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Everything posted by 2long

  1. So, this was posted on Tuesday (5 days after the holiday) and I guess the 'facts' are at least 24 hours old. Yet, they're going on about people already on ventilators! Sorry, but are we really supposed to believe that a significant number of people got seriously infected enough to need this treatment so quickly after becoming in contact with people due to travelling over the holiday!? Come on. Try a bit harder! This Dr. Opas is getting quoted a lot in what appear to be fearmongering articles.
  2. Should speak ill of the dead, but I never really liked her or got why she was so popular. Maybe because she has excellent English and can drive very well, but probably more due to her gender. Anyway, fair play to name a corner after her. There are plenty to choose from on that great track!
  3. The OP should become more focussed on grammar and spelling, which might distract him from the ladies. ???? Am I going to be the first to call this thread out as an attention-seeking troll post? ????????
  4. 113 replies to a thread about a 55B Cola! Go to NEP and they're about 150B there! Come on guys, get a grip! If the place charge that, they either have a good reason or don't care what a load of sad buggers think.
  5. Will customs give her luggage a good going over when she gets back? I mean, how many bags does a person need?
  6. I'm told it's only g*y if you push back! ????????????
  7. Good luck to the girls for playing the sport. I have no problem with this, and I hope that they do well. HOWEVER, the OP seems correct in that they appear to be 'overdoing' the coverage somewhat. Now, in 2022, there are groups of society who get more attention than others. - these lives matter - these people need the whole month of June because of their life choices - this gender gets a day in the year for many activities There's not much we can do about it, sadly. ????
  8. Now we're in Woke 2022, people all around the world are identifying as something different to how they were born. I'm not saying it's wrong. In many cases, people really do belong in a different body. - Boys who were born boys want to be seen as girls, even though they may or may not take hormones and have surgery - Girls who were born girls want to be seen as boys, even though they may or may not take hormones and have surgery - Some people claim to be 'gender neutral' whatever that means - Traditional English (and other language) pronouns are now seen as an insult or showing lack of respect and sensitivity to some groups - Certain ethnic groups have a history of being oppressed, and therefore it's becoming almost fashionable to claim to be part of that group even if you're not 100% one of them. An example is Lewis Hamilton, whose mother is very much Caucasian Anyway, my question is now that I'm 51 years old and it's clear I was born in 1971 and have lost some hair while gaining some wrinkles, ... CAN I IDENTIFY AS 25? It really would benefit my lifestyle. I know, I know. I can't handle the booze or exercise like a 'real 25 year old' but I SEE myself as 25. Is this any different than some of the others who claim to be something they're not? Anyone who reads too much into this post and wants to jump on my back in an instant, should read it with the pinch of salt that it was written. ????????????
  9. I know a pickup truck can be called a truck, but this headline is a bit misleading (at least to me) because I presumed it was a larger vehicle with maybe more than four wheels. It looks like this was just a Mitsubishi Triton pickup.
  10. As for the lack of the apology by the checkout lady, the OP needs to understand that - she didn't really do anything wrong. It was probably the system, which can't apologise. - apologising in Thailand is as good as admitting you're wrong, and therefore a loss of face. Think about when in a restaurant or shop when the staff give you bad news about something being unavailable, they SMILE! This can be conceived as them enjoying giving you the bad news but it's not at all the case. Us westerners are too used to being told bad news with a sad and apologetic face.
  11. That's a lot of masks to be worn! ????????????
  12. I'll bet the ferry operators will love this... and there's no chance of any mafia involvement down there, is there! ????
  13. " less than 1 percent not wearing them at all." says it all to me. And as @peterfrankspoints out, it's not easy to wear one while eating and drinking.
  14. WHY? Anyone 60 years old or younger has had access to porn videos when a teenager. Why try to stop it for today's youth? Although there are times when watching porn can cause individuals to become worse humans, I would argue that in most cases it enables young men to release internal pressure and get on with the rest of their day.
  15. Just 6 years for murder, while in uniform, or at least in a position of uniformed power. Apparently the punishment wasn't enough last time, so let's hope it is this time.
  16. No. All you need is proof of being fully vaccinated. No more Thailand pass. Airport staff will ask to see your vaccine certs.
  17. I don't know. I'm not in Pattaya. You'd need to check their website.
  18. AirAsia all day long! They even go out of BKK for some flights now (mostly DMK). VietJet are pretty well known for delays. I'd even go as far as saying that they make up three flight times when they only have one plane for the route. Then they just cancel the two lesser-booked flights. Ok, maybe they're not that bad, but they do like a delay or cancellation.
  19. This is hardly urgent and breaking news, so I'm confused why it wasn't proof read. It only takes a couple of minutes. "Instead a naughty man and woman arrived with a Toyotal pick-up on Friday and carter off four of the seats."
  20. I'm sorry but how does one take precautions for past events? "are advised to take precautions to ensure they did not contract COVID-19 during their trips." And 'checking for symptoms' is also a bit weird, because you either have symptoms or you don't, and if you have them, you know about it.
  21. For all those who want to continue to go along with this charade, WHEN WILL IT END? Ok, a year or two ago we made sacrifices and believed those in charge about masking, lockdowns, and 'herd immunity' but none of them 'worked' (because we still have Covid). So what do we wait for now? Or will you guys continue to wear masks, hide from the world and worry for the rest of your lives?
  22. I had no idea that the father hung around. I thought these were solitary creatures. Anyway, it's great to see and as @Nabby correctly points out, this should be more of a secret.
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