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Posts posted by seasia

  1. Hi 


    I stayed in Silver River on last PP Visit..


    $37 a night booked direct online.




    It was comfortable, not noisy and felt safe. 24 hour reception


    172 st. fairly well lit at night, little 24/7 mini mart less than a minute  stroll away.


    Nice staff.


    I would stay again although would balance against being nearer to Riverside and paying more.


    An observation rather than criticism, the online photos make it look a bit better than what it is, often the way.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    The OP posted a poster of Foodland having a "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" until the end of the month. Does that mean any item bought at Foodland you get that same 2nd item for free?



    Only a limited number of items.


    I was there today, there are some decent offers on special.


    Whether worthwhile depends on what you want to buy and how far you are from there.


    Only 10 minutes walk for me.

    They had a fair few customers.


    They got a small bit of business from me, will get a bit more.

    In the local area, it is another option, no bad thing.

    Seemed to be a touch cheaper than the nearby Best Supermarket on some items.

    • Like 1
  3. On 9/4/2018 at 6:27 AM, baansgr said:

    Good luck, keep strong and positive, excersise is also helpful when giving up... Even a 15 minute walk to start with... 



    Your post has helped me, thanks.


    I live in a very convenient location, most all I need very nearby, 4 X 24/7 hr. shops less than a minute stroll away, ATM, coffee shops etc  plenty.. I had almost forgotten about walking.


    Saturdays were probably my biggest day for drinking.


    A couple of weeks back, decided to do some walking, looking around, couple of friends tagged along.

    Total of about 3 hours  with breaks, not walking non stop.


    Really enjoyed it.

    Felt better and happier.


    I did the same Saturday just gone, increased to about 4 hours, again, not non stop and gentle.

    Tiring but felt good.


    Yes had some beer when finished but achieved a good reduction in what I would usually have been drinking.

    Slept better as well.


    Already looking forward to more walking.


    Thanks again.

    • Like 1
  4. On 9/11/2018 at 4:31 PM, Kim J said:

    Oh dear!! We are having tiffs about a food court that has not even opened yet. Some people really are unbelievable.

    How can anyone pass worthwhile comment on prices or anything else until they have actually seen and experienced the place?

    Indeed so.

    Unfortunately seems to be the way this forum has descended .

    Many posters don`t want or are unable to post something useful but they are very quick to  snipe or make petty comments.

    Adds to the clicks I suppose.


    So T 21 opening fairly soon, I live a 10 minute walk from the site.

    I`ve never been to a T 21 mall and despite not being  all that interested in malls/shopping centres I will take a look.

    Open mind.

    I would make a guess it will be popular and a useful addition.

    Traffic in the area will increase unfortunately.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. Hi


    I was chatting to a friend the other day who is staying in naklua ( I live here  myself.)

    He said he went to Antons on Sunday evening, around 6 or 7 PM and was informed by a Thai lady working there, no food available, just beer and drinks. Has had change of owner.


    It was not totally clear whether no food is a temporary measure or not.


    Just passing on info. if travelling any distance to get there might be worth trying to get in touch first .

    If I hear more will post again.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 22 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    I was amazed reading here on TV a member was trying to cut back from 18 beers a day.


    I have 18 beers a year. 

    Why would you be  amazed at someone drinking 18 bottles a day on a forum sub section titled " I drink too much " ?


    Why are you even reading here ? With nothing but petty sniping ?


    No advice, no encouragement.


    Good opening post and answers other than yours


    Where is the ignore function.

    • Like 1
  7. Hello bangkok blue


    I`m OK


    Thanks for a helpful and useful post. I`ll take a look at OYNB.




    Thanks also yes decent idea.


    You are right, the great majority of posts here have been good, some superb.


    Thanks also to others that have taken the time to answer with some excellent suggestions.


    They are appreciated.

  8. Sorry but some very poor posts here.


    Baclofen has been in existence for more than 50 years, albeit as a drug to treat other conditions and only in recent times has it been considered  a possible help in reducing or stopping alcohol consumption.


