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Posts posted by seasia

  1. On 5/11/2019 at 10:20 AM, BritManToo said:

    I still enjoy massage and bars, but no longer bother taking them home.

    One of my pals catching AIDs in Chiang Mai has sort of put me off.


    I do have the funds to return to the Uk, and am also quite sick, but don't want to abandon my son, step-daughter or house.



    Sorry to hear you are not well, noticed a couple of other comments you have made re. that on another topic.

    Your reason for staying I understand.

    Hope you get better.


    Can only  wish you Good Luck.

    Like your posts, direct and down to earth.


    So far I have been lucky,but the thought of becoming ill here preys on my mind a bit.

    Am considering alternatives for the future.


    All the Best

    • Like 2
  2. Hi


    I had an interesting chat earlier today with a couple of friends, discussing alternatives to Thailand for various reasons.

    One of them has reasonable Latin/South America experience, has been to Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic and Venezuela.


    The first 3 multiple times, the latter I assume once only and likely a long time ago.

    Also speaks fluent Spanish.


    Other friend, never to the region.

    Columbia came up,, the experienced guy looking for flights  to there and as he is aware that I looked at route prices to there from Europe. I found some good prices. He has Cartegena top of his list.


    Anyway the Brit friend who has never visited the region seemed shocked at the idea of going to/considering Columbia.

    " Dodgy to go there " his comment. ( Drug cartels/murders etc.)


    My friend who has been to the general region made the comment that things have changed and that if you do some research there are cities/areas that are fairly safe.


    To me it just seemed an example of someone with no experience having some misconceptions based on "old news"



    Personal safety has to be a consideration of course but times change.

    As an example I think that crossing the road in some parts of Thailand has increased in risk.( naklua main road would be a good example )


    Everything in context I feel.

    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Colombian street food was asked about before. Here are some samples. I don't find it exciting but the over the top fruit cup starting at 7:50 seems cool. 




    Fruit cup mountain,wondered when she would stop adding.


    Just a personal observation,the street food shown seems to be overly fussy. Too many different items in the same serve.

    Chances high there would be something within that I would not like, which would spoil the whole thing.


    Nice food art for sure.


    The burger shown at the start would probably be fine but why so many add ons ?


    I guess the beef itself would be fairly good, just some tomato/onion and a dash of sauce . That would do.


    We do of course all have different tastes.


    I watched a Cartegena you tube clip earlier, couple of young backpackers, on a budget,  they found a restaurant serving a modest size steak, with rice and a salad for US$ 3.25. 100 baht or so. Looked good to me..

  4. Just now, Isaanbiker said:

    Have you read the overstayer's post two days ago, asking for advice on how to pay his overstay fine, which he had, who hadn't eaten for four days?


       I got in touch with him, and it turned out that he's an honest guy who didn't ask anybody to help him out.


         My point being is that those who'd deserve some financial help wouldn't go and beg for money to extend their holiday. These guys must have had a roundtrip ticket to get into Thailand, right?

     I do not like liars, no matter what nationality they are. 



    I noticed the post and your offer to help, to buy some food I guess.


    Old guy, confused and obviously distressed at being alone after many years of trying to take care of his Thai partner.


    The world could do with more people like you.


    I "tip my hat " to you.


    No more to say.

    • Like 2
  5. On 4/28/2019 at 2:34 PM, Jingthing said:

    Owning a car or not and expatriation to Latin America (or elsewhere). This is probably much more relevant for Americans where a car is almost required. 





    Only just got round to watching that.

    He makes some interesting and valid points.

    I have noticed that Americans stress how important it is to own a car there ( US ). Curious here, if you lived in an average size US town or city are there not intra town buses ?


    2nd thing I was surprised at his comment on Americans view of those who do not own a car as "lower than low "

    Truth in that or some exaggaration on his part.?

  6. Hi


    Cider  I have no idea sorry.


    Pizza, although not at all in your preferred area, I can recommend Grottino, it is on soi 33 naklua, only a 10 minute bahtbus ride from Central Pattaya.

    Yes, fits the bill of traditional Italian style, has Italian owner as well as Italian chef ( think 2 actually )


    Large indoor aircon area plus a few outside tables.


    It has been going for years, not a lunch time place though, usually opens around 5.00PM until midnight.

    Very large variety of Pizza  toppings prices range from about 200 baht up to 400 baht.

    Service is good..Actually excellent IMO.


    Drinks prices are perhaps a touch above average.

