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Everything posted by 2long

  1. Great news, especially as I am due to return on May 7th. But what about pubs? I know the clowns in charge want to keep the nightlife and sexy hostesses to themselves, but surely pubs need to start to be allowed to open and operate as normal sooner rather than later.
  2. I think it would have been prudent for you to mention this fact in your first post. I guess others, like I, presumed your work permit was connected to you visa dates.
  3. It's a bit like a top-brand-name bag. You're showing others how rich you are, but considering good fakes are available, and that the genuine bag is no better than a fake... and that they do not appreciate in value. So really the people who buy really expensive bags are just showing others how stupid (ad wealthy) they are. It's a bit different for licence plates, but not much.
  4. Has anyone pointed out to the fools in charge that drunk driving is bad all year round, always,... and forever!?
  5. To the posters who came down hard on those who said 'how about drivers who will use their phones while driving' with 'Every heard of dash cam?'.... well the OP says dash cams or smartphones. And not everyone has a dash cam and not all dash cams are pointing where you might want them pointed, such as out the side or rear windows. So please give these guys a break. So, are the RTP stating that everyone who does use a smartphone must be a passenger or in a stopped vehicle (not at a red light)? Because if not, they're encouraging snitches to break the law... and who's going to snitch on them? And on and on it goes.
  6. I think that members and posters need to look outside of this website and junta-controlled news outlets to get an idea of what some here are hinting at. The reason for purchase and usage of these planes might not be what's officially declared on websites that want to remain in business.
  7. I wanted to make a similar point, but you did a much better job than I could.
  8. 6 minutes and 30 seconds into this clip is a similar thing. ???? https://youtu.be/QgI2nnrnjz8
  9. My friend came last week and he had no idea what to do with the 5th day test. His hotel didn't know or tell him... same for immigration.
  10. I know it might sound stupid, but are you on the right page? Many bad people are good at SEO and have misleading meta details that attract clicks. Thailand Pass = https://tp.consular.go.th/home
  11. Or gullible for believing that actors could act.
  12. So, seeing the Oscars 'slap' what do we really think?
  13. Surin should have done a Will Smith on Phaisan, and just pretended to slap him, in order to get some media attention for them both. That way Surin wouldn't be in jail and Phaison wouldn't be dead!
  14. There are two sides to this, so I don't expect any thumbs ups. #1 It makes sense to at least try to control some spread of infections by drunken revelers, because the country aims to declare the thing endemic in months and there's the carrot dangling about relaxing entry requirements. so let's just suffer a 'traditional' Song Kran and get back to normal sooner rather than later. I love alcohol and I'm drinking it right now. But it is a catalyst for dropping your guard. #2 Many pertinent comments above mine explain that it's just a cold and they all drink and enjoy making us plebs suffer. Many in the tourism and entertainment sectors saw Song Kran fun to be their final opportunity to at least get near to breaking even or recouping something. It's very sad and I feel for them. As for people who want to bitch and moan that they can't have fun, well they need to try a bit harder. It's not all about 'I wanna get pished and ogle scantily-clad lasses'.
  15. What happens if you are positive just before the PCR but it doesn't show? Or what happens if you contract Covid after the PCR but before flying? Or if someone else on the plane somehow got through the system and infected other passengers? No one can KNOW they're negative, just because of a test result. That's all I'm saying.
  16. I'm 'sorry but all the time that people in this part of the world have this mentality of believing nonsense (including what many parents, teachers and the junta spout) they will never ever emerge from the dark ages.
  17. Yeah but except you won't know you're negative before arrival because you may get Covid after your pre-flight PCR, such as at the airport or flying... or you may already be positive before your pre-flight pcr but not showing up yet. It's a lottery, and I can't wait for May 1st... I fly back to LOS on May 7th
  18. Thanks guys, including @richard_smith237 but it's her first adult passport, so the address is all about her. My name is only on there as a parent, not as much 'support' as for a kid's passport. We plan to try a translated copy of the ID card and tabien baan and see how we go. But any/all more suggestions are very welcome. ????????
  19. Hey guys, My daughter needs to upgrade her British passport from (expired) kid's to (first) adult's. One of the required docs is proof of address. She goes to Thai school and doesn't pay tax or electricity bills or vote.. so I was going to use her page of the tabien baan translated into English. Does anyone have comments, opinions or experience? Thanks in advance.
  20. After more than 22 years here, I have 'got used to' quite a lot, including the weather, language, food, culture etc, but one thing I will never ever adapt to or accept is the dangerous driving, or even the selfish parking. For a nation of polite, friendly people who have the phrase 'greng jai' which doesn't even directly translate in English, it never ceases to amaze me how bad most of them are.
  21. Has anyone else noticed that the alcohol test has happened so fast, but if the driver is 'important' or has rich family members, it takes a lot longer?!
  22. Anyone who has been here long enough will know (from experience) a few of things... - there are plenty of obnoxious farangs (tourists & expats) who feel a sense of privilege or entitlement to justice & service that they are accustomed to from back home - alcohol makes people do things they wouldn't normally do - St Patrick's Day is enjoyed with alcohol, by some people from lunchtime to late - Irish people like a drink - Thai (and ASEAN) security guards are rarely fluent in English (or drunken Gaelic) - These security guards rarely 'start' a physical fight without provocation - These security guards often appear to enjoy an altercation, as without any 'action' their job is useless and could be boring - certain males of the ASEAN region will gladly, quickly and without evidence of who's right or wrong, pile into an altercation, often with weapons and nearly always on the side who they choose (such as their friends, compatriots or whichever side appears to have the upper hand). Please note that I have made no assumptions at all, because I wasn't there. I'm just pointing things out as they often are.
  23. I didn't mention the security guard and my 'hypothesis' as you call it was in the form of a question. For sure someone was to blame, otherwise the incident wouldn't have occurred.
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