    It is the no.1 drug in France for those trying to steer away from alcohol.

    France one of the top rated countries in the world for healthcare.


    Very comprehensive study from Australia also






    I am amazed some of the posts made have been allowed to stand.


    I thought this section was supposed to be supportive and abuse free.


    How wrong was I ?

    • Like 2
  9. 23 hours ago, 5633572526 said:

    Go see your doctor and get a physical. If that doesn’t convince you start planning your funeral.

    3 of my friends have died from the effects of alcohol which is a great motivator for us who watch it happen so on the bright side maybe you can be an influence to others.

    Whilst going to get a general check up is a valid  suggestion the rest of your post I find extreme and actually offensive.


    I have been open about my drinking levels.


    If someone was drinking say 2 large bottles of beer at lunch time then another couple in the evening would many people suggest arranging a funeral ? That is my current drinking level.


    I will lower it.It will take some effort.I will make that effort.

    You seem to be stating you would be happy to see me die, maybe I have mis read..


    I`ve never reported a post nor placed anyone on ignore, I got close with your post.


    I have had superb responses here overall so I can shrug  off your post quite easily.


    I also have good friends that I have explained my aim to reduce. They understand and are supportive.

    Including the drinkers amongst them.






    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    Hi seasia, I forgot to say in my last post please let me know how you get on, you didn't say how much or what you drink and I'd be interested (read nosey LOL) on what sort of withdrawal you experience if you don't have a drink, good luck with the Baclofen :thumbsup:

    Hi Golden Triangle.


    For sure.


    I`ve a thread running in this section.

    Had some excellent answers/suggestions there as well as a couple of the inevitable snipes.


    My drinking quantity increased this year, which is what prompted me to find ways to reduce.

    I drink beer, between 8 to 12 X 320ml  per day. ( 5 % proof, don`t touch the stronger beers.)

    No spirits, none this year..

    I do like a glass of wine with a meal but  halted that 2 or 3 months ago.


    Reduced beer consumption slightly in the past week.


    The higher end of my consumption usually on weekends, mostly social.

    Pleasant day yesterday, total of 8 x 320 ml, so equivalent to 4 large bottles.


    Some might regard that as too high I guess.


    I am going to start with baclofen this Saturday, following the  Aus. website instructions.


    Already started taking vitamin B complex.

    I also drink plenty of water.


    I am looking to reduce alcohol intake, in time.


    I feel fairly confident I will succeed.


    Thanks and again Good Luck with your own regime.


    • Like 2
  11. 3 hours ago, jvs said:

    Somebody here already mentioned your buddies,The people you hang out with can greatly influence your intake.

    When people are buying rounds you may feel the need to join them

    Talk to your friends and if they are really your friends they will understand and not offer you beer.

    If they say'come on just one more'or something like that you need to

    pick you friends more carefully.

    Also the places you go to can make a difference.




    You are right, many of my friends/buddies drink and yes unfortunately there is some of that "just one more "

    Buy another round.One very good friend who does actually drink but seems to keep it restricted to 3 days a week undrestands


    I also have teetotal friends, maybe more time with them.


    Thank You

    • Like 1
  12. Hello


    Thanks for answers, didn`t expect so much response.


    Some ultra high quality and very helpful replies. I am happily surprised.


    To respond to a couple for now, will work through the others in time.


    The supplement mentioned  Cordyceps Sinensis, had never heard of if it, did some googling,interesting, also available via lazada.I will likely try that.I do sometimes take milk thistle extract in tablet form, mostly marketed here as Samarin, supposedly good for one`s liver.


    Food before drink, yes makes sense of course.

    I have a very small appetite, usually just a decent sized meal late evening is enough for me.

    I do not feel hungry in the morning nor in to the afternoon, early evening.


    Upon waking up I always drink water, then 2 cups of coffee.

    I probably drink a total of 2.5 maybe 3 litres of water a day..


    Maybe a pastry or croissant with coffee would be a start to getting just a little food in me?

    I like milk but very rarely drink it, maybe that would be good in the morning.


    Reply more later.



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