' his car and gave a wai to say sorry. It's wrong to punch another person's car. And it's silly to be drunk out alone at night... but we've all been there. They should both put it down to experience. Far too many of these cowardly Somchais keep weapons in the boot for times like this... and it's WRONG!
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