  7. 11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Not expats per se, but ... !

    Going abroad for affordable medical care can be a "gateway drug" for possible future expatriation. It actually was for me. 





    Yes indeed, not just from the US either.


    Mexico usually ranks very highly for value and standards in dental work. Sometimes no. 1 but depends on what sites one looks at.


    Sometime back I researched in to dental implant prices.

    Mexico seemed to show an average of around US$800 per implant, equating to about 25 K baht, about half the cost of what seems to be the going rate in Thailand ( OK naklua/pattaya specifically )


    Colombia rated quite highly also. That country ranks at no. 22 in the WHO table for medical standards in the world, highest in Latin America.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 15 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    2 weeks back I was in a $10/night 4th floor room overlooking Highland coffee/September Park Saigon.

    I had 4 large windows looking out over the busy road and a nightclub in the park opposite going until 3am.

    Aircon worked perfectly once I rinsed the air filters covered 1/2 deep with dust in the shower.

    And one night they evicted my Viet next room neighbour at 4am by throwing her stuff out the windows while her child screamed for an hour.


    But it was never dull!






    That makes you a District 1 fan, thought you would be.

    I stayed very near you in the Liberty 3 Greenview, paid more than you you but totally satisfied with the facilities and location.


    So many bars restaurants with a short stroll. Lively and fun.

    Also used to stroll around September Park every day. Nice park.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. Hi


    Earlier looked at a couple of youtube clips re. Quenca,

    Not necessarily aimed at potential expats but at least on topic location wise.


    First is from a couple of vbloggers, they do give an approx. overview of prices.

    Renting on a mere 2 month basis a 2 story 3 bedroom place at $ 500 per month, including utilities.

    Seems good value to me.


    Set lunches they indicate at around 2 to 3 $. for 3 dishes.

    Nearer the end of the video they walk around a market and give examples of prices. Avocados are cheap !





    Second one is a Cuenca old town walking tour, plenty of churches there.

    Going by this video it appears very pedestrian friendly, nice clean  pavements/sidewalks.

    Cars stop at traffic lights also.

    No piles of rubbish in the area the blogger covers.Noticed plenty of benches/seating areas, handy if wanting to take a break from walking.

    There are no cost indications on this one, just  a visual tour with commentary.

    Very scenic.



    • Like 1
  10. On 4/21/2019 at 6:28 AM, Jingthing said:

    Medellin is quite a large city. The living experience will be very different depending on where in Medellin. There are plenty of general guides to Medellin, but this one seems special. It gets into detail about the different neighborhoods WITHIN the popular with expats and tourists larger districts.


    Those districts are Poblado, Laureles, and Envigado.





    Thank You for the link.

    I did not realise quite how large Medellin is.

    My fault.


    The blog is good with it s detail.

    Very in depth.


    For me personally I would want an area with a mix of expats/tourists and locals..


    Compares comparatively to naklua where I live.




    • Like 2
  11. Just now, marcusarelus said:

    American Households Aged 75 and Older:$31,893 median income.


    How much is it in the UK?



    Not sure how your question is relevant but do think that the average median income for a UK couple at 75 yrs. old is a fair bit lower than the figure you have quoted for the US.( Note, I am not questioning your US figure, have no idea )




    The UK basic state pension is somewhat miserly, lower than other of the leading Euoropean countries.

    It is somewhat complicated by being based on how many years someone has made contributions.

    Think but could be wrong that it is generally between 600 to 700 GBP per month.

    Multiply by about X 1.3 for US $ figure.


    Oh and the weather is awful, unless you like cold and rain, hence why many, including myself have chosen somewhere else to stay, even though in my case a fair way off retirement age.


    To try to get back on topic, Columbia looks good, climate, value, medical standards, transport are strong positives.

  12. On 4/18/2019 at 11:35 PM, Jingthing said:

    OK. I admit it. I find this guy hilarious. He's got a Medellin channel  and he's also on topic, so here's a taste.




    I found it of some interest although it took me about a minute in to the video to attune to his accent. That is not intended as any criticism.


    One important fact I gleaned from it which is of some importance to me is his comment about the transport system, buses, trams, even cable car.

    Wherever I choose to stay, spend some time in I want a good convenient transport system.

    Whilst I can drive gave that up about 10 years ago.Prefer to keep it that way.

    He stated that a return tram/cable car journey across town was less than  1 US$. 


    Yes I know, here in Pattaya the bahtbus  system is generally good, I use it.

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