You won't get regular Thai folks scrambling around in sewers, they have to import workers from Burma and Laos to empty the bins and wait tables here.
Thais like to stand in supermarkets hiding while they play on their phones.
There has been over 2 intervening years, and the price of oil and related fuels has gone up from about $50 to double that. The rise you see in flight costs doesn't seem so bad.
Yeah, we all got the money and inclination to buy a new house every year or so in search of a peaceful neighbourhood. The eternal search for the Holy Grail....
Yes, having chains lifted off their necks was, I thought, the problem. Despite all the nonsense being posted here, Thai Police are quite capable of putting a stop to this.... just a matter of catching and prosecuting what is likely a small and obvious group. They just have motivation issues.
I am not as keen on sitting in the sun as I used to be, its a tourist thing. But the pleasure used to involve reading a book, and dozing off in comfort. The vendors often made noise to get your attention and stood staring at you, perhaps thinking a German needed a Man U wristband. A small kitchen hut within waving distance that could rustle up a Penang Curry with fried rice and a cold drink, when you wanted one, worked for me. Or a place one could stroll to and be seated in the shade.....
There is inherent losses in changing.... where do you plan to buy the USD? Not very good rates in the UK. If we knew where currencies were going we could make a lot of money.
My last, the booster (#3), bloody hurt, and was sore for a long time after, maybe over a month. I felt it had been applied too deep and gone beyond the muscle. There and then, I thought, that's it, if 3 ain't enough, it is a waste of time!
You are living in the past. You have no idea whey these people wear their masks. It may be to keep their faces cleaner.
Not sure also why it is your business or concern, why even let it bother you? Go complain about kids wearing their pants down round their lower hips or the silly braces on teeth habit.
The mandate has gone, now it is about personal choice...... do you oppose that?
I am still not convinced these are valid reports of theft......
At the moment the police seem content to continue taking the small amount of money a police report costs ..... and surprisingly tolerate the affect on crime numbers, of course detrimental to the pristine image of Pattaya. It would be expected surveillance cameras could prove these crimes true or contrived.
Don't tell me over half aren't working again!
I should ask my pal who is a volunteer... but I have been led to believe they are very much under-staffed. That was blamed on the way budget and manpower was allotted to towns and regions, based on the official registered population.
With traffic levels nowadays it would be far worse..... making the loop of Beach Rd and 2nd Rd was very beneficial, along with improving the junctions.....
We seem to have taken quite a few backwards steps during Covid (fine during the low traffic of those days).... but it is going to get messy as the huge coaches and minibuses return.
20 or 30 baht per trip?
Would that be too much for you?
The issue is, the traffic situation in town is going to get worse..... some major effort is needed, and it is not to add more baht buses.
I can only say, not in my lifetime.
I believe they are part of the traffic problem, causing delays and traffic jams. The fact that at only 10 baht it is a good deal is why people support them. Are there other cities in the world that mange without baht buses? Yes there are. Looking at it sensibly, it appears very inefficient to have hundreds of these things stopping in the middle of the road and adding to pollution. I would welcome some air-conditioned electric tram system. In Bangkok they seem to have reduced the traffic issues by getting rid of tuk-tuks and employing a modern light rail network.