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Posts posted by laurentbkk

  1. that's what we call a slap ..how shocking is that ? Thailand image worldwide has been damaged by a Tweet .... LOL is that a joke ? You want good image ? clean the pavement and all those stall selling fake products on silom and sukhumvit ..You don't need Lady gaga to damage the image , I cannot imagine if a man celebrity would have tweet "lets go and have fun in some gogo bars" ..... this is the Don't see ..Don't Talk and Don't hear philosophy . Spend your money here but dont tell anyone where you bought your fake Vuitton bag , Fake Lacoste polo, Fake D&G jeans to go with your Fake rolex.

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  2. Put him in the same cells as Moo Ham and that girl on the tollway with no licence that ploughed into the van.

    Oh wait......................................................................................

    yeahhhhhh unfortunately those are not in jail ....and never been and will never be .... if you have the right connection you can do whatever you want .... am sick of those brainless people .

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