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Posts posted by laurentbkk

  1. Well I guess it will take YEARSSSSSSSSSSSSS before to see any tracks for the high speed train ... Why Thailand didnt think about the same idea of producing spare parts for MRT or BTS ? The high speed technology in Europe specially in France with the TGV is probably the best and the most expensive .... you cannot buy a rolls royce at a price of a toyota sorry .

  2. what a weird and stupid decision to ban alcohol before election just prove one thing .. Do Thais go to vote totally drunk ? Another thing to avoid to go to Phuket for holidays... ok we can stay without drinking alcohol for one night but I dont see the point , I dont think banning alcohol in bars will stop people to drink ... just buy in supermarkets and have a private party at home ... another non sense in the land of smiles

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  3. So all those years waiting for a new airport for that kind of results ? is that a joke ? thought BKK airport would be the first HUB in Asia ? LOL Anyway maybe its time to think to expend the actual airport , new runaway (good quality this time) ... and human size terminal which now allow you to walk few miles from the aircraft to the immigration. Maybe time to ask some professional some helps , advises even from foreigners.

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  4. we could maybe assume the "strange" death of few tourists could be cause by very low quality of veggies and food found in the country, you never know as the hygiene in some restaurant or food stall on roads has a total lack of hygiene.

    I am not surprise about those pesticides level .... I try to buy organic veggies most of the time or frozen veggies from Europe or veggies imported from Australia or NZ but pricing is outrageous for imported product , so the choice is rather limited. I just hope those pesticides disappear during cooking process.

  5. To be fair, forensic results can take a while weeks into months depending on tests being done! My guess is not many people who comment here have medical training. Sure understand the family wanting answers but let the process work its way thorugh, and no doubt they will keep pressure on in the hope of finding out what did happen. As I hope.

    Have lived in Thailand for a few years and receive the updates to thaivisa daily, this is my first comment due I find most of the comments are from people who dont really want to live here or use the fourm to moan! Come on guys we all live here for a reason, or why not go home and live in our fantastic Western countries!

    always the same ..... some farang who wants to be more Thais than Thai themselves. Thailand is not worse or better than other countries for sure, maybe you have not lived here long enough to have a common judgement. oh and not everybody here are from Western countries.